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Latest 30 posts 

 [Date updated: 2024/07/27(Sat) 07:08:02]
 Does everyone else do any muscle training?(;´Д`)
 i been going 2times/week for past 2 months
   i may me a loser, but i am a strong hardcore lolicon loser! (^Д^)
   i do enjoy it, it's kind of fun to do something else time to time

 [Date updated: 2024/07/27(Sat) 04:38:59]
 They probably rarely discuss the North Korean government and just talk about JAV
 teh sekrit JAV ring

 [Date updated: 2024/07/27(Sat) 00:36:00]
 There is no point for lifting unless you do physical labor or need it 
  for health somehow. It costs a lot of time after all (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 23:15:44]
 Muscle training? you mean lifting? Do you even mean lifting bro? Do you even lift?

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 19:17:22]
  this is a better type of sumo (´ー`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 17:11:13]
 I wonder if there are underground dial up BBSes in North Korea(;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 16:56:10]
 I feel that the symbol of France, the French, are missing

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 10:00:14]
 France has made Olympic plans around the SGD, 
  but I feel that the symbol of France, the revolution, is missing.(;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 09:39:03]
 North Korea might be better than an Olympics hosted by France.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 07:51:01]
 work is draining me every day (ρ_;)
 i haven't drawn anything the whole week (;_;)
                   /\             /  Is this how you do ascii art?                     |
                /__\        /_________________________________|
                  |   |
             /            \
            |   |       |   |
 it is mangled
  what does the site look like for you
  because it looks like this with the correct font:
  like this
   Wrong fonter!!!
    how do i change it? what is the name of the font? how can i make it work with firefox?
     this AND MORE! Stay tuned for "Strange World Stories" to have these questions answered!
     MS Gothic is teh one, but any Japanese monospace font will suffice ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 07:46:52]
 求めよ、さらば与えられん ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/26(Fri) 05:55:56]
 Oh porous is he who lives in a pineapple under the seea?

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 18:06:41]
 Roriita Konpurekkusu~♪

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 17:13:35]
 stop acting like pedos already!!!!!!!
 you must be a loli... and i'll have you know it's not an act!!! and 
   check ur windows to see if they're locked... becoz IM ON MAI WAY FOR 

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 17:01:47]
 strawberry milkshake has to be a gift from a loli-kami! ( ´ω`)
 Strawberry plus milk is almost as holy as loli piss (´人`)
  imagine if combine loli piss & strawberry milkshake...
   how fresh is the loli piss?

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 11:59:26]
 my cock is bigger

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 05:43:40]
 γ⌒ヽ γ⌒ヽ     γ⌒ヽ γ⌒ヽ
  (  人 )(  人 )    (  人 )(  人 ) ゝ
  ||| |||  ゝヽ|||/|||/
  |||ゝ|||γ⌒ヽ ||| |||
  |||\|||(  人 )|||\|||
  ||| |||(`∇´)||| |||
  You wouldn't survive in the 
  FOREST OF COCK anyway.

 [Date updated: 2024/07/25(Thu) 04:30:54]
 Who let wimenz on ayashii??(;`Д´)
 I mean it was with a woman
 without women, we will be trapped solely in the FOREST OF COCK
  instead of being able to visit the MANKO WETLANDS (*´人`*)
  chinpo without manko is GAY
  Chinpo with manko is GAY. Lo, you are the gayest chinpo possessor in the whole world if you wish to use it with a manko (ノД^、)σ
   you really believe that???
            / wwwwwwwwwww│
    you truly do reside in the FOREST OF COCK, with only the CAVES OF MAN♂ASS to take shelter...
    how STUNNINGLY gay...
    But according to well renowned Gayologists, the gayest thing you can do 
      is procreate with a woman because the woman is focused 100% on your 
      dick, which is considered gay. In fact, the very notion of concentrating 
      on penis for any purpose is scientifically gay, up to and including, 
      masturbation. Additionally, studies have shown that any male who still 
      has a penis is, indeed, quite gay.
      It is known. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 22:31:57]
 ah, sumo is so much fun to watch ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 it's so fast and exciting, just these giant tough motherfuckers going 
 HEAD TO HEAD in a battle of MIGHT
 even if I absolutely don't want to see the crotch of these HUGE MEN
 was watching some of this month's tournament footage
 probably won't embed, but here's the link:
 I think mostly old people actually watch sumo in Japan (;^Д^)
  thx for sharing anyways
  The old folks know what's up. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    It does seem like it would be an old person thing, it's a very traditional affair.
    honestly though, I'm old folks now (´人`)
    really, is anyone here under like 30

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 22:20:34]

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 21:50:56]
 It's understandable, but remember everyone breaks a toilet bowl or
  two while fiercely shitting

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 21:43:46]

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 21:31:03]
 That's good, but lern 2 break your lines too!

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 20:56:08]
 I'll wash myself in the morning and I'll wash myself at night.
 It's too hot(´-`)
 It's getting a little better in my area at least, but still hellish (´-`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 20:55:01]
 User: hachikuji
 doctor i has a question! when i was a shota i would get lighters and
 hold down the button so it would release the gas, then i would breath in
 all the fumes through my nose. Would that haev been enough to gives 
 me brain problems?
 ordinary doctors would say that, but it was actually a magic potion to
   lead you to あやしい ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 03:05:30]
 had a car crash (TДT)
 did someone hit you
  or did you hit something (;´Д`)
  I bumped into another car doing a U-turn in the middle of the road ヽ(`Д´)ノ
     that has to suck
     always balls when someone is doing some dumb bullshit on the road
     and it causes you problems (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/24(Wed) 00:23:32]
 I've been in this room for way too long... how do people be hikiNEET (;´Д`)
 I can understand being NEET easily, fuck work ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 but being stuck in the room is hell
 maybe it's worse just because I'm sick (´人`)
 if I felt well, I could tolerate it maybe
 or maybe I would still feel jailed
 imprisoned even (;`Д´)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/23(Tue) 21:50:54]
             /|                /)
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            |,--|  /Q...... /. (/
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                '(     )'
               /+|     |+|
               |,/     |,/  

 [Date updated: 2024/07/23(Tue) 19:55:54]
  pleasing breasts....! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/23(Tue) 19:19:36]
 I think it's safe to assume you are one of those weaklings too weak to do it (`ー´)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/23(Tue) 18:53:40]
 Every man evar has tried to such a penis at least once. His own penis,
  that is. Rarely anyone ever manages sucking it though (´∇`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/23(Tue) 18:33:56]
 I want to suck on a penis!
 Then go find one! Gobble that knob!
  just remember though, if you have a cock and you're sucking cock:
  that's GAY
 same >///<

Shown above are threads 1 through 32, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.