[Date updated: 2021/11/22(Mon) 08:10:24]
 User: Kuznetsov
 The downtime is known now to be a DDOS atak of huge porportions, they 
 strike at night. So expect intermittent uptime from 6-7pm to midnight EST
 until we have blocked all their IPs (6000 and counting)
 I had noticed Heyuri was always down around the same time every night. 
  At first I thought you guys had just retardedly decided to do daily 
  maintenance during peak hours or something, but this has been going on 
  for ages now (;´Д`)
 Sounds terrible! But who are they? Is this an act of war against the People's Republic of Heyuristan??! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
