[Date updated: 2023/11/24(Fri) 21:56:09]
 (`ー´) How come when you piss, not all of it comes out and you end up 
 with piss in your trousers?
 I always squeeze my penis to get every last drop out
 │└ヽ(´ー`)ノ You can also press slightly on your ``taint" to help
 │ │ squeeze out the last few drops. This was encouraged by the prophet
 │ │ Mohamed (PBUH)
 │ │
 │ ├I tried it just now and got horny, is there a fix for this?
 │ ││
 │ │└stop being so gay ┐(゚~゚)┌
 │ │ │
 │ │ └I will once boys stop being hot
 │ │   
 │ └I don't know where my taint is (`~´)
   are you cute? i can help you look for it
 What we think of leftover piss leaking out of our dicks is actually your 
  penis shedding a tear over parting ways with the piss in your bladder.
  Is science! (゚∇゚)
  Cheer up emo penis!
