12046.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/07(Fri) 23:38:39          
There was a point when I realized that everything I liked was 
underground through no intention of my own, and I kinda  hate it, lmao.

Even if the light of the mainstream is radioactive and mutagenic to that 
which stands under its rays, it would mean I'd be able to talk about the 
shit I like with people.

Some of it is underground in a "lol you fucking enjoy ____" way, while 
some of it is underground in a "I've never heard of ____" way, some of 
it is "I know of ____ but it's too hardcore for me", some of it (a lot 
of it) used to not be underground but it's not hip anymore, and some of 
it is just not being able to discuss eromanga with people (this one is 
fair, you can't talk about your hypnosis incest megane loli hentai with
anyone in real life).

The music I listen to is ancient/never was aboveground in any capacity, 
I watch kodomo anime and shoujo shows more than anything vs anything 
like what Crunchyroll is pushing these days. The games I play are either 
incredibly old, incredibly niche, or both. The shit I watch on YouTube...
some of it is hyper-mainstream, but not much. I don't watch any streamers
or anything. 

Some of it is me abandoning various forms of mainstream media, whether 
it be that I end up thinking it sucks, or because it's just like kinda 
depressing/infuriating. I don't watch broadcast TV at all and haven't in 
15 years. I don't have a streaming subscription service that I use. I 
dropped several major social media sites because the algorithm went 
insane and stopped putting anything I actually wanted to see in front of 
me in favor of bullshit designed to elicit a response.

Even in the underground, I'm feel a bit too underground. I dropped 4chan
after  realizing that no one left actually wanted to talk about anything.
I stayed on for years longer than I probably should have because there 
were pockets where I could still talk about things. They're not 100% gone,
but they're gone enough that it just isn't worth the effort.

I guess I still watch mainstream movies sometimes? Did anyone else see
The Menu? That shit was great. I try to go to the theater to watch movies
but the theater closest to me closed down, the next closest one is
increasingly run down, the one close to where my friend lives is alright
but that's far as shit, and the one close to the Round 1 arcade I visit
sucks so we still have to drive to a different theater. (´Д`)

It's not all bad (again, the light of the mainstream alters whatever 
stands beneath it in hideous, twisted ways), and in some ways, I feel 
smug as hell about it... but it's rough being quite this disconnected 
from things. ┐(゚~゚)┌

either way,

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