[Date updated: 2021/12/01(Wed) 04:45:10]
 heyuri is such a small  but creative community. our /o/ recieves almost
 as many posts per day as the MASSIVE gurochan /o/ (called kaki)
 oh...I had access to the genocide ug site.
 ││However, this is still a small and good ug group
 │└you have no idea what ug means...
 │ │
 │ └User: Kuznetsov
   neither do i, what does it mean?
   UG = Underground, also known as アングラ (angura). They are sites and 
    communities that cover illegal/illicit topics like H/P/V/C/A (hacking/
    phreaking/virii/cracking/anarchy), warez, drugs, pedophilia, and most 
    heinous of all, video game ROMs and emulators (゚Д゚;)
    no drugs and no pedophilia
     these are for the netnews guys
     ug is basically computer-things
     so it have nothing with dead persons
     there are people who like nude children, drugs or weapons
     but that was accidental, it is not part of ug sites
     Come on now - while not as brazen as "japan.binaries.pictures.erotica.
      lolita", I've seen enough archives and logs of UG sites to know that 炉 
      and other topics were part of the culture
      We had Gmask/FLMask in the West as well you know... ヽ(´ー`)ノ
      nude children or nude women was not part of ug, you are mistaken
        i do not know where you learned that
        you see a archive from a circumstantial conversation
        and as i said, it is about computer-related things
        circumstantially there is what to say about nude persons okay
        as with anything, of course there is room to talk about
        but that is, i repeat, accidental, circumstantial
        you do not go to ug-sites to know about drugs or nude children
        you go to know about computer-related things, games, softwares a tutti quanti
        cite one super popular case are not going to change history mate
        i tell you if you do not know, mr. k is from fj, not ug sites
        he have nothing at all with ug sites
        you will find links for softwares used in nude pictures? yes
        but you will also find software for gambling prediction
        now ug-sites are also about gambling?
        nude children, until 2003-4, was a thing for netnews
        after 2004 the p2p wave took all of it
        this time ug sites was almost all dead
        sorry for bad english
        i am brazilian but japanese
 Gurochan is massive, but almost noone there uses /kaki/ instead
  of /art/ board, which gets way more traffic as the result (;´Д`)
  But creativeness of Heyuri is indeed incomparable with
  any other sites (´ー`)
 actually, more (;´Д`)
