[Date updated: 2023/04/08(Sat) 03:51:58]
 User: goblinmane
 how is eburrybody doing this fine morning? (just noticed its 2pm my time!!?? (;゚Д゚))
 today feels like it has the potential to be a good day :)
 I slept through the morning, so good I'd say. It's 10PM here. It was an average day but maybe it can be a good night/evening ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 I think today is much better since it's Friday and I said go away to my job in the morning. Working weeks should be 4 days, definitely.
  User: goblinmane
   Today should be a day of rest anyways so good on you ^-^
   Happy Good Friday guys! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   Happy Good Friday 2 u 2 ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    Thanks guys.
     I love my job, but when half of the team is laid off and I need to do all sysops shit done by myself only, it feels so tiresome. 2 days of weekend are just not enough to rest. 
     Anyway, I shared my updates and now I'm totally free. Watching "From", good TV show. And what are you doing this Friday evening (or your part of the day)?
     User: goblinmane
      watched a little anime in the morning,went out to eat some foods after, shopped around the stores a little bit, and gonna go to church with family later tonight
      Saturday morning. Peaceful enough. I'm reading this sad little book 
       about some teenage girl in the early '70s turning junkie. It's called 
       'Don't Ask Alice'ヽ(´ー`)ノ
       Go* Ask Alice, rather...
