12272. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/29(Sat) 13:43:18          
> work sucks
> become NEET
> clearly, whenever I'm not at work, no one else actually does anything
> (;´Д`)
> so now, I have to clean up after grown-ass motherfuckers and it sucks
> horsedick, holy shit; PAID motherfuckers too ヽ(`Д´)ノ
> the sheer amount of shit that needed to be shipped out already... and 
> hasn't
> NEET is love and life, FUCK work
> (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙)

it does, working all week for no freetime.
money is just a mean for survival and food, other than that, its rather 

Reference: 2024/06/29(Sat) 13:23:10

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