2729.    User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/02/24(Thu) 08:31:18             
"holoshitter" is a western term kuz was using, but that sentiment isn't
exactly unique to the West. I'm not going to generalize all VTubers and
tell they are all doing it for teh ¥ here, but hatred for fans of those
VTubers who read their fans' names when they donate exists in 日本
too: some call VTuber fans as 「バチャ豚」 (Virtual Pigs)

As for kuz, he really did have sudden a change of heart for VTubers
for some reason unknown to me (;´Д`)
While he may be primarily motivated for bux, he is genuinely interested
in VTubers now. Here are some of his messages from a public IRC room:

<kuz> A kolyma-sanctioned vtuber agency is coming in 2022
<kuz> After that it will be a thoughtcrime to critisize them

<kuz> I dont hate vtubers
<kuz> But most of their voices annoy me

And here is the struggling company he mentioned btw

2730. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/02/24(Thu) 20:46:48          
> "holoshitter" is a western term kuz was using, but that sentiment isn't
> exactly unique to the West. I'm not going to generalize all VTubers and
> tell they are all doing it for teh ¥ here, but hatred for fans of those
> VTubers who read their fans' names when they donate exists in 日本
> too: some call VTuber fans as 「バチャ豚」 (Virtual Pigs)
> https://life4health.info/archives/3075
> As for kuz, he really did have sudden a change of heart for VTubers
> for some reason unknown to me (;´Д`)
> While he may be primarily motivated for bux, he is genuinely interested
> in VTubers now. Here are some of his messages from a public IRC room:
> <kuz> A kolyma-sanctioned vtuber agency is coming in 2022
> <kuz> After that it will be a thoughtcrime to critisize them
> <kuz> I dont hate vtubers
> <kuz> But most of their voices annoy me
> And here is the struggling company he mentioned btw
> https://twitter.com/tvuwu

Yeah, 5ch antis have been around since the start - they're mostly kids 
and imbeciles though, so who cares what they think. Especially here on 
Strange World ヽ(´ー`)ノ

That said, I still don't trust anyone who wasn't around for the early 
days of buichuubas to not completely fuck it up. All anyone seems to do 
anymore is make piece of shit overly-corporate idolfaggotry AIDS in the 
vein of Hololive, or when it comes to Westerners, some shitty anime dub-
voiced "ironic weeaboo" garbage meme-spouters, because since the end of 
2019 that's what all teh n00bs think virtual youtubers are (;´Д`)

All the creativity, all the technological innovation, all the scene-
wide openness and friendliness, all the amateur hobbyism, all the break-
ing new ground, all the "not letting suits get in the way of who inter-
acts with who or what gets produced"... GONE. Replaced with this bland 
suit-approved CRAP and stupid idol drama thx to Hololive and their post-
2019 fanbase ruining everything (both in the West and Japan)

It freaking sux, and I know damn well that kuz (or anyone else just 
joining the world of virtual youtubers today) isn't going to be doing 
anything different, because they weren't aware that anything else ever 
existed in the first place (;´Д`)

STOP RUINING MY HOBBIES N00BS!!!!!!111111 ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2022/02/24(Thu) 03:31:18

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