[Date updated: 2021/11/12(Fri) 06:15:43]
 How do I keep myself from being depressed by politics and what I percieve
 as degradation of the internet and society? I hate to see beautiful things
 ruined (;´Д`)
 I dont want to be a cynical LOSER who is depressed by things outside his
 control,pls halp
 You have a strong sense of justice.
  If you don't like something you can't control, why not just not watch it?
  You can say "no thanks" to intrusive news.
  And just do what you can do in front of you.
  Like making potatoes in the garden.(;´Д`)
 You yes you but not you are beautiful and perfect not society (^▽^)
  As you im telling you its not worth thinking about or correcting that cute
  shinigami you formed from shadows will come and revise your loss after cuddling
  You have seen networks and been on networks with superior bbs thats all you need
 Just do like all of us here, throw the modern internet into the trash
  and focus on the good side of it ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  I use a pentium 4 pc with Windows XP, I only play games from the 2000s,
  I only consume media from back then, I don't own a smartphone.(・∀・)
  And if you need to be in contact with those things due to work and other
  stuff you can always create a divide between work and fun by separating
  things, I have an android installed in my raspberry pi, which I access
  whatsapp and other stuff needed for work, I have a modern pc which I 
  access by NoMachine from the Windows XP when I need it. ( ’~’)
  Modern society and the mainstream internet pass the impression that it
  is impossible to live in society while not being subject to the mainstream
  internet, when in reality it is not true (´ー`), you can easily shelter
  yourself and lead your life apart from being led by the ones above.
  ( ´ω`)
  You're a rockstar ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    I always LOL hard when I hear people presuming that everyone is rolling 
    in the nu-web/nu-tech/nu-politics pigsty with them - as if it was the 
    freaking law that you had to join in with that crap and not just keep 
    using ur old stuff and doing what you were doing before (ノД^、)σ
    Half the shit I own is 15-35 years old, and I never signed up to those 
    lame as hell "social media" sites for lemmings. I'm still having fun on 
    my computer and teh interwebs, and I don't give a FUCK!!!!!!!
