12565. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/25(Thu) 22:15:42          
> > work is draining me every day (ρ_;)
> > i haven't drawn anything the whole week (;_;)
> >                                      _______________________________
> >                   /\             /  Is this how you do ascii art?                     |
> >                /__\        /_________________________________|
> >               (´-`)
> >                  |   |
> >             /            \
> >            |   |       |   |
> it is mangled
> what does the site look like for you
> because it looks like this with the correct font:
> https://up.heyuri.net/src/3679.png

like this https://up.heyuri.net/src/3680.png

Reference: 2024/07/25(Thu) 19:47:13

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