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 [Date updated: 2024/06/08(Sat) 16:20:11]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/08(Sat) 16:09:52]
 There was a point when I realized that everything I liked was 
 underground through no intention of my own, and I kinda  hate it, lmao.
 Even if the light of the mainstream is radioactive and mutagenic to that 
 which stands under its rays, it would mean I'd be able to talk about the 
 shit I like with people.
 Some of it is underground in a "lol you fucking enjoy ____" way, while 
 some of it is underground in a "I've never heard of ____" way, some of 
 it is "I know of ____ but it's too hardcore for me", some of it (a lot 
 of it) used to not be underground but it's not hip anymore, and some of 
 it is just not being able to discuss eromanga with people (this one is 
 fair, you can't talk about your hypnosis incest megane loli hentai with
 anyone in real life).
 The music I listen to is ancient/never was aboveground in any capacity, 
 I watch kodomo anime and shoujo shows more than anything vs anything 
 like what Crunchyroll is pushing these days. The games I play are either 
 incredibly old, incredibly niche, or both. The shit I watch on YouTube...
 some of it is hyper-mainstream, but not much. I don't watch any streamers
 or anything. 
 Some of it is me abandoning various forms of mainstream media, whether 
 it be that I end up thinking it sucks, or because it's just like kinda 
 depressing/infuriating. I don't watch broadcast TV at all and haven't in 
 15 years. I don't have a streaming subscription service that I use. I 
 dropped several major social media sites because the algorithm went 
 insane and stopped putting anything I actually wanted to see in front of 
 me in favor of bullshit designed to elicit a response.
 Even in the underground, I'm feel a bit too underground. I dropped 4chan
 after  realizing that no one left actually wanted to talk about anything.
 I stayed on for years longer than I probably should have because there 
 were pockets where I could still talk about things. They're not 100% gone,
 but they're gone enough that it just isn't worth the effort.
 I guess I still watch mainstream movies sometimes? Did anyone else see
 The Menu? That shit was great. I try to go to the theater to watch movies
 but the theater closest to me closed down, the next closest one is
 increasingly run down, the one close to where my friend lives is alright
 but that's far as shit, and the one close to the Round 1 arcade I visit
 sucks so we still have to drive to a different theater. (´Д`)
 It's not all bad (again, the light of the mainstream alters whatever 
 stands beneath it in hideous, twisted ways), and in some ways, I feel 
 smug as hell about it... but it's rough being quite this disconnected 
 from things. ┐(゚~゚)┌
 either way,
 I feel the same way
  -The most 'mainstream' stuff in my music collection is long forgotten
  techno from the 90s like Technotronic
  -The only books I read are literature reviews like 'Against
  Interpretation' or conspiracy shit that literally makes people angry
  when I bring it up,like about how musicians in the 60s were likely
  frauds with ties to the military industrial complex.
  -The last movie I watched was an Italian one from the 70s that was a
  great allegory about people who refuse to grow up and let things go
  (Maladolescenza)-- except I can't talk to anyone about it because it
  mostly features kids traipsing around the woods and having sex in caves
  -Ive never enjoyed video games. I keep trying but they bore me dead, so
  that's another thing I can't talk about.
  Damn. I'm practically standing in the sun here versus your underground
   level. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
   ...but even still, it doesn't change the fact that it would be nice to
   have some non-niche interests. Doesn't matter how deep you go if being
   barely below the surface and near the Earth's core are treated with the
   same disinterest to the public at large. ( ´ω`;)
   What other music do you listen to?
  is this movie banned now? (´ー`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/08(Sat) 15:20:57]
 2K and XP are based on NT, which do not involve DOS in their operation
   at all. These systems use the NTVDM, a very restricted virtualization
   environment for running DOS programs.
   XP is a bit heavier than 2K, but they actually heavily improved DOS
   support because it was targeted to people moving from Windows versions
   that booted themselves from DOS. The VDM used in 95/98/ME is
   significantly less restricted than the NTVDM and has much more access to
   hardware (fun fact: technically, it doesn't depend on the system being
   booted from DOS, it is virtualized since Windows kicks DOS out during
   the boot process... but Windows 9X also spends a bunch of time
   pretending it's still DOS with 32-bit code instead of old 16-bit DOS
   code, and running DOS programs are allowed by Windows to access hardware
   directly for the most part).
   Basically, if you want to run DOS games and Windows stuff, run 95 if you
   can (MUCH lighter than 98, lol at driver support though), 98 if you
   can't (98SE adds a bunch of shit like USB and a bunch of other drivers).
   That being said, if you're running old Windows programs only, even
   16-bit Windows programs, use 2000. It is faster than XP.
   Fun shit too -- 95, 98, and ME can't run programs for Windows before
   3.0. There aren't many Windows 1/2 programs, but they exist.
   ALL 32-bit x86 Windows NT releases, including 32-bit Windows 10, can run
   Windows 1 and 2 programs.
   also, I think the quote pushed the line length too long so I got rid of 

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 22:23:57]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 18:49:35]
 I will bring that up if they talk about it again
 Another thing is, there are thousands of online users at a time, all 
 with the ability to delete any message including admin announcements 
 etc, yet not a single troll to abuse the powar (;゚∇゚)
 wow, really?
  do they not even have bots hitting random buttons on the site, let alone actively malicious users? (゚∇゚)
  the nihonjin truly are a different breed...
  I think it only only accepts "del" requests from actual users, and
  ││there needs to be a lot of them before a post is deleted - in fact I
  ││think it reveals the host/IP on all that user's posts before the post
  ││gets deleted
  ││It's a kewl autonomous moderation feature though, in addition to (if
  ││I'm not getting it mixed up with other sites) OPs having the ability to
  ││moderate their own threads
  │└Right, I asked them about it too while it was teh topic
  │ │
  │ │
  │ │I'm not sure what did he mean by 普段は見えないID and asked about it 
  │ │
  │ │I think it's host display
  │ │They made a similar setting in the server with emote things
  │ │
  │ │It's a bit embarrassing with b0rk 日本語, but they are mostly friendly ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  │ │
  │ └ID is presumably the same thing we have on Site Discussion and that 
    many other sites have - a hash consisting of alphanumeric characters 
    generated from the user's host/IP, usually with a per-thread seed (so 
    it's different in each thread, but remains the same within a thread)
    I believe OPs can choose to enable ID display when creating threads too
    It's not IDs, but hosts and parts of their IP.
      you can see all threads here has it:
      Kokonotsuba also has that feature, but it's not decide-able... for now.
      Maybe I will make an issue about it ( ´ω`)
  I didn't want to mention it, but Nijiura discord server (;^Д^)
    There was a thread on may's Nijiura about a "backup place", thus a discord
    server was created and thousands of people joined it!
    Right now it's 2AM in Japan so most people are asleep, but it looks like this (see I'm able to delete the message)
    It's really the nihonjin...

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 18:48:17]
 This is also interesting. Not something we didn't already know, but they
  are primarily over 30 year old
  The options weren't optimal, nevermind 40代, there seems to be many 50代あき too...

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 15:19:14]
 I was chatting with Futaba users for a while
 They only know about dragons fucking cars, and call westerners weird for 
 fapping to that
 They say "the culture is too different"
 I wonder if they know about shitting dicknipples...
 dragons fucking cars is weird here too
   also, have them look up 状態変化 (change of status) on pixiv to remind them 
   of their own national sins
   it is impressive just how deeply unwholesome it feels to observe it, 
   even if it isn't (usually) overtly obscene or anything
   it feels wrong on a primal level (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 15:19:02]
 Thank you ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 15:14:30]
 Ever thought about fucking a female leopard?
 Not for the sake of having sex with an animal, but for the spilled blood
 watering the ground, for the sake of struggle against something stronger
 than yourself and participation in an ancient dance.
 well I think about going to the mountain and look for a wolf to fight it. Why not just fight it? why fuck it as well?
 the thought of someone trying to spear his rock hard cock inside a rage induced leopard puss trying to end his career is sending me i'm sorry (ノ∇^、)
 I will probably never stop thinking about this post.
  Don't make me seek the mountain that I cannot climb. (*゜ー゜*)
  If a man and goat can elope, why not a leopard too? (゚ー゚)
   If a man and goat can elope, why not a leopard too? (゚ー゚)
     The goat is too easy. (・∀・)
     The war of domination between Man and Beast, between DEATH AND SEX
     simply isn't there with a goat for someone who might have maybe stood a
     chance with the leopard
     and for someone who wouldn't, the goat might still injure them lol (´¬`)
     also, fix'd, didn't hit the line break button lol ('ー')

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 15:00:58]
 break lines plz

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 08:52:11]
 all of this coding/software talk the past week has been so boring... (´-`)
 i miss the old strange world, straight from the go strange world...
 how strange do you want the world? ('ー')
 If you look through old logs, it was always this way - that applies to 
  both here and 90s あやしいわーるど sites ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 anyway anon-san i have been wondering what you think about unix-based 
   operating systems like freebsd and how they still support old 
   like i386, pretty cool isn't it? (・∀・)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 07:36:15]
 Windows 95/98 games not working on XP and beyond UZEE (;´Д`)
 Even with the appropriate compatibility mode? (;´Д`)
 │└Yeah - in fact that rarely ever works (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ │People have made wrappers, patches, remakes, etc. for the most popular 
 │ │games, but anything less popular from that time is often bug-ridden, 
 │ │unplayable, or even un-installable  (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ ├maybe you could try running them under wine on a linux vm
 │ ││
 │ │└Worth reading this post and its replies:
 │ │
 │ │  
 │ └
 pcem is your friend if you have a fast computer, it'll emulate a voodoo era (or earlier) system pretty well ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  Teh issue with VMs, PC emulators, etc. is that they always come with a 
    certain degree of latency (sometimes a significant amount), as well as 
    inconsistent frame and input timing
    It's not so bad for slow-paced RPGs and strategy games, but 
    action/shooter games are made far less enjoyable (;´Д`)
    Worse still is that Win9x-era hardware is now stupidly expensive to buy 
    second hand... it saddens me that my okaasan threw away our Win95 PC 
    with Voodoo2 card 22 years ago (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/07(Fri) 05:16:14]
 you cant buy name brand chips for less than a dollar anymore
 there's almost nothing left that's only a dollar these days ヽ(`~´)ノ
   maybe if I go to the Brazilian grocery or something, I can still get 
   some things for cheap...

 [Date updated: 2024/06/06(Thu) 23:44:15]
 man, I want a burger and a drink but no fries, I'm hungry but not that 
  but it's so cost inefficient vs getting a combo with fries
  everywhere jacked up the price of a soda because they're cunts (`ー´)
  fuck them in the manko

 [Date updated: 2024/06/06(Thu) 18:59:20]
 get someone on the darkweb to recode into deb file...profit?

 [Date updated: 2024/06/06(Thu) 06:01:43]
 I made a userscript that adds a button that formats your post with line breaks! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 This is awesome, arigatou! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 ││I've modified it for myself so it limits to 72 characters, but is there 
 ││a way I can disable the hyphenation? It's a little aggressive as is, 
 ││and I prefer to do it manually since there's a lot of little rules for 
 ││proper hyphenation that go beyond the scope of a simple script (;^Д^)
 │└Sure, just get rid of lines 27-29. Also wow, I didn't know how complicated hyphenation rules were (;゚∀゚)
 │ │
 │ └Hmm, it still seems to break in the middle of words, just without the 
   hyphens. I think it would maek moar sense to break after the nearest 
   space before the end of the line, which is how I manually do it
   Oh yea. I can make it do that, I'll try getting to it later today
    Done! ヽ(´∇`)ノ 
     Reinstall through here and it should work. Also changed the default maximum length to 80 characters.
      However, when I test it, the line lengths seem inconsistant - perhaps 
      it's not including spaces in the character count or something. I'm able 
      to get lines as long as 162ch using "a a a a a [...]" (´~`)
      Ah, I think I know the problem.
        It's not counting the spaces in-between the words for the line length (;゚∀゚)
        I'm busy at the moment, but when I have time I'll fix that
 User: kaguya
  Thank you!!! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  After you look into breaking in middle of words, I will add it on
  the template then.
  Maybe with such a tool, we can gradually remove the CSS that breaks
  the lines on smaller displays for the sake of big AA and adhering
  to original Ayashii World sites ( ´ω`)
  User: kaguya
   Removed the tutorial CSS. Properly breaking the lines is a more 
   important etiquette now, let's see how it goes ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Disable auto-wrapping in the textarea too, and make the text area a bit
    taller by default.
    Disabling the auto-wrap would make it immediately obvious to the poster
    that their text is too wide.
    Something like:
    <textarea wrap="off" rows="25" cols="74" name="v" accesskey="4"
    maxlength="10000" placeholder="" title="Alt(+Shift)+4" id="contents1">
    'wrap' isn't a valid property in html5 but fuck that shit, every browser
    supports it and has done so forever.
    I think the correct modern way is with
    white-space: pre;
    in the CSS attached to the textarea, but that naturally doesn't work in 
    non-CSS browsers (which might reasonably be using ayashii, it is
    inherently a web1.0 place). ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    User: kaguya
    ││I applied wrap="off" but reverted it, it seems inconvenient for those 
    ││who write their messages in the box, proofread it & edit parts of it, 
    ││and lastly press the "Make line breaks" buttan just before sending their 
    ││posts (´Д`)
    │└I guess that's fair... ヽ(´-`)ノ
    The script we're using is more "modernized" than others - it does make 
      use of CSS rather than doing everything with ye-olde-browser-compatible 
      HTML spaghetti (;^Д^)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/06(Thu) 05:12:05]
 Those retarded people on Tumblr think Teach-kun are their "silly little guy doing silly little things" kind of guy,
  while Teach-kun dealing with his inner demon (Sam and Kobayashi) and his mental issues,
  and I just find it funny for some reason.

 [Date updated: 2024/06/06(Thu) 02:33:26]
 heyuri-tan will you make sweet yaoi with me

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 21:10:59]
 I'm naked
 Look down. What do you see?
  The cock of personality♪
  Prime, virginal rorimanko (;゚∇゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 19:42:19]
 I witnessed 2 traffic-related fights today (゚ー゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 18:01:15]
 The traffic on Wiltshire was unbelievable...(;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 17:59:35]

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 16:33:45]
 Thanks for the intabyuu ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 We can at least still have a site like Heyuri on the clearweb, so 
 internet is not completely dead yet. Tor exists, but hosting websites 
 there isn't feasible with all teh spam they would get. This is my
 opinion (;^Д^)
 i looked for communities on tor hoping to see something cool but they
  are either dead or exactly the same as the clearweb but with the addition
  of scammers (´~`), though that might just be me not looking hard enough
  i went to the trouble of getting in some sort of forum (can't remember the
  name right now) which had an unreasonably fail-prone "captcha" and nearly
  every post was someone posting scam links
  the problem with Tor isn't really a problem with itself (aside from slow 
   speeds), it's that most ppl aren't going to jump thru hoops to use your 
   site by installing a special browser. But there are sum kewl things on 
   there, keep looking!
   i'm mostly finding onion links from other people begging for links ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    half of them don't even lead anywhere
    if you find any good Cottage Pie onion sites, please share them here! ъ( ゚ー^)
     what is cottage pie?
       actually if YOU guys have cool onion links let me know
       remember, i said cool, not lame! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 13:01:14]
 how is this place so lively and active (´ー`)
 Through the power of イソターネット ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   not 「ン」?
   I used to mix them up all the time, and now I'm so used to it that I spotted it immediately. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   Yes, イソターネット! ヽ(´ー`)ノイソターネット日本イソターネット協会
    Ah, I see.
          That's about it. It's gotten a bit long, and the definition is like 
          "basic knowledge of modern terminology."
          Of course, there is no intention to belittle people who use modems, but 
          rather it is a word against the media. The difference between "n" and 
          "so" clearly expresses the feeling that "what is reported is similar to 
          the Internet, but it is different," because of the huge difference 
          between the use/management of the Internet that we are familiar with and 
          have struggled with, and the way it is reported.
      Clever. ( ^ω^)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 10:58:43]
 You mean some good Caramel Pudding? I got you covered, mane ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Creamy Pasta is my favorite meal

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 01:04:44]
 it's mostly for faps (゚∇゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/05(Wed) 00:53:01]
 the dark net sucks once you realize it's not half as cool as people make it out to be (´ー`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/04(Tue) 06:51:42]
 XMPP is a pretty viable alternative. And so is... *vomit*... matrix.
 XMPP is better for 1-on-1 instant messaging, and even then it kinda sux 
  thx 2 every client and server having a different idea about how 
  encryption should be implemented (among many other disparities) (;´Д`)
  that's true. A lot of these IM protocols suffer from teh fact that a lot 
    of their clients sux and try to tack on shit. Matrix especially
    suffers from this, even their flagship client Element doesn't support 
    custom emotes which other sub par clients do (゚Д゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/04(Tue) 05:28:35]
 Does anyone use mIRC anymore? I wish there was a better lightweight alternative to Discord.
 My IRC client of choice is Hexchat.
  But either way, every channel I used to go in disappeared in favor of Discord,
  or they have an IRC bridge for the old holdouts and 90% of users are on Discord
  and 99% of all replies in the channel are via Discord. IRC is dead as a platform,
  unless you get very lucky. It's not like there's literally no one using it, just
  go on the biggest channels on the more popular servers, but activity has cratered
  compared to how things were even ten years ago, which would have been long after
  when IRC was a more widespread chat system.
  I dropped completely out of a lot of communities since the crowd changed with the
  software changes, and I ended up one of the last active users connecting via IRC.
  It's fucking bullshit and I hate it.
  ( ;ω;)
 I use HexChat, but I don't particularly liek it nor IRC in general (;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/06/04(Tue) 02:31:30]
 Soviets are invading Oekaki@Heyuri!
 Report from our allied Teh Pentagon has arrived!
 VKontakte battalion have launched an OC missiles towards our locations!
 The provided location of their positions can be found in the below attachment
 Is this some sort of Russky facebook clone?
 No need to fear! These brave men are here to spread OC for the working
   Heyurizen! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Shown above are threads 1 through 30, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.