7649. >usagi -san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/12(Wed) 18:56:24          
> Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Dreamcast. Fun games and it's piss easy to pirate!

Reference: 2023/04/10(Mon) 13:59:54

7647. >goblinmane-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/12(Wed) 13:35:14          
> > Why did you quit? Did you quit it like people quit addictions, e.g.
> > smoking?
> > I also didn’t game for a decade. But I didn’t forced myself into
> > anything. Vidyas just became boring to me. You don’t name this
> > “quitting”, right?
> well i guess it was something similar to your situation actually.
> i was addicted to video games when i was younger but then my PS3 pooped out on me and my family was too broke to buy another
> so i was really just forced to quit, after a few years of going without gaming
> id comeback to video games via a friends console or something and it never caught my attention, they became boring like u said.

I never was a console gamer if don't pay attention to playing 8-bit games on Dendi when I was like 6 years old.

I always could boot up PC, download a pirated vidya and start playing.

Well, I'm also from a poorfag family and I never owned a good PC/laptop until I started earning well myself. 
That was a limiting factor, but not such rigid as yours.

Reference: 2023/04/11(Tue) 20:42:31

7644. >Anonymous-san   User: goblinmane   Post date: 2023/04/11(Tue) 18:42:31             
> > i quit gaming a long time ago but i always think about how cool it would be to get one of those backwards compatible PS3s that play PS2 games so id say look into getting one of those
> Why did you quit? Did you quit it like people quit addictions, e.g.
> smoking?
> I also didn’t game for a decade. But I didn’t forced myself into
> anything. Vidyas just became boring to me. You don’t name this
> “quitting”, right?

well i guess it was something similar to your situation actually.
i was addicted to video games when i was younger but then my PS3 pooped out on me and my family was too broke to buy another
so i was really just forced to quit, after a few years of going without gaming
id comeback to video games via a friends console or something and it never caught my attention, they became boring like u said.

Reference: 2023/04/11(Tue) 10:00:43

7640. >goblinmane-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/11(Tue) 08:00:43          
> > Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> i quit gaming a long time ago but i always think about how cool it would be to get one of those backwards compatible PS3s that play PS2 games so id say look into getting one of those

Why did you quit? Did you quit it like people quit addictions, e.g.

I also didn’t game for a decade. But I didn’t forced myself into
anything. Vidyas just became boring to me. You don’t name this
“quitting”, right?

Reference: 2023/04/11(Tue) 04:54:20

7639. >goblinmane-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/11(Tue) 05:07:35          
> > Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> i quit gaming a long time ago but i always think about how cool it would be to get one of those backwards compatible PS3s that play PS2 games so id say look into getting one of those

I has one since launch ヽ(´ー`)ノ

...I nevar use it cuz it's too hot and noisy, I didn't end up enjoying 
the whole PS3/360 generation much, and I prefer to use my PS1, PS2(s), 
or emulators instead (;^Д^)

Reference: 2023/04/11(Tue) 04:54:20

7638. >usagi -san   User: goblinmane   Post date: 2023/04/11(Tue) 02:54:20             
> Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

i quit gaming a long time ago but i always think about how cool it would be to get one of those backwards compatible PS3s that play PS2 games so id say look into getting one of those

Reference: 2023/04/10(Mon) 13:59:54

7630. >usagi -san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/10(Mon) 12:30:32          
> Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get 
> for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but 
> idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

It all depends on what games and eras of games u liek, and how much 
tinkering/pirating you're willing to do ヽ(´ー`)ノ

If you want maximum variety, I don't think u can go wrong with a soft-
modded Wii since it can play basically every generation up to that 

- Wii
- Gamecube
- N64 via Virtual Console
- 16-bit and 8-bit systems via Virtual Console and homebrew emulators

However, the PS2 has a bajillion great games and can also play PS1 
which also has a bajillion great games. A PS3 can play PS1 games too, 
but I believe only the early PS3 models supported PS2 games

Reference: 2023/04/10(Mon) 13:59:54

7629. >usagi -san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/10(Mon) 12:10:18          
> Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

PS3 perhaps? PS2 is also dirt cheap.
Or get a twister board game and Heyurizens over (´人`)

Reference: 2023/04/10(Mon) 13:59:54

7628.    User: usagi    Post date: 2023/04/10(Mon) 11:59:54             
Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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