[Date updated: 2023/01/17(Tue) 19:42:43]
 I wish I had the authority to ban people I don't like from
 using the internet
 I wish there was a button only I could press. A button that let me instantaneously shut its target off from all Internet communication. All I would need to do is press the button next to someones profile--and BAM! Gone forever. Wheneever they try to get onto any website, the computer recognizes them and asks them for a password only I know.
  It would be kind of like Death Note but for internet use. I would use my power to cleanse the internet of AIDS, political dogfighting and moralfaggotry!ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  That is very similar to my fantasy (´人`)
   Not everyone deserves using the internet (´∇`)
   User: 名なし
     I agree!
     A lot of people should have read-only internet access if any at all.
