4154. >Kuznetsov-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/06/01(Wed) 20:53:08          
> Also, the people you "lost" from my actions elsewhere are better off not
> being here, unless you think the shitflinging this board has been for the last
> 10 minutes was how you want the entire site to look, because thats a taste
> of the users that dont like me, a bunch of 4chan idiots who cant be assed
> to adapt to the site or its culture and constantly write things they know
> nothing about.
> You yourself wrote previously about how they make huge wiki articles
> and long blogposts about things in japan they are clueless of, yet fail to 
> see how that can also apply to them when they write about me. You
> take a look at that thread and look at what they criticize me over.
> Firstly they think I spammed Heyuri and leaked users IP's, which is obviously
> untrue and a wrong retelling of history, since as we both know akima is the
> one who later admitted to all that AND for trying to frame me, then he 
> did it to my sites (strawberry heaven) too!
> Secondly they go on about gurochan, a site which hasnt had a single ounce
> of drama in over a year, and the former drama starter who is supposedly
> a victim of mine has been widely denounced by the users.
> You take a look at /dis/ and the /wiki/, on AE and on r/guro and you will
> see, NOT ONE single gurochan user likes straitjakit. In fact, they commonly
> write paragraphs upon paragraphs of why they hate him, and are extremely
> thankful to kaguya and I for restoring the site and its archives, and making
> it the largest iteration it has ever been. Again, a case of uninformed outsiders
> trying to write their perspective about events they have no idea of. And if
> there was anything you would want to challenge my stances on, straitjakit
> is one of the worst, as the situation with him is so 1 sided and dumb that his
> own former friends and moderators left (and joined kaguya!)
> Whats the rest? Shitty unsourced 30 paragraph long articles about me? Is
> it because I posted a few soyjaks in the past? (Which I did long before Heyuri
> existed). Is it because you had to see the letter K a few times before I quickly
> removed them from Heyuri for "public complaints" (which was just 1 or 2 people,
> no one actually gave a fuck)
> Is it because I fought back after some crazy pedo started accusing me of kidnapping
> people and installing spyware on their devices? 
> For some reason, you, who has known all of my work on Heyuri, chooses to fixate
> on exxagerated or false stories and absolutely minimize any good things I did to the
> site, you have a deadly case of contrarianism, and its making me ill! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

1. I'll give you the Rule 8 thing, as your name is in fact on the only 
   surviving archive of it I have to hand, but it only says that you'll 
   try to be lenient with it rather than it being attributed to you. I 
   don't believe you were the one who gave birth to Heyuri's current 
   culture though, because you were still checking digits and >green-
   texting before I commented on those things!

2. Akima's influence cannot be denied, and I'm also of the belief that 
   the lolico+kuz era wouldn't have ended the way that it did if Akima 
   had not been present. However, both you and lolico still played a 
   significant part in Heyuri's 2020 death and subsequent massive drop 
   in userbase and activity - that much is undeniable

   It's all in the past now, and tensions were obviously high, but both 
   you and lolico acted like selfish children and shat all over the 
   golden goose that was Heyuri with your stupid dicksword spats that 
   spilled out onto multiple different imageboards, while everyone else 
   (other than Akima and faganon) just wanted to have fun on teh 
   interwebs, but were forced to watch in horror as Heyuri's own staff 
   tore the site apart. In that moment, Pandora's box was opened - 
   Heyuri forever lost its innocence, and I'm still not over it (;´Д`)

3. Strange World (and Blue Strange World!) were both listed on 
   bbs.kolyma.org prior to the "de-kolyma-ization", and you announced 
   its transition to Heyuri as part of the "de-kolyma-ization". And the 
   only person who was ever vocally against the move was faganon, so 
   there was nothing risky about it!

4. The partybus wasn't the 9ch tripfags - they were regularly posting 
   on Heyuri already before the first partybus arrived. The partybus 
   was the sudden wave of rapidly created threads and replies made by 
   anonymous users that seemingly came out of nowhere, and left just as 
   sudenly as they arrived - much like we saw here earlier today. I 
   don't remember exactly when it was, but I remember it was after the 
   LOL Heyuri!!1 flash had been posted to 4chan's /f/ and we started to 
   get a few posters from there - that must have been around a month 
   after you invited 9ch users to Heyuri


6. The initial zchan ad was just a single post from them on Heyuri:
   https://archive.ph/7nDsN (2020/05/11) back when cavalier was still 
   co-admin, and they received a single retaliatory Heyuri ad on zchan 
   from lolico (not archived as far as I'm aware, but he mentioned that 
   he would keep the zchan ad up as long as they kept the Heyuri one up)

   Then after you became co-admin there was another ad from them:
   https://archive.ph/OQthb (2020/05/29) and I believe that's when you 
   waged a mini-war against them. Existence status: unquestioned!!!

7. Actually I thought the sudden boost in activity here was fun, and it 
   was fairly friendly and harmless all things considered ヽ(´ー`)ノ

8. I don't care about the intricacies of your wars with other websites/
   individuals or their wars with you - I just haet that we're always 
   freaking associated with it, and we can't advertise Heyuri or the 
   kewl stuff Heyuri does to anyone because it's always the same "kuz 
   kuz kuz" crap. Plus you always show up to the threads to defend your-
   self in the most retarded and obvious fashion possible, making the 
   situation 200x worse (;´Д`)

9. I do know all your work on Heyuri - I praise you for the things you 
   deserve praise for (like continuing to host Heyuri at what I assume 
   is a loss, being generally very lenient and tolerant in terms of 
   what we are allowed to post despite everything, and just all the 
   countless things you did for Heyuri during teh golden age and in 
   bringing the site back to life) and I frown upon the things you 
   deserve frowns for (which I think I've elaborated on enough already!)

   I refuse to blindly believe any random bullshit rumor about you, but 
   at the same time I refuse to blindly mongle your cock - I will look 
   at things as objectively and truthfully as I'm able to with the 
   information I have, because I like to be comftorably correct (;^Д^)

Reference: 2022/06/01(Wed) 13:24:49

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