10786. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/12/10(Sun) 12:14:47          
> please unblock tor on heyuri, i can't even view posts using tor because heyuri uses cloudflare (;´Д`)
> (heyuri shouldn't be using cloudflare either, it's a MITM/backdoor..)
> screenshot: https://box.patchouli.moe/vsboUayK.PNG

Why does it being a MITM/Backdoor (a kind of silly claim given the 
context of cloudflares purpose) even matter for heyuri? Theres no logins 
or anything here so theres really no attack vector that users need to 
worry about Σ(;゚Д゚)

Reference: 2023/12/10(Sun) 08:19:12

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