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 [Date updated: 2024/06/02(Sun) 12:42:27]
 Thanks for the info about line breaks, I will follow suit!
 In the dream I had, it was the year 10000 AD and the world had become
 unlivable. Instead, all of humanity seemed to live in these bubble
 cities at the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean. But there were
 also some kinds of cars that drove on the seafloor and a person waiting
 at the gate of the city to let us in. We were riding in one of these
 underwater taxi things and approaching the city. The guard looked like a
 military guy. He had some kind of small apparatus in front of his mouth
 that seemed to allow him to breathe underwater. We were all wearing them
 in fact, so even though we were underwater we didn't have to wear diving
 suits or anything. I'm not sure why the cities were in bubbles in that
 case, but it might have had something to do with the other most
 memorable part of the dream: the giant squids. In the distance, there
 were HUGE squids. Like giant squids, but way larger than even the
 largest of those... they were the size of jumbo jets at least.
 Anyway, it was one of the most memorable dreams I ever had. I find it
 frustrating because I know there were several other "glimpses" into the
 future of different dates in that dream, but the only one I remember was
 10000 AD, which was seemingly the final one.
 sounds neat
   I can't remember any of my cool dreams when I want to, and when you get 
   up (really, anything that moves your lower body at all), it completely 
   goes away.
   having the bubbles over the city could also be for defense in depth, so 
   you could still breathe while inside if your breather unit thingy failed 

 [Date updated: 2024/06/02(Sun) 06:53:43]
 for kaguya-sama ( ´ω`)
 vanira-sama is cute! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  First time i seen her, you should buy her! RARE!!!
    Make your otaku power stronger! ъ( ゚ー^)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/02(Sun) 02:36:49]
 I love the colors on the background of this page. It reminds me of a dream I had as a kid where all of humanity was living in bubble cities at the bottom of the ocean in the distant future.
 this place has a wonderful aesthetic
  it definitely does feel like something out of a dream
  if it's supposed to look strange on purpose (and I wouldn't be even a little
  surprised if it was), then good fucking job, seriously ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  there was that bit just mentioned where the original incarnation of ayashii
  was in fact supposed to be an underground sort of place, so again, it really
  would not be surprising
  I'm not sure if ur aware, but the board software we're using here is a 
   real Ayashii World software that can be traced back to the late 90s, 
   and has continued development into current times. It's not something 
   Heyuri made (besides translation and the kaomoji buttons), or some kind 
   of replica - it's teh real deal! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Going back to 1996-1997, Ayashii World originally just used whatever 
   background color the free service they were using had. When they 
   switched to actually installing the board software themselves in Sept 
   1997, they mostly used #007f7f. This was in line with the general 
   aesthetics of Windows 95, Netscape, and many other things of the era
   In May 1998, Shiba changed the background color to #004040, which was 
   initially controversial but quickly mass-adopted. This is what we're 
   using now, and what the majority of Ayashii World-type sites have used 
   since (although there are other branches with different colors - 
   Honten, Nazo, etc.). It's often described in Ayashii texts as being 
   like a blackboard ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   there is also teh line breaker that's unique to us. Newbs, plz get used 
     to breaking your lines!
     also u can easily preview what it would look like with different colors 
     from User Settings buttan, here is #007f7f
     I think Shiba's ver is better, if for nothing else, mai eyes (;^Д^)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/02(Sun) 02:28:17]
 Weed yuri
 There is something off with that certain onee-sama pervert (;゚∇゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/01(Sat) 19:27:08]
 Also this is cool

 [Date updated: 2024/06/01(Sat) 09:39:09]
 awezum OST! ( ´ω`)
 That movie kicked ass. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/01(Sat) 02:20:46]
                       │ where's my fucking money, crab │
                        \             __ -----__
                        v \       __--          --__      />
          △    △         v\      (●)             --__/ /
         △△__△△          v\                           /
      (.○n○)              |                         /
          /      \             |                         -
   └┴─(_________)─┬┐   ^/                       __  -
        ノ ソ ソ | ヘ        ^/                      __-  \ -
      / / / 丿   ヽ    ^/                    __--       \-
     │ shit (;´Д`)│
 and yes, I was trying to make a crab and only added the text because it 
   absolutely wasn't obvious lmao (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

 [Date updated: 2024/05/31(Fri) 22:04:37]
 faggot! (´∇`)σ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/31(Fri) 19:45:47]
 i once found a link somewhere in heyuri that lead to a page describing the
 history of BBs and imageboards but i forgot where, can anyone tell me where i can find it?
 There's a page on the wiki about that topic, if that's what you mean:
  Otherwise, I can only think of
  Maybe that one is the one you're thinking of? I hope this helps! (;^Д^)
  that's not it (though im going to save the links anyway ヽ(´∇`)ノ)
   the one i found was a page with black background and a huge text of the history
   since the 90s, maybe even before then i cant remember and it had links to archives
   and translation notes (since the history of BBs seems to be mainly japanese)
   the one thing i remember reading there was that the person who invented one of the
   first BBs wanted it to be "underground" so he "chose cp" to make it underground, whatever that means,
   and he also got into trouble because someone announced their plans to kill people there
   Sounds liek it could be this:
    One day I will go back to working on it, I swear (;´Д`)
    that's it! thank you!
     you're the one who made it? (;゚Д゚)
     Yes! least the site and the translation - the original Japanese 
      text was written long, long ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
      Sadly my translation is far from complete, although there's this 
      preexisting effort by someone else who got further with it (although
      there's a lot of "Engrish" which makes it hard to understand):
      Thank you for making this. When I first came across this I showed it to my boyfriend and he didn't understand. He still doesn't.(;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/05/31(Fri) 19:42:30]
 Looks like marijuana-tan
   .       □□       .
   □△.     .□□.     .△□
   □.@□.   □.@@@□   .□@@□
   □.@@@□. .:□.@@@□:. .□@@@.□
    .[@□.@@@□▽□□□□@@@@□@].        ~
   □@@□□□■■■■■■□□□@@□   ~~
  □▽□ □■■◇■■◇■■□ □▽□   ~~~
      □■■◇■■◇■■□ ____    ~~
        .□□□□□□.    ````
        '□□□□□□' weedyuri-tan!
  lol ъ( ゚ー^)
  When I went to shibuya I tried to buy some weed-yuri. Just got strange looks and cursed out.

 [Date updated: 2024/05/31(Fri) 18:10:43]
 for a super power I will personally choose super speed, agility and reflexes.
 I know it is not the most optimal, but it is the coolest
 and that's what matters
 remember, it's only cool if your brain perceives time like normal on the super speed while you can still react at super speed
  if you're going fast and things slow down so your brain can keep up, then it's super lame 
  you need to feel fast when going fast
  I was thinking of something like onsoku no sonikku's skills

 [Date updated: 2024/05/30(Thu) 04:29:33]
 cute art, nice work! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/30(Thu) 03:59:40]
  .       □□       .
  □△.     .□□.     .△□
  □.@□.   □.@@@□   .□@@□
  □.@@@□. .:□.@@@□:. .□@@@.□
 □▽□ □■■□■■□■■□ □▽□
 it's supposed to be heyuri-tan but like
 squint and maybe you'll see it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 i can see it!

 [Date updated: 2024/05/30(Thu) 03:46:30]
 I'm feeling really sad, but I met a girl who has been super cool to be around!
 nvm she's talking to someone else kek
  you should cum in that guy's hair, fuck that nerd E=((`∇´))=3
   yeah you're right! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/30(Thu) 02:25:19]
 I always wanted to be able to control time. The amounts amount theft and 
 raep you could do is insaen...
 Alternatively you could turn yourself to your country's military and 
 explain your powers, and they would probably be happy to use you to 
 retrieve documents from an enemy state/do assassinations etc in exchange 
 of anything in their powerz!
 Alternatively you could form your own country, mass murder armies of 
 those who oppose you all by yourself... But that's too much bother (´ー`)
 Indeed, time control is teh best powar - especially if u can reverse it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  *raeps and then unraeps*
  Yes!!! possibilities u can do with a time powar ability is limitless!
    - TIME STOP, go to Japan, bukkake a loli next to her mother, hide in a 
    closet, continue the time
    - Do just anything fun, revert back the time, so it's not any time 
    - Travel to the future to watch the next episode of anime
    - Travel to the past and introduce some tribe modern weapons, call 
    yourself a god, watch them conquer the earth & bring your hut captured 
    lolis (a la genghiz)
    - somehow kidnap a young girl who has to pee and put herself in a narrow 
    cabinet with yourself, continue the time, watch her apologize peeing 
    just in front of you
    If you also have some kind of control over your age, have a way to not 
    get dementia'd, and a system that prevents you from surprise deaths (by 
    landmines etc), it would be equal to immortality!!! One really would be 
    equal to a god at that point ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/30(Thu) 02:12:46]
 Time stop always felt like too much work to use outside of h-doujin scenarios
  and ordinary robbery shit since since time progresses at normal speed for you
  in the stopped time.
  Still, it's a VERY OP superpower.
  You're pretty much only limited by your laziness. ヽ(^o^)ノ
  If you can speed yourself up in a way that lets you do things faster in your
  own reference frame, now THAT would kick ass.

 [Date updated: 2024/05/29(Wed) 23:05:24]
 I am holding an incense stick in my mouth as I am posting this. acting 
 like it is a cigarette.
 I hope I don't accidentally burn myself (again)
 is the burn of your skinny smell stick any good?
  uh it is ok, not a fan of the smell.
   I just like to pretend I am smoking
   that sounds super chuuni
    never stop ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ
    uhh... I was kinda acting like a character in noir fiction
     I don't think thats chuuni
     it's pretty chuuni, if not in the narrow sense of "pretending you have powers or are involved with a conspiracy"
      but that's okay, it's fun anyway ヽ(´∇`)ノ
      I love super powers and conspiracies!
       what super power would you choose?
       in terms of fun, I want to fly (and be durable enough to go fast and not 
         splat like a pancake if I fuck up)
         I could either take it easy and just fly around for fun, or with my 
         general toughness and abilities, I could fight crime or some shit by 
         swooping in and hitting people (well, maybe not, I'd get shot still lol) 
         in terms of useful shit, being able to "escape notice" sounds kick-ass, 
         letting me sneak onto planes and into movies and shit (or banks, or 
         changing rooms lol) or not be bothered when I'm doing something
         if I had to be less concept-oriented and more concrete, just give me 
         actual invisibility then (across the full spectrum of course, so I don't 
         show up on IR)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
         I do like how the options I picked are basically whether to be a hero or 
         not. (`∇´)

 [Date updated: 2024/05/29(Wed) 17:37:18]
 I want to write web stuff for fun but I'm super lazy and I've never done
 this shit before. I want to do CGI-style stuff (with Python and Flask, 
 not actual CGI).
 could reasonably write a prototype of like a basic BBS thing or a small
 web game (I kind of want to do some kind of vs game like Pokemon
 Showdown, just not with Pokemon)
 but I know fuck all about securing anything or web deployment (;´Д`)
 Knowing fuck all about securing anything or web deployment didn't stop 
   me or anyone else doing it with no qualifications ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Throw caution to the wind! Take a chance! No pain, no gain! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/29(Wed) 12:57:26]
 My penis hurts.... BUT I MUST. KEEP. FAPPING!
 The pain means your penis is growing stronger! Fap beyond your limits!
 Why? Genuinely curious...(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
   Nah, fuck that. If it hurts, let it rest.
   Don't break it with your overuse! It's not a muscle! ( ´ω`)

 [Date updated: 2024/05/28(Tue) 15:54:16]
      □□□□□□ this took too long to do lol
 Kawaii! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 Nurse Joy, is that you? (゚∇゚)
  it should be but I used the wrong sprite ┐(゚~゚)┌
    it's from Pokemon Crystal

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 20:48:31]
 whenever I see a glasses girl in an h-manga, I get super excited, megane 
 is VERY moe ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 but whenever they take the glasses off, I get super pissed, goddammit (`ー´)
 the WHOLE POINT of having the glasses girl
 is that she has GLASSES ((^)∇(^))
 she has to wear the glasses when fucking
 and don't put her on the cover if she's not getting fucked with the 
 glasses on!
 Without megane, a meganekko is only a ko... (;´Д`)
  Someone gets it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 15:49:11]
 work sucks
  today is a holiday and I'm at work instead
  let me be a NEET (;`Д´)

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 15:46:30]
 the past buffeting against the present, or the future rushing over it?

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 15:21:40]
 Ah, human beings! Always lost! Always afraid! Always confused! Always in love!

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 02:42:40]
    三.     .
    ``三三 ,,三三
  三三■ ■■■ ■三`
  ``三■ ■■■ ■三
   三■■■■■■■三    /
   三■■■■■■■三   < 私は男の娘いですね!
   三■■■■■■■三    \  (・∀・)
    三 ⅧⅧⅧ 三
 ■■■ `ⅧⅧⅧⅧⅧ` ■■■
     ■■ ■■
    ■■■ ■■■

 [Date updated: 2024/05/27(Mon) 02:08:56]
    三.     .
     ``三三 ,,三三
   三三■ ■■■ ■三`
   ``三■ ■■■ ■三
    三■■■■■■■三    /
    三■■■■■■■三   < あたしは可愛いですね?
    三三■■■■■三三    \   (^Д^)
     三 ⅧⅧⅧ 三
   ■■ `ⅧⅧⅧⅧⅧ` ■■
      ■■ ■■
     ■■■ ■■■

 [Date updated: 2024/05/26(Sun) 14:53:40]
 Now I wanna learn Python coding so badly but I don't know where should I start (;´Д`)
 simple tutorials liek w3schools are a good place 2 start but if you
  really want to learn it you're gonna have to practice for a long while
  to get proficient (assuming you have no programming experience)
 What do you want to make?
  Even if it ends up being something too complicated to start with, having 
  a goal really helps here.
 i talked about this in a thread on /b/ before but i learned a loooooot more python by writing
   scrapers for hentai sites than i ever did at school, in fact, school was nearly useless
   first i recommend learning the basics like creating variables, asking for user input, installing
   libraries, etc.... then use it to fix a problem you have (e.g.: sorting files, automating something
   you do often, or even do a fun project for the hell of it)
   you will need to do a lot of googling and that's okay, that's how you learn

 [Date updated: 2024/05/25(Sat) 17:39:37]
 How'd everyone find this place (well, Heyuri in general), anyway?
 I went through literally every board on allchans looking for something 
 new and ended up staying. ┐(⌒ω⌒ゞ)┌
 I was gonna just keep walking, and something made me stay (it was probably 
 seeing rule 8 exist if I'm honest, lol).
 It was advertised on another imageboard I was frequenting at the time, 
 ││and it was pretty much exactly what I'd been looking for ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 │└Not him, but my experience was similar. I had been looking for an
   alternative site to frequent and while browsing found an advertisement
   posted under a thread on some other board (I think it was 4taba, but the
   thread is gone now). It was outdated, meant for StrawberryHeaven, but
   the reply beneath it corrected it to Heyuri. I visited out of curiosity
   and came to like it. And I've been here ever since. Now you're all stuck
   with me forever... Forever... Forever and ever! (`∇´)
 I saw here mentioned in a 4chan thread few years ago, checked it out, 
   eventually made Heyuri my new home ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/05/25(Sat) 06:00:11]
 ┐(゚~゚)┌ kiss yoself fool

 [Date updated: 2024/05/24(Fri) 16:07:04]
 I wonder if there is any other place than Heyuri in the western web 
 where people frequently use Japanese kaomoji (*'ー')
 it's possible, especially nowadays
  Windows has a built in list accessible via Win+. (Win+period).
  They used to be hard to type (and way outside the standard low-ASCII 
  range used on the English speaking web, but it's much easier to use them 
  now, and everything is UTF-8.
  I remember when the closest you'd see was like (^_^;) or something lol 
  because of those limitations
  A lot of kaomoji in Win+. look too "cutesy" for Heyuri. Maybe a JK could
   use them in her internet blog at most (;^Д^)
   I've heard that you can tell the difference between a JK and an ojisan 
   ││pretending to be a JK by their choice of kaomoji, as some are considered 
   ││old-fashioned (;゚∇゚)
   │└It's true! I think I made a thread about that on Heyuri before too
   Yeah... `(*>﹏<*)′
     they render surprisingly well in this font (✿◡‿◡)

Shown above are threads 1 through 30, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.