[Date updated: 2024/05/20(Mon) 15:54:32]
 it's kind of messed up how this is like the one site I can use in a non
 JS browser
 at least, the one interactive website, everything else that works is
 static pages
 I'm posting from Links in the terminal. I used to be able to actually
 use Links as a "real" browser across the internet 15 years ago. Hell,
 when I was on a cruise a while back, using Links was basically required
 since the at-sea internet connection just couldn't handle anything more
 than pure text lol
 JS can be handy; it's used for a number of things on the main site, but
  everything can work fine without it. Sites shouldn't require JS to work,
  it should be an extra like on Heyuri ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  15 years ago was 2009, still too late for terminal browsers to be useful
  a ton of stuff didn't need JS to merely load at all in 2009, since AJAX 
   page loading hadn't taken over the world yet (I'd say it was a lost 
   cause by 2014)
   quite a few sites would be broken to an extent, but you'd still be able 
   to browse and interact with them
   it wouldn't be a daily drive browser, but it would work
   There was an era where many sites were entirely contained within Flash (;^Д^)
    I don't miss that one bit. (´¬`)
     I miss Flash for a fair few reasons (the web animation scene completely 
     changed after it died out as a commonly used tool, same with web games), 
     but all-Flash sites were a pain-in-the-ass.
     You couldn't bookmark parts of it, you couldn't hit the back button, you 
     couldn't save shit from it, you had to wait for the (often slow) 
     animations, and in the mid-00s I still had dialup so I'd have to wait 
     ages for the site to load (by 09, I definitely had DSL).
     I remember I wanted to show a friend the Gorillaz website (phase 1 era), 
      but his internet sucked so hard that we went off to do something else 
      while it loaded... only for it to still be loading when we returned liek 
      30 mins later. Eventually we gave up (´∇`)
      Back in those days, I'd load a bunch of pages at once, go eat or watch 
        TV, then come back to see which ones loaded. My family had a second 
        phone line for Internet (it was supposed to be just a second line, but 
        it ended up being dominated by Internet use), so I could leave it just 
        running like that.
        if something still hadn't loaded, usually by the time you were done with 
        one of the other pages, it would have
