7301. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/03/06(Mon) 19:11:29          
> > Not on tree view they don't ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> > It's worth noting that the only reason non-preformatted text looks OK 
> > on standard view is because CSS was added this software in recent 
> > times, and kuz increased the characters-per-line limit from 250 to 600 
> > without realizing why the limit was there in the first place (;´Д`)
> Isn't 250 characters limit too much as well? here is 250 times "A":
> I don't know kuz's reasoning, it could make sense to limit it at something
> like 80 but then long (especially with Japanese characters) links wouldn't
> go through (;´Д`)

I think it's probably for links as you said, though possibly for larger 
AA like these:
- https://randomcrapmuseum.neocities.org/exhibits/ayashii/fansite/genealogy
- https://randomcrapmuseum.neocities.org/exhibits/ayashii/fansite/starchart
- https://randomcrapmuseum.neocities.org/exhibits/ayashii/fansite/agstarmap

(translation and colorization by me ヽ(´ー`)ノ)

Regarding why it was increased here: when this board was first 
launched, nobody knew anything about this software nor Ayashii World, 
and the UI was only partially translated (and quite poorly in places) - 
complaints quickly came in that long posts weren't going through, so 
kuz simply increased the characters-per-line limit and it's been that 
way ever since

I think it was at a later date when we realized you're supposed to 
preformat your posts, Usenet style ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2023/03/06(Mon) 17:52:38

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