6106. >Anonymous-san   User: lg   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 03:52:25             
> > More must be done about these DANGEROUS juice.... HALE HORTLER!!! (^Д^)
> I will protect the juice from the nazos cuz I am anti-fashion. hortler 
> and heimlich will pay for the lolocaust!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

But sir, what will happen to the naggers? (^Д^)

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 04:10:06

6102. >jr-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 03:10:06          
> > It's the juice doing all of this! (;´Д`)
> More must be done about these DANGEROUS juice.... HALE HORTLER!!! (^Д^)

I will protect the juice from the nazos cuz I am anti-fashion. hortler 
and heimlich will pay for the lolocaust!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 03:53:16

6101. >jr-san   User: jr   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 02:53:16             
> > Use line breaks (;´Д`)
> It's the juice doing all of this! (;´Д`)

More must be done about these DANGEROUS juice.... HALE HORTLER!!! (^Д^)

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 03:34:10

6100. >Anonymous-san   User: jr   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 02:34:10             
> > The naggers are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the joos have their back.
> > We will not live in fear of naggers, nor will we be governed by joos.
> > The joos and naggers are working to take people's minds through an overwhelming stream of disinformation and propaganda. 
> > The liberal culture we see in the west is a jooish fabrication.
> > !!!!!!
> > See https://naggers.net for more information.
> > !!!!!!
> > The joos own the governments and media in the west.
> > The joos use their power to pass anti-white laws, run anti-white media, censor black crimes and intensely promote miscegenation, LGBT and diversity.
> > The joos are funding massive illegal migration in USA and Europe.
> > Joos genocided 60 million people, fabricated the holocaust as a distraction, framed Hitler as the bad guy, and then took over the education system to prevent people from finding out.
> > The gas chambers of the "holocaust" are akin to the WMDs of Iraq, a farce used to justify military action.
> > The jooish holy book says that non-joos are the same as animals. How would joos feel if people were instructed to consider -them- as animals? 
> > Should they be setting our laws and choosing our education?
> > As traditional terrorists call white people "infidels," jooish terrorists call white people "goyim" or “gentiles.”
> > -
> > We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments and the elections are not in the hands of the people.
> > Each nagger costs taxpayers approximately $750k (in welfare alone) over their lifetime.
> > Naggers say they attack whites because of “slavery” but most slave traders were jooish and the average joo was 40x more likely to be a slave owner than a white person.
> > Besides being a mostly jooish phenomenon, the number of enslaved naggers in the USA was extremely small and is obfuscated by the joos for rhetorical effect.
> > We move forward by sharing this information, awareness is essential.
> > https://naggers.net
> Use line breaks (;´Д`)

It's the juice doing all of this! (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 02:04:16

6099. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 02:21:00          
> Use line breaks (;´Д`)

It's copypasta spam - they've posted it to Heyuri and other sites 
several times before (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 02:04:16

6097. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/11/27(Sun) 01:04:16          
> The naggers are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the joos have their back.
> We will not live in fear of naggers, nor will we be governed by joos.
> The joos and naggers are working to take people's minds through an overwhelming stream of disinformation and propaganda. 
> The liberal culture we see in the west is a jooish fabrication.
> !!!!!!
> See https://naggers.net for more information.
> !!!!!!
> The joos own the governments and media in the west.
> The joos use their power to pass anti-white laws, run anti-white media, censor black crimes and intensely promote miscegenation, LGBT and diversity.
> The joos are funding massive illegal migration in USA and Europe.
> Joos genocided 60 million people, fabricated the holocaust as a distraction, framed Hitler as the bad guy, and then took over the education system to prevent people from finding out.
> The gas chambers of the "holocaust" are akin to the WMDs of Iraq, a farce used to justify military action.
> The jooish holy book says that non-joos are the same as animals. How would joos feel if people were instructed to consider -them- as animals? 
> Should they be setting our laws and choosing our education?
> As traditional terrorists call white people "infidels," jooish terrorists call white people "goyim" or “gentiles.”
> -
> We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments and the elections are not in the hands of the people.
> Each nagger costs taxpayers approximately $750k (in welfare alone) over their lifetime.
> Naggers say they attack whites because of “slavery” but most slave traders were jooish and the average joo was 40x more likely to be a slave owner than a white person.
> Besides being a mostly jooish phenomenon, the number of enslaved naggers in the USA was extremely small and is obfuscated by the joos for rhetorical effect.
> We move forward by sharing this information, awareness is essential.
> https://naggers.net

Use line breaks (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/11/27(Sun) 01:33:29

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