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 [Date updated: 2024/06/17(Mon) 10:17:10]
 i have over 15000 unsorted images in my computer (´ー`)
 tiem to sort... and if they're all unix file names then good luck 
  thinking of names 4 all of them (´∇`)σ
 get to work lol
 ││move a few at a time every day and name/sort them ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 ││I'm in a similar situation, I have to do that for like 10k pics
 ││I'm being lazier and just naming them as I see them, although I wish my image viewer made this less hassle
 │├...shit. I lied, there are like 61k images here. (゚ー゚)
 ││ I just got home and actually checked how much was in the folder. It's 
 ││ not 100% unsorted, but...
 ││ It's rough. It's mostly unsorted. I'll probably never finish, but oh 
 ││ well. (´ー`;)
 │└with time i think i will be able to name them all, i have the unique problem where i don't know how to classify some
   of them because some of them could fit in 2 or more folders (for example i have a folder for reactions and a folder for
   funny stuff and some cat pictures could fit in both)
   also i found out i had partially sorted them ages ago so i have a bunch of folders that i have to empty out and re-sort
   because they are not descriptive enough (i have a "cool stuff" folder that contains OC, random funny yt videos and
   even flash animations) (´ー`)
 i used t o be in the same boat
   over 20k
   i fucking deleted them all
   just do it. you never look at them

 [Date updated: 2024/06/17(Mon) 10:13:09]
 Everything I have is at /Documents . Maybe all of you are just retards because I know where everything is and have no problem

 [Date updated: 2024/06/17(Mon) 04:01:52]
 User: Hitler
  Let us help you

 [Date updated: 2024/06/16(Sun) 19:32:46]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/16(Sun) 18:33:23]
 User: Hitler
 wazzup niggaz. yall need sum loliz?
 psst, pal... you got sum lolis for cheep? I know you liek lolis 
   fuhrer-san (゚ー゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/16(Sun) 10:31:04]
 User: Hitler
  WHY should you be asleep?

 [Date updated: 2024/06/16(Sun) 07:14:12]
 I should be asleep but I'm not. ┐(゚~゚)┌

 [Date updated: 2024/06/15(Sat) 20:33:47]
 We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. 
 Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. 
 Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive 
 state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or 
 will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this 
 sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!

 [Date updated: 2024/06/15(Sat) 19:27:26]
 Nazis are spamming my Strange World!?
 Hitler is still alive... and he advertises exclusively on!
  does he have a loli folder
   Ja, und itz very lolicious!

 [Date updated: 2024/06/15(Sat) 14:37:20]
 User: Adolf Hitler
  huge nazi collection. 131 MBs. mein fuhrer! battleship of die deutschland! white paradise!
  praise nazism! ->

 [Date updated: 2024/06/15(Sat) 11:22:06]
 I would stop every now and then to click and do something else, but my penis was out the entire time

 [Date updated: 2024/06/14(Fri) 19:15:02]
 lately masturbation hasn't felt that great, i mostly get hard while imagining
 my waifu and I having lots of sex and i even hugged my pillow pretending it's her
 i got to the point where i was about to cum without even touching my pen0r
 sadly she isn't real (ρ_;)
 when fapping isn't that great, just stop for like a week
  then it'll be better again ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  honestly, people fap too much, it's much better when you space it out vs doing it
  multiple times a day ┐(゚~゚)┌
  i've had some pretty bad faps lately but im not sure if it's due to that
    it doesn't help that some really awful stuff has begun making me hard, so i fap
    to that because it gets me hard but at the end i don't feel good at all because
    i actually hate the fetish (´~`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/14(Fri) 11:30:29]
 I've been masturbating for 11 hours
 With no breaks?! (;゚Д゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 20:10:25]
 Tokyo Ghetto Pussy!!! I love super horny Euro dance music (Tokyo Ghetto 
 Pussy are European despite the aesthetic), the world started getting shittier a
 fter this stuff went out of fashion.
 E-rotic is great fun. I know them almost entirely because of DDR and StepManiax.
   I dunno about the whole world, but DDR totally started being a lot lamer when they stopped
   with all of the eurodance licenses. It's not just better music, it's outright perfect
   for the game. Doujin/Vocaloid/Touhou licenses and in-house tunes are cheaper probably, or
   involve less hassle, but fuck (I like all three of those things, but setlists NEED more
   proper dance tunes. (´ー`)
   Bring back the sound of the clubs. Bring back DANCEMANIA! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 19:47:27]
 i masturbated 3 times today, my room smells like cum... (´π`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 19:01:38]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 16:43:50]
 why the long face

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 06:26:41]
 User: anonon

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 05:33:35]
  the fuck was TOKYO GHETTO PUSSY doing that they got to have a pussy out animated loli dancing in their music video?
  I've never seen this video, so I was genuinely surprised that they animated their logo.
  it's too good... (^Д^)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 05:09:46]
 This world ain't so strange, actually ┐(゚~゚)┌
    ∧ ∧        ____________________
     (;゚∇゚)     /                    \
     ,<_ _>,   <  You sure about that? │
    `  |-|  `    \____________________/
      || ||
    /_| |_\
     `     `

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 02:46:28]
 Would the semenites chain you to a wall and force you to wank all day so that they can have an infinite manpower poole?

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 01:33:57]
 I'm watching Magical Play and boy, I'd fuck Zucchini.
  Imagine having your own hyper-dedicated shota... ヽ(*´∇`*)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 00:27:36]
 Don't do it, it's wrong

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 00:11:45]
 User: hachikuji
 is having sex with a little girl worth DEATH?
 it is both that which could not be and an escape from this wretched world  (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
  so like, I guess so! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 Σ(゚д゚|||)> is having sex with a little girl worth DEATH?

 [Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 00:06:46]
 I think I remember seeing that post about the cum rag mushroom spawn.
 Honestly, I just use a paper towel and I immediately bin it when done... 
 I recently upgraded to disposing my semen tissues in the toilet 
  instead of letting them pile up in my bin for months ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  That's how I've always done too. Get 4 squares of toilet paper, fold it 
   from middle, place it on my belly and make it cover ペニス before 射精, then 
   just flush it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   I put it to my desk to flush later on, but it disappeared while I was 
   doing something else on PC (;´Д`)
    I can only hope some weird organization out there won't make millions of 
     clones of me and let them loose near my house for lols (;´Д`)
     It's too late, we already have a million semen clones at our disposal! 
      And they're all lolis made from your DNA! (`∇´)
      I propose an alternative narritive! The semen tissue simply gained 
       conciousness! all the cum particles came together to form one being, and 
       now it has escaped into the world...
       this is exactly why you should always thank your cum for making you feel good ヽ(`Д´)ノ
       ││if it ever gains sentience it will spare you from the human extermination
       │└Fuck... What if all the semen I flushed down to sewers are still alive 
       │ │and plotting against me for revenge? (;゚∇゚)
       │ │
       │ └Or maybe it just wants to find its way back home and reunite with its
         father in harmony? Would you accept your semen child with open arms?
         what if he is just pretending to get close to me and kill all my loved ones?!
       (*'ー')> > It's too late, we already have a million semen clones at our disposal! 
         (`∇´)ε≡Ξヽ( ^Д^)ノΣ(゚д゚|||)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/12(Wed) 23:38:35]
 (´Д`)Hi(´Д`) is anybody here?
 I am here ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/12(Wed) 22:07:53]
 the semen creature you have spawned is damned
 it MUST die for the sake of humanity (╬⊙Д⊙)
 it will kill us all, and it cannot reproduce
 it is neither a friend nor the next evolution (´Д`;)
 what if the semen-tissue creature wriggles inside a womb? Btw it's 
   life-span is as long as it doesn't get crusted, if it gets crusted it 
   can't move anymore...

 [Date updated: 2024/06/12(Wed) 06:26:41]
 But they're still in baby stage right? IT'S AWW RIGHT

 [Date updated: 2024/06/11(Tue) 22:03:05]
 personally i don't use semen tissues, i just let it go in my pants or

 [Date updated: 2024/06/11(Tue) 16:24:42]
 Mushroom children?

Shown above are threads 1 through 30, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.