7630. >usagi -san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/04/10(Mon) 12:30:32          
> Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get 
> for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but 
> idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ

It all depends on what games and eras of games u liek, and how much 
tinkering/pirating you're willing to do ヽ(´ー`)ノ

If you want maximum variety, I don't think u can go wrong with a soft-
modded Wii since it can play basically every generation up to that 

- Wii
- Gamecube
- N64 via Virtual Console
- 16-bit and 8-bit systems via Virtual Console and homebrew emulators

However, the PS2 has a bajillion great games and can also play PS1 
which also has a bajillion great games. A PS3 can play PS1 games too, 
but I believe only the early PS3 models supported PS2 games

Reference: 2023/04/10(Mon) 13:59:54

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