[Date updated: 2021/11/13(Sat) 23:39:35]
 User: kaguya
 I did tell that I didn't think of that bright idea of wiping older
 threads, but seems like Lolige_X deleted it anyway.
 I think it's natural that Ayashii gets more PPD than /b/, this
 place is more liek a chatroom than an actual board, if you
 understand what I am trying to tell. Don't all boards share
  the same userbase anyways?
 I would also like to see more activity on /b/, but will we achieve
 that dream by wiping 50% of older threads? I don't think so,
 but time will tell. ( ´ω`)
 Wait, Lolige_X is real??? Σ(;゚Д゚)
   I thought they were just a legend, like Bigfoot...
