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Latest 30 posts 

12347.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 07:32:21          
It's black gamers, nyoo!!! They are trying to create a new market 
with WHITE sleeping!

12346.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 03:43:20          
It's obvious that white mask lobbyists have bought out legislators to make laws against producing black sleep masks, to boost the white sleep mask profits

12345.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 03:42:24          
Why do they even make white sleep masks?

12344. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 21:04:45          
> > yeah, don't do that, buy a black one
> > (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
> they only had white ones! (;`-´)
dye it then
or get some black cloth and put that under the mask

my masks suck too (they aren't white though lmao) so I double up and I use the reverse side of one and 
use the other one to hold it in place on my face lol  ┐(⌒∇⌒)┌

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 20:04:17

12343. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 20:04:17          
> > i fucking did that, and that thing was white and fucking useless!!
> > Who teh fuck maeks a WHITE sleeping mask, shit was useless!!! (╬⊙Д⊙)
> yeah, don't do that, buy a black one
> (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
they only had white ones! (;`-´)

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 18:32:36

12342. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 18:32:36          
> i fucking did that, and that thing was white and fucking useless!!
> Who teh fuck maeks a WHITE sleeping mask, shit was useless!!! (╬⊙Д⊙)
yeah, don't do that, buy a black one

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 17:53:54

12341. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 17:53:54          
> > teh sun is my enemy, i haev to put up curtains and cover my windows
> > with thick paper to be able to sleep (`~´)
> buy an eye mask
> two even, put one on top of the other
> best decision I've made in some time, no more waking up pointlessly 
> early just because the sun is up ヽ(´∇`)ノ

i fucking did that, and that thing was white and fucking useless!!
Who teh fuck maeks a WHITE sleeping mask, shit was useless!!! (╬⊙Д⊙)

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 16:57:30

12340. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 16:57:30          
> teh sun is my enemy, i haev to put up curtains and cover my windows
> with thick paper to be able to sleep (`~´)

buy an eye mask
two even, put one on top of the other

best decision I've made in some time, no more waking up pointlessly 
early just because the sun is up ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/02(Tue) 16:16:14

12339. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 15:48:48          
> I wanted to paste this Shift-JIS piece I made onto here, but at least on
> my device, the font doesn't render it properly.
> A link to Boards shall do I guess... Opinions? (´∇`)

I like her tummy ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 05:39:12

12338. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 05:45:36          
> I wanted to paste this Shift-JIS piece I made onto here, but at least on
> my device, the font doesn't render it properly.
> A link to Boards shall do I guess... Opinions? (´∇`)

Very eroi, but her eye bags look a little big (;゚∇゚)

Reference: 2024/07/06(Sat) 05:39:12

12337.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 05:39:12          
I wanted to paste this Shift-JIS piece I made onto here, but at least on
my device, the font doesn't render it properly.
A link to Boards shall do I guess... Opinions? (´∇`)

12336.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 05:00:40          
also, as a palette cleanser from all that HARSH music
have something dark, smooth, and cool! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
all the mixes on this channel are cool as fuck

12335. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/06(Sat) 04:48:04          
> Run that shit back, my selecta! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Even though I know it's the point, I feel like they munged teh audio
there too damn much...

I ended up looking through the rest of the uploads from that channel,
and the title of this made me lol a little. (^Д^)
japanese torture comedy hour!

I used to be into harsh noise a long time ago, like 15 or so years ago,
so there'd be a point where I'd listen to this without pretense or
Nowadays, I need some kind of musicality or rhythm. It can still be
obscenely harsh music, but it can't be completely atonal and arrhythmic.

Reference: 2024/07/05(Fri) 14:50:35

12334.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 20:31:52 

photography of a dude serving in Afghanistan posing with a board game 
that criticizes American imperialism

12333. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 16:42:37          
> A sense of wonder mixed with classical music.(´ー`)

Yeah, because it makes me *wonder* why I'm listening to this load of horseradish! (´∇`)σ

Reference: 2024/07/05(Fri) 16:02:55

12332.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 16:02:55          
What is the identity of the unique sound of Arab music?
A sense of wonder mixed with classical music.(´ー`)

12330.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 14:50:35          
Run that shit back, my selecta! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

12329.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 13:52:59          
Stop posting all  yer damn musics!

12328. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 11:24:43          

12327.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/05(Fri) 09:57:15          
(´~`) music is up 2 max

12326. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 14:47:08          
i guess i am a fag, but i also fap to straight pr0nz

> > i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
> > i was exclusively into hentai, i couldn't even get hard looking at regular porn and that caused
> > me immense distress, especially when i started watching loli hentai, i thought i was going to
> > become mentally ill or something (ρ_;)
> > after that i tried to limit my hentai intake in hopes of "curing" myself, but that had the side effect
> > of putting me on regular porn with more and more degenerate fetishes, i begun watching stuff
> > i'd never even thought i'd watch like trans porn,  gay porn and some other fetishes i'm too ashamed
> > of to admit even anonymously... i feel like i was a better person when jacking to hentai (ρ_;)
> It's fun fapping to new and exotic things. Don't fret, nobody can read minds (yet) ヽ(´ー`)ノ

it's not about what others think because i won't ever tell them about it obvs, it's that I feel ashamed
of myself, some of the stuff i wouldn't want to happen irl EVER and yet i fapped to them (´Д`)

Reference: 2024/07/04(Thu) 12:50:05

12325. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 14:38:38          
> i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
> i was exclusively into hentai, i couldn't even get hard looking at regular porn and that caused
> me immense distress, especially when i started watching loli hentai, i thought i was going to
> become mentally ill or something (ρ_;)
> after that i tried to limit my hentai intake in hopes of "curing" myself, but that had the side effect
> of putting me on regular porn with more and more degenerate fetishes, i begun watching stuff
> i'd never even thought i'd watch like trans porn,  gay porn and some other fetishes i'm too ashamed
> of to admit even anonymously... i feel like i was a better person when jacking to hentai (ρ_;)

FAG! (´∇`)σ

Reference: 2024/07/04(Thu) 09:24:04

12324. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 14:04:19          
> seems we've recently passed 700K page views ヽ(´∇`)ノ
hooray!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/04(Thu) 13:58:01

12323.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 13:58:01          
seems we've recently passed 700K page views ヽ(´∇`)ノ

12322. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 13:46:11          
> i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
> i was exclusively into hentai, i couldn't even get hard looking at regular porn and that caused
> me immense distress, especially when i started watching loli hentai, i thought i was going to
> become mentally ill or something (ρ_;)
> after that i tried to limit my hentai intake in hopes of "curing" myself, but that had the side effect
> of putting me on regular porn with more and more degenerate fetishes, i begun watching stuff
> i'd never even thought i'd watch like trans porn,  gay porn and some other fetishes i'm too ashamed
> of to admit even anonymously... i feel like i was a better person when jacking to hentai (ρ_;)

homosex0r pr0nz!?

Reference: 2024/07/04(Thu) 09:24:04

12321. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 12:50:05          
> i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
> i was exclusively into hentai, i couldn't even get hard looking at regular porn and that caused
> me immense distress, especially when i started watching loli hentai, i thought i was going to
> become mentally ill or something (ρ_;)
> after that i tried to limit my hentai intake in hopes of "curing" myself, but that had the side effect
> of putting me on regular porn with more and more degenerate fetishes, i begun watching stuff
> i'd never even thought i'd watch like trans porn,  gay porn and some other fetishes i'm too ashamed
> of to admit even anonymously... i feel like i was a better person when jacking to hentai (ρ_;)

It's fun fapping to new and exotic things. Don't fret, nobody can read minds (yet) ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/04(Thu) 09:24:04

12319. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 01:09:21          
> > this man is having a Fuwa Fuwa Time !
> >
> I blindly clicked the link expecting the classic video of the muscular guitarist with K-On audio on top, but what I got was even better.
> A subversion of expectations by exceeding my already goofy expectations in a way which I did not think could happen. (*'ー')
it's especially funny looking at his old video thumbnails, seeing this 
fairly ordinary looking dude, then there's a gap of like 3 years and you 
just suddenly see him get progressively more jacked each upload (´∇`)

Reference: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:48:01

12318.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 23:44:28  
now THIS is music ヽ(´∇`)ノ

(otoge songs made to be hard are usually some of the most baffling shit lmao)

12317.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 21:11:33          
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 earlier...              | A |             || |  
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12316. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 20:50:33          
> Why isn't Mattari AA linked on the sidebar? Why am I still alive?
mattari is linked on the ayashii main page and the CGI sidebar

Reference: 2024/07/03(Wed) 19:10:55

Shown above are posts 1 through 30, in order of newest to oldest.