[Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 07:51:01]
 work is draining me every day (ρ_;)
 i haven't drawn anything the whole week (;_;)
                   /\             /  Is this how you do ascii art?                     |
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 it is mangled
  what does the site look like for you
  because it looks like this with the correct font:
  like this https://up.heyuri.net/src/3680.png
   Wrong fonter!!!
    how do i change it? what is the name of the font? how can i make it work with firefox?
     this AND MORE! Stay tuned for "Strange World Stories" to have these questions answered!
     MS Gothic is teh one, but any Japanese monospace font will suffice ヽ(´ー`)ノ
