[Date updated: 2022/11/13(Sun) 20:41:13]
 Considering the ~25 year gap till a decade reenters the zeitgeist and
 proceeds to be devoured by vultures, maybe it will only take a few years
 of patience for the ethos of the  2000's to be rid of the vexatious crowd
 that has gathered around it in recent years. But the more pressing issue
 is whether there'll be anything left of it? There's already been plenty
 of shitting on it already _ノ乙(、ン、)_ 
 A thought I just had.
 The problem with the 2000s is that a lot of things either sucked at 
  the time, or were very mediocre/contrived compared to what came 
  before. I spent most of that decade wishing I was in a previous 
  decade, and I was far from alone in that
  Even at the time, I was thinking and discussing with my friends about 
  how "no one is going to look back fondly on the 2000s like they do 
  previous decades, because everything is either not very good or just 
  copying/calling back to the 70s and 80s but worse". Most people I 
  spoke to about it at the time seemed to agree
  Obviously I wasn't fully correct in my prediction, as I do now see a 
  lot of posts/comments online talking about the 2000s as if it was some 
  totally amazing time, "back when music was REAL music", etc. (which is 
  very funny to me in an "oh god that's ironic/depressing, if only they 
  knew" kinda way), but the decade still doesn't seem to have anywhere 
  near the prevalence or influence on present-day pop culture in the 
  same way that previous decades had during the 2000s and earlier
  At this point I can look back on some aspects of the 2000s fondly, but 
  that's mainly because I was young, had friends, and many things since 
  seemed to somehow get so much worse that it's made a period as "meh" 
  as the 2000s look good by comparison (´~`)
  Ultimately, I just find the whole thing kinda funny cuz I remember 
  when everyone (including myself) was dumping on the 2000s and calling 
  everything shitty while wishing we could take a time machine back to 
  the 70s & 80s "when music was REAL music" (´∇`)
    I would rather live in the 2000s than live in the 2010s or now.
  ││ At least in the 2000s there was still IRL social interaction and there was no social media and not a single influencer to be seen. 
  ││IMO the world started going downhill around 2008 and by 2011/2012 everything went to complete shit and is just getting worse.
  │├Not to be rude or anything but you sound just like one those vultures
  │││I was talking about... (・∀・)
  ││└one of those*** FUGG I CANT WRITE 4 SHIT :-DDDDDDdd
  ││ │
  ││ └LOL
  │└I agree, at least for the first half of the decade. However, even if 
  │ │we're just talking about the interwebs, there was plenty of social 
  │ │media/social networking, lame popularity contests, retarded celebrity 
  │ │bloggers, and "LOOK AT ME I AM IMPORTANT" crap by 2006-2008
  │ │
  │ │Remember the likes of that shiteater Perez Hilton? Plus you already had 
  │ │youtube "celebrities" being featured on TV (and vice versa) at that 
  │ │point too, and mainstream radio DJs getting involved, etc. Blegh (;´Д`)
  │ │
  │ │If I had the choice today I would probably choose to live in a perma-
  │ │nent loop of 1997-2006 forevar, but I'll never forget that the opinion 
  │ │I had during the 2000s was "shit sux, I want to live in the 80s or even 
  │ │the 90s when things were actually good (;´Д`)"
  │ │
  │ │It's not my fault things got so much worse after I'd already decided 
  │ │things sucked!! ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
  │ │
  │ └ By no social media i meant no social media in the way we have it today. 
    Social media in the 2000s was very different compared to now and in the 2000s the internet on phones sucked and was expensive so the internet was still mostly a pc only place during 06-08 and in that era most people still had flip phones so there was nothing to do on your phone and there was still IRL social interaction. 
    2000s Hollywood celebrity culture with famous actors having a Myspace and modern influencer/content creator culture were and are two very different things.  
    As far as YouTube there is a huge difference between a YouTuber and a content creator.
    A YouTuber makes videos for fun because they enjoy it while modern content creators only have profit and views in mind.
    "IRL social interaction" still exists to the same extent that it did 
      back then - most of us went straight home after school most days and 
      spoke to each other via msn or texting until we went to bed ヽ(´ー`)ノ
      I also went full hikikomori in 2008, so there's that (;^Д^)
      Anyway, my point is that I don't personally see it as "things were good 
      in the 2000s and sucked in the 2010s", but rather "things sucked in the 
      2000s and then the 2010s sucked so hard it made the 2000s seem awesome"
      I imagine that those who are younger than me (but old enough to recog-
      nize that the 2010s sucked) are experiencing the same thing with the 
      2010s vs 2020s - before you know it, they'll be debating with even 
      younger kiddies who are saying "WTF, the 2010s were amazing! i should 
      know cuz i was born in 2009" if they aren't already (´∇`)
  While that is certainly unanimously agreed upon in the west, for some
   of us, particularly from the soviet bloc, the general consensus isn't
   as universal. For most of us the 90's sucked more than the 2000's did,
   so there is more fondness to that time. One interesting thing is if you
   were one that was more aware of western culture at the time than the
   average fellow, you'd have noticed that there is a rougly 5 to 10 year
   lag till western culture's influence spread to these parts. In some
   ways, the 90's of here shared many aspects of the 80's of far away
   lands of your's and so on. Ofcourse once the internet became more of a
   mainstay, the effect lessened until eventually smartphones came around
   and it completely dissappeared (;゚∀゚)
   I definitely noticed that at the time from a Western Europe perspective 
     - Eastern Europe seemed very "stuck in the 90s" in the 2000s, and in 
     the 90s it seemed similar to the poorer and/or poverty-stricken areas 
     of Western Europe during the 60s-80s (but with the addition of WW2-like 
     ruin and destruction) (;^Д^)
