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 [Date updated: 2024/07/02(Tue) 06:19:28]
 My sleeping patterns are pretty normal.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/01(Mon) 17:19:14]
 i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
 so i feel reguvinated ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
  been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
  sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
  (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later
  is your brain getting rekt from being tired all teh tiem or is it immune
  ││to sleep deprevation!? (゚∇゚)
  │└i feel liek im ascending to a higher plane of existence
    where all except only the most profound becomes blur ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    i dont even remember what i ate this morning
  Is your sleep schedule regular or do you have to wake up at different 
   hours (outside of naturally waking up)? If you can make it more regular, 
   that helps an incredible amount. If you have to ride the tidew of time, 
   keep reading.
   one thing that helped me a fucking bunch was getting a pair of strong 
   green tint glasses and putting a darkening filter over them; before I 
   want to sleep, I wear those for 1-2 hours and let my body feel tired
   in those 1-2h, I also disconnect from the Internet since that keeps me 
   up more certainly than any other factor; if you're on your phone, 
   disconnect from WiFi and data
   but without the green tint filter, I don't feel tired enough either
   earplugs and shit help too, get the strongest ones you can find, it 
   needs to take multiple seconds for it to rebound when you squeeze them
   and get an eye mask
   i wouldn't say its regular as i just stay up until i get tired then i fall asleep,
     but it is regular that i wake up 4 hours later after falling asleep ┐(´∇`)┌
     i dont really have the energy to care to change though
     ('ー'ゞ) probably because the lack of sleep

 [Date updated: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:46:17]
 It literally feels like yesterday that I was posting right after the new years fuck up
 time is speeding up... (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:46:33]
                                │JULY │
                                │1st │
              \   \   \   ヘ   ヘ   |   |   /  /  /  /  /
     ∧_∧    ┌─────────────────────┐
   (;`∧´) < Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?│
     ノ(_)ヽ   │Is my calendar wrong? What the fuck?!?????│
      / ヘ     └─────────────────────┘
     ノ   ヽ /    /    /  /   /   |   |   ヘ  ヘ  \  \  \
   this year is going by way too quick...

 [Date updated: 2024/07/01(Mon) 00:28:10]
  ...cute Japanese girl doing samba... ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 16:30:26]
 i wanted to fap, and i searched ad search for 1 hour for something to 
 make me horny, sadly i gave up. Am i old? (;`Д´)
 Times like that, I'll open my sadpanda favorites and there's usually
   •something• that will get it up. Some days, you just need an old
   standby. Old cock ain't learning new tricks. ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 15:42:14]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 15:18:07]
 just had a shit so big it made me super pissed. I feel so annoyed right
  now. Like I want to kill someone or destroy something. I hope I don't
  destroy my computer.

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:48:01]
 this man is having a Fuwa Fuwa Time !
 I blindly clicked the link expecting the classic video of the muscular guitarist with K-On audio on top, but what I got was even better.
   A subversion of expectations by exceeding my already goofy expectations in a way which I did not think could happen. (*'ー')

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:44:05]
 |sony   |P|   |`````|   | I'm posting from my PS2!
 |       |S|  (       )  | I can't believe this works.
 |       |2|   (_____)   | No Japanese fonts, so a lot is wonky here.
 | [   ] [   ] == ==  *|   but I'm fucking posting from my PS2! _(^o^)/
 (also, that circle thing on the right side is my swap lid lol)
 teh fuck? Does ps2 haev browser support?
  You can boot Linux on a PS2. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   Wasn't too hard, although getting a nice, usable system vs using a
   shoddy pre-made system image is probably harder.
   I was using NetSurf to browse.
   I don't think there's any standalone browser software on PS2.
   Feels odd. (´人`)
   I could be wrong, and it really feels like there should be.
   It is exciting to think that you might see this reply also on your PS2 ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:34:23]
 I think I'll let my balls take control, thank you. (`∇´) Say your prayers, those who do not conform
 Goodbye, human being who will be put into the REALM OF CUM
  Hello there, semen being who has entered the world of Man!
  are these semen beings not tissue-based? pure being of semen!? (;゚∇゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 06:32:37]
 No door money opens interests me. I just want to watch anime and post on
 Heyuri, and occasionally eat whatever low quality food i get (´-`)
 When I was working, it became clear to me that even if I was getting 
  paid $1,000,000 a year it still wouldn't be worth the loss of free time 
  I had when I was NEET... so I became NEET again ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  That's great if u have a way to sustain a ceiling above your head
   I hope all my family dies in some car crash so I can be a landlord NEET
   But then noone would prepare me food and I would likely die (´-`)
  if I got one mil each year, I'd work the one year
   and quit the next
   wouldn't be able to live a lavish life, $1M doesn't go as far as it used 
   to, but I'd be able to have everything I actually want
   the big thing is with work though: the shittiest bit is following 
   someone else's lead
   if you're doing your own business, setting your own hours, being able to 
   not deal with someone else's retarded ideas (since you're in charge), 
   then work isn't so soul crushing
   dealing with corporate and managerial bullshit turns a sapient being 
   into a strange sort of literate, trained animal (;´Д`)
  I am similar, as i was a NEET for 2y~, now i been working for 7
    years... Perks is I can buy what I want, but what i really want to buy
    is me free time! (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 03:31:21]
 work sucks
 become NEET
 clearly, whenever I'm not at work, no one else actually does anything
 so now, I have to clean up after grown-ass motherfuckers and it sucks
 horsedick, holy shit; PAID motherfuckers too ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 the sheer amount of shit that needed to be shipped out already... and 
 NEET is love and life, FUCK work
 (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙)
 it does, working all week for no freetime.
 ││money is just a mean for survival and food, other than that, its rather 
 │└my parents tell me "get a job, you'll have plenty of time to draw after your shift ends"
 │ │but i have my doubts, after 8 hours of work i have like 5 hours of freetime before having to
 │ │get ready for bed, not to mention i might be dead tired when i get back home
 │ │it really feels like a hellish existence, but we'll see after i get a job ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 │ │
 │ └you won't have time for shit lol
   but money opens other doors
   it's a Faustian tradeoff
   your soul for the Almighty Dollar (TДT)
   that's really depressing to read (´ー`)
 god i feel this. my coworkers are fucking slobs who like to slack off 
   all the time and leave all the fucking work for me and try and get me to 
   party with them outside of work. fuck that, fuck them. i'm not a party 
   guy, i don't give a shit about money bitches and drugs and social media 
   and what's trendy. i wish i could get these fuckers to leave me alone 
   and stop trying to be my friend and get to know me, but my job requires 
   me to work with them and being an ass to them and refusing to talk to 
   them would cause more problems than it's worth. i don't go to work to 
   make friends or get to know anyone, i go there because if i don't have 
   money then i couldn't survive. even if i did give up all my worldly 
   desires and lived off the land with only the bare necessities, i don't 
   know how to do that. the only way to even have a chance of survival is 
   by researching (which involves money) and talking to people who have 
   done it (which involves money, as i would have to travel to find people 
   like that). plus i'd probably end up getting caught and taken in unless 
   i went to finland or some place that lets people live off the land (with 
   some exceptions). i wish i could live off social security maybe doing 
   some creative stuff on the side when i feel like it, but where i'm at 
   getting it is a bitch and a half and even if you do they don't pay you 
   shit. some states might be better than others about it, but i think the 
   united states in general it would be an issue to get good social 
   security. next job i get, i'm finding something with the minimal amount 
   of people possible (preferably no people at all whenever i'm at the job 
   itself, or if there are then not involved with me whatsoever and i can 
   have the choice to get away from or ignore someone if they come up to me 
   and i don't want to talk to them).

 [Date updated: 2024/06/29(Sat) 22:27:34]
 I can now touch my pen0r and shoot off cups of load. Have I trained my balls to mass produce? is that possible?
 you have been granted access to the forbidden【Dimension of Cum】ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   be careful, lest your balls grow in power enough to subsume control over 
   your very being, replacing you utterly... (´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/29(Sat) 07:34:33]
 I feel like gay guys are more horny for men than women are.
 i feel like men are hornier than women in general, so gay men will be hornier too

 [Date updated: 2024/06/29(Sat) 03:21:27]
 Look up FC2-PPV and you'll find young girls porn.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/29(Sat) 02:36:10]
 Sometimes I feel too lazy to get up and piss even though I really need 
 to piss and I hate it... ┌(┯_┯)┐
 next time, just let it all out... (´人`) fill your underwear with pee and bask in the warmth... (´人`)
  it gets cold too fast
    no fun (;´人`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/28(Fri) 13:57:00]
 the morning has come (except like, I probably could have done with another hour of sleep) (`Д´)
  maybe I will just go back to sleep (if I can)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/28(Fri) 12:40:59]
 sleepy.... (´¬`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/27(Thu) 22:28:51]
 Taco Bell is kusogomi tabemono, for slobbering moebuta pig man. You should be ashamed to eat that garbage.
 Shame is for lesser beings. Take pride in
   madness, and lay low all who tell you to
   conform to their ideals of dignity! Cast
   then into the pit of Damnation, as you run
   from the weight of your sin upon a bridge of
   your slain foes!
   ...and before they die, feed them Taco Bell!
   Burst their bellies with Baja Blast! Alter
   their bodies with the toxic food, and laugh.
   What is poison to them is mere sustenance to
   you. Laugh, laugh, and keep on laughing!
   Honestly though, I really should stop. It
   just isn't worth the price. If every number
   on their menu was slashed by 20%, it would
   be fine. The $7 meal really should be $5.
   They were selling a meal that should be $8
   for like $10 last week. Their non-box combos
   are all a fucking rip-off.
   Chick-fil-A is good, but I'm sick of eating
   it so much. Their prices feel only slightly
   too expensive for what you get, maybe make
   everything 5% off and it'd be fine.

 [Date updated: 2024/06/27(Thu) 16:36:46]
 The current box at Taco Bell is $7...
  They really stick some bizarre shit in
  Burrito was normal, chalupa whatever was
  pretty normal, but there was this other taco
  thing that was odd as hell, and the nacho
  crisps that were also in the box tasted like
  if I die, let this record condemn Taco Bell
  for their murder; if I live, let it be known
  that it really should only be $5 lol (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/27(Thu) 09:50:38]
 Luchiz is gonna trip in Hellas and when he returns he'll post his first Scott Pilgrim/Raina Telgemier fan hentai on /h/ ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 Groovy ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 22:43:51]
 I was going to post an AA picture of Tomoko but I think she canonically
 doesn't actually smell despite giving off the appearance of a GREASY,
 the contrast is kind of エロい though (´∇`)
 maybe I'll still do the picture anyway but if I want it to not suck it
 takes a bit of time
 Do it! Tomoko absolutely smells, there's a whole chapter dedicated to
  it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  Now if only there was a page dedicated to Nemo sniffing her musk...
  I was going to do a different picture, but after trying a few that I 
   thought would fit better, this was the one that came out the best.
   I'm also a すく水 addict, so it's a win/win for me.
   You could probably crop the head off to use it for whatever stuff if
   you don't need her in a school swimsuit. (^Д^)
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   Editing these to be nice looking takes too long but we depend on HIGH
   QUALITY results here. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
   I could just post the raw JavE converted output but that's hyper lame.
   ( ´ω`)
   Cute! Now I'm imagining a scenario of Tomoko getting dressed for 
    swimming with her friends and getting anxious of whether she should take 
    a shower first because of her body odor... (´π`)
    Remember to always take a shower before entering the pool and to attack 
      all who don't!!!
      Literally just rinsing off helps so much, let alone a proper soapy 
      You don't need to be clean, you just need to not be dirty in the pool.

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 21:39:26]
 Nice job! I want to lick Tomoko all over before she enters pool (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 20:59:22]
 Deodorants should be banned (;`Д´)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 19:28:20]
 I'm so greasy right now. I should take a shower, but I'm so lazy right 
 to live in a strange world as a creature of flesh and blood and bone and 
 GREASE... (´π`)
 what a life
 ...maybe I should take a shower though. (;゚∇゚)
 After a while, you get used to it and teh grease stops bothering you ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 I have escaped from the land of「GREASE」and have taken refuge in the land 
 ││of Running Waters.
 ││I am no longer a prisoner to the muck, to the yuck, to the stick, to the 
 ││I am a human being once more! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 ││...but the power of the GREASE will always follow me...
 ││I must keep running, I must not give in...!
 │├So you took a SHOWER!?!? Traitor!!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 ││└Even if I must run... even if I must fight... even if my battle is without limit
 ││  or end...
 ││  I will not be a prisoner of GREASE!
 ││  ...and yes, I did. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 ││  It feels great! May the blessings of Running Water and pleasant Soap be upon ye
 ││  who are greasy!
 │└The temptations of GREASE beckon you to come forward... Ah, can you see
 │ │it? The dreams of GREASE dancing before you... the musky odor of a girl
 │ │who hath not taketh a shower in long time... her armpits and tummy salty
 │ │with oils... dried sweat glued to her skin... Why must you forsake
 │ │GREASE so? We only wish to show you the GREASY light... (´¬`)
 │ │
 │ ├I... I must resist... but it's so alluring...
 │ │ 
 │ │ Just imagine though... bringing said GREASY girl into the shower with you...
 │ │ watching the filth be washed away, smelling the change in her scent...
 │ │ ヽ(*´¬`*)ノ
 │ │ 
 │ └I want to fill my mouth and nostrils with a nasty girls unkept, moisty armpit
    hair and suck all musky dirt away (´-`)
 Can I lick the grease off your shiny bald head? (´∇`)
  it's actually a VERY hairy head! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 16:05:30]
 Everybody had such interesting names around 1910. Georg Trakl, Dino 
  Campana, Rainer Maria Rilke; Vasily Kandinsky, Egon Schiele, Oskar 
  Kokoschka; Georg Lukàcs, Martin Buber, Georg Simmel; Arnold Schoenberg, 
  Scipio Slataper,Wilhelm Worringer,Giovanni Gentile, Otto 
  Weininger,Ludwig Wittgenstein, Italo Svevo ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 11:19:00]
 Fapping to pixels is worth not working (´-`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 00:25:20]
 ε≡Ξヽ( ^Д^)ノ I got paid today! Time to buy erotic manga!
 what are ya gonna buy?
   would be nice if I could buy eromanga....

 [Date updated: 2024/06/25(Tue) 19:45:27]
 I'm so sweaty (`Д´)
 don't worry, i'll lick it all off. (´π`)
  we should bottle it and sell it as an electrolyte drink!

Shown above are threads 1 through 30, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.