[Date updated: 2022/02/17(Thu) 01:18:43]
 (;´Д`) 2ch.cx and 2ch.sh have finally been fixed. Looks like someones been
 uploading some shitty images though, I wonder if rule 8 is enforced since
 nakura left
 User: kaguya
  R8 was never (or needed to be) enforced on 2ちゃん
  It's just that it has a larger userbase now, some of which seem to be R8H8RZ
  LIES! Months ago St. Nakuras held a vote (still linked on the front 
   page of 2ちゃん), and it was decided by teh pplz that rule 8 should in 
   fact apply to 2ちゃん... but then the admin went perma-AFK, nobody ever 
   enforced it, and then votekiller-kun went and ruined the result 3-4 
   months later (;´Д`)
   Vote result in October 2021 (pro Rule 8 wins):
   Vote result 2+ months later (pro Rule 8 still wins):
   Vote result today (votekiller who haets our democracyz strikes again!):
   Anywayz, I don't see the point in us acting like 2ちゃん is related to 
   Heyuri or shaming users whenever they use alternatives if it's going 
   to have stuff that violates our most fundamental principles all over 
   it. It should either follow our rules, or it should GTFO and we should 
   maek our own Heyuri uploader board ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Same applies to vidlii b4 anyone starts - don't be pushing that site 
   down Heyuri's throat or acting like it's our sister site as was done 
   with 2ちゃん unless it adopts a rule 8-like stance!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
   User: kaguya
    You told yourself that rule was never actually enforced, so what I
    wrote wasn't a lie ( ’~’)
    You are writing like when we pushed AIDS-ridden penis of 2ちゃん
    into Heyuri. During when it was promoted around Heyuri, it was an
    obscure uploader with no rules necessarily needed to keep it R8 friendly.
    I have no proof to back it up, but don't think that poll was rigged by
    an individual. As 2ちゃん got moar users, they may have slowly voted
    for "No", while uploading their shitty pr0n or s*yjak edits. It's also
    often being used while users at KNIRC are chatting, so while not R8
    breaking, it has some files that may not make sense for someone who 
    is only checking it for Heyuri related stuff (;´Д`)
    I personally think that internet doesn't have anything to lose from getting
    rid of all that kind of Rule 8 breaking stuff, so democracy doesn't matter
    as long as it's favoring us (from a Heyuri user's perspective). If I had a
    chance, I would run the entire internets with an iron fist to cure all AIDS....
    *dives into fantasy world here* (´ー`)
    As for VidLii/Another Heyuri uploader board, I am not entitled to make
    any major decision. Just hoping everything will work out the best for 
    Heyuri's sake (;´Д`)
    I thought you were saying 2ちゃん never needed to have Rule 8 enforced 
     (despite the majority has previously voted otherwise), my apologies if 
     I misinterpreted (;´Д`)
     And that's not quite how 2ちゃん came about - it was created by a 
     totally awesome Heyuri user (as all Heyuri users are) and it was later 
     moved to kuz's servers (which as we have recently lerned, is the logic-
     al conclusion of every website evar). Back then there was virtually no 
     AIDS on it cuz Heyuri people were the only users - only later did that 
     kind of crap start seeping in, and it was occasionally (and rightful-
     ly) complained about, both in 2ちゃん comments and elsewhere. Hence 
     the poll being created! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
     Non-existent "proof" aside, the archived evidence that actually exists 
     clearly points to the usual-sized userbase voting one way, the result 
     remaining true for a couple of months, and then some fagg0t coming 
     along to sway the vote in completely the other direction for the same 
     undoubtedly st00pid reason he normally has to poop on our very impr0t-
     ant votes (;´Д`)
     I highly ultra mega doubt that every single one of the 8 new votes that 
     suddenly appeared 3+ months after the result had settled would have 
     been for a single option in opposition to the previous result, with no 
     votes for any of the others (´~`)
     I also don't believe 2ちゃん has grown since then as it hasn't seen a 
     dramatic increase in usage at any point within the past year (;´Д`)
     User: kaguya
      YES, my point was 2ちゃん used to only be used by Heyuri users. During
      when this was the case, there was nothing that would require us to enforce
      Rule 8 there. Also Heyuri users didn't suddenly start uploading AIDS on
      2ちゃん、 those people found it outside Heyuri thx to it being advertised/
      linked outside Heyuri... so it has grown.
      It doesn't matter anymore. I talked about this with kuz, and we approved
      enforcing R8 on 2ちゃん from now on (´ー`)
      This brings up moar questions though. Should we get rid of all those shitty
      images of 3D girls/twitter screenshots/wutever that is "not heyuri"? Mai
      strictness about enforcing rules has been controversial in the past, so I
      should probably ask for kuz's guidance before starting anything (;´Д`)
      It's obviously just the usual kolyma/9ch/dicksword/IRC/kuz-groupie/h8r 
       crowd posting that crap, because that's what they've always posted even 
       pre-Heyuri (;´Д`)
       Crappy twitter/social media screenshots, generic iphone n00dz, and 
       anything featuring those godawful phone filters that make people look 
       like pink-faced aliens are all made of FAIL and AIDs - on the other 
       hand, high quality pr0n, gravure models, homegrown camwhores who post 
       tits and so on = WIN, and is precisely what imageboards were made for 
       Ultimately though, the key to moderating a place like Heyuri is not to 
       have walls of text defining what users can and can't post, nor micro-
       managing every little detail, nor going 2006 /b/ mode and letting every-
       thing turn to garbage by not moderating it at all, but instead being 
       able to feel out the community's wants and needs without catering to 
       any dumb and uninformed demands, and deleting/banning things when you 
       feel that they suck and ruin the internet ヽ(´ー`)ノ
       Some people have a good feel for that, others don't - that's the diff-
       erence between the small number of internet moderators that everyone 
       lieks VS the large number of internet moderators that everyone HAETs
       But 2006 /b/ was the best precisely *because* of the almost complete lack of moderation! My stance has always been to lean towards fewer rules and less moderation, not more.
       │└2006 is the year /b/ went to complete unsalvageable shit and led to the 
       │ │eventual downfall of the entire rest of the site, and most of the best 
       │ │material that everyone was reposting at that time and fondly remembers 
       │ │today was actually created in the preceding years (AKA the "golden age 
       │ │of /b/"). That's why my stance has always been to lean towards bringing 
       │ │back Snacks (;´Д`)
       │ │
       │ └I disagree that 2006 was the year /b/ declined, and that it should be excluded
         from the "golden age of /b/"; on the contrary, 2006 was one of /b/'s and 4chan's
         finest eras. The incredibly lulzy Habbo Hotel and Second Life raiding both began
         that year, many epic threads were posted during that time (including the legendary
         https://2ch.cx/src/2180.jpg which is one of my all-time favorites), and material like
         DESU, OVER 9000, Pool's Closed, and Shoop Da Whoop -- which now are considered
         classics -- became memes in 2006. /b/ was essentially unmoderated and thus
         extremely free, and this freedom contributed immeasurably to its fun.
         If you want to name a specific year during which /b/ began its long decline, I would
         say 2008, or perhaps late 2007 at the earliest; everything earlier undoubtedly belongs
         to the golden age.
         The only debate when it comes to the "golden age of /b/" is whether it 
          ended in mid-2004 when moot pulled the plug on the site for several 
          weeks, or whether it extends into 2005 when things kinda sucked but 
          didn't suck much as they would later suck. It certainly does not in-
          clude 2006 (and definitely not 2007) as that's precisely when the 
          phrase "golden age of /b/" was being used extensively to lament the 
          then-current state of /b/ (;´Д`)
          Most of the stuff you mentioned was never funny or good in the first 
          place - it was mostly just underageb& kiddies without an ounce of 
          creativity or wit being idiots and spamming things on the internet over 
          and over and over and over again thinking that posting 4chan catch-
          phrases outside of 4chan was the most epic thing you could do
          The "decline" you saw in 2007-2008 was just the end result of the way 
          /b/ was being ran in 2006, and that's why everyone who is dumb enough 
          to try and recreate /b/ circa 2006 will receive a shit website filled 
          with humorless morons
          Let's pretend none of that 2006+ crap ever happened and keep Heyuri a 
          firmly 2003-2005 inspired website ヽ(´ー`)ノ
          I suppose it's simply a matter of taste whether or not you believe the memes 
            I mentioned in my previous post are good ones, but I cannot believe you would 
            say that the Habbo Hotel and Second Life raids were "never funny or good" -- 
            they are some of old /b/'s finest moments, when we did something beyond merely 
            talking and joking amongst ourselves on our own site, got organized, ventured 
            out into other online spaces, and successfully pulled off some of the largest 
            and most well-known online pranks in Internet history. The Patriotic Nigras 
            are true Internets superheroes.
            I should emphasize to you that I greatly enjoy Heyuri, and am not at all 
            undervaluing the 2003-2005 era: it is just as excellent and important to 
            4chan's and /b/'s history as 2006 and 2007. I simply do not appreciate your 
            disparagement of 2006 and 2007, as I believe that the events and cultural 
            developments which occurred during those years were positive ones that are 
            inseparable from the essence of old /b/. Quality did not suddenly decline 
            during that time, and I could offer you many examples of entertaining, witty, 
            and epic threads from 2006 and 2007, as well as highly creative OC from those 
            years, too; /b/ suffered no shortage of creative and intelligent users then.
            Hey, now, is that a challenge? If I were to find an imageboard (or launch one
            myself) that successfully combines what Heyuri offers with the memes, raids,
            trolling, shock humor, transgression, and free-wheeling atmosphere that
            characterized 2006 and 2007 /b/, that would truly be a dream come true.
       User: kaguya
         Don't haet me please (;´Д`)
         I agree with almost everything you wrote, although definition of "high quality
         pr0n" is can be a bit subjective ( ´ω`)
