[Date updated: 2021/11/02(Tue) 15:08:01]
 User: Kuznetsov
 My trip to 4-ch to show them my great successes and inventions was a 
 complete failure. Those morons will learn!
 What's the point in impressing a handful of grouchy do-nothings from 
  another website? (;´Д`)
  Their validation is worth ZILCH to anyone except their own admin
  User: Kuznetsov
   Thats true. They're know-nothing too. Heyuri will lead the renaissance all
   by itself, while they rot and die of inaction and old age.. (;´Д`)
   Speaking of that renaissance, my IDEA came true... 24 years ago!!! Σ(;゚∇゚)
