Strange [email protected]

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	  00 [06/30 23:06:33] 安らかに眠れガレンジャー(;´Д`)
	  00 [06/30 23:13:06] >  It's over now rest in peace Garanger 2007-2023.
	  01 [07/01 07:07:57] "Short people promotes pedophilia"
	  01 [07/01 07:32:49] four
	  01 [07/01 07:45:26] I just realized there's no way to have a thumb war on ayashii...
	  01 [07/01 10:10:48]  abcdefgh
	  00 [07/01 17:53:48] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/01 18:13:17] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/01 21:15:19] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/01 22:36:24] (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ TO HELL WITH YOUR CHESS GAME
	  00 [07/01 22:39:14] That's rude of you! The game shall go on!
	  00 [07/01 23:57:27] abcdefgh
	  01 [07/02 04:54:49] I've just learned that a great majority of 'child poem's these days is
	  01 [07/02 05:14:17] ヽ(´Д`;)ノ8====D
	  01 [07/02 06:55:40] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/02 08:36:32] You, are the childreeeenn....ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  01 [07/02 13:07:08] hello !!!!  !ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  04 [07/03 10:34:02] Close ur eyes Heyuri... what do you see?(´ー`)
	  02 [07/02 19:39:03] How come people always say confidence is attractive? I would actually
	  00 [07/02 21:01:58] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/03 00:10:21] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/03 02:39:14] abcdefgh
	  01 [07/03 10:31:55] The world supposed to ended at 12th or 21st December, but the meteor didn't came until now.(`Д´)
	  03 [07/04 02:25:27] /\ /    \│  │  ││  │  │
	  01 [07/03 13:29:35] How long does it take to learn a song on guitar?
	  02 [07/04 13:05:19] Out on the street, anyone could get 'ya... (;゚Д゚)
	  00 [07/03 15:34:55] If not, what are we?
	  00 [07/03 15:47:57] How many people here are into astronomy? I have a telescope for
	  00 [07/03 17:13:09] /\ /    \│  │  ││  │  │
	  01 [07/04 05:14:01] abcdefgh
	  06 [07/05 09:44:21] パンチラ( ´ω`)
	  00 [07/04 10:37:52] あやしいわーるど@へゆりヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  00 [07/04 17:40:30] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/04 20:04:50] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/04 22:41:50] whatevs(`~´)  abcdefgh
	  02 [07/07 02:42:26] getting groomed into a lgbt on discord is the current age getting scammed out of your mithril armour in runescape
	  00 [07/05 22:45:12] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/06 04:05:48] abcdefgh
	  01 [07/06 06:33:35] Strange World is particularly strange today...(゚ー`)
	  00 [07/06 12:11:14] Can the crazy person who has made more than 75% of recent posts plz 
	  00 [07/06 14:35:00] Post keep disappearing. So is my feelings.
	  01 [07/06 14:36:57] It s the backwards effect, because i m short, i guess.
	  00 [07/06 14:37:14] I guess some people are born with extras eh.
	  01 [07/06 19:55:24] there were more posts here earlier...
	  00 [07/06 20:02:50] (´ー`)
	  01 [07/07 00:10:38] So many one cell braindead dogshit here.
	  02 [07/07 13:56:23] So dreamy, asians are.
	  00 [07/07 01:17:54] abcdefgh
	  02 [07/07 04:31:12] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/07 02:37:25] My balls hurt...(´Д`)
	  00 [07/07 02:45:59] is this the indonesian spammer I heard about? (´-`)
	  01 [07/07 07:57:15] After 21 years, voiced waha! (゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/07 13:55:19] The schizoposter is back (;´Д`)
	  02 [07/08 15:00:12] money can buy u happiness. your height not included.
	  01 [07/07 19:35:01] I literally felt my semen reaching the top of my urethra, like mercury 
	  02 [07/07 23:36:55] I didn't check Heyuri for a couple days because I was stalking this girl, any new kaomoji I should know about?
	  00 [07/08 04:26:59] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/08 06:18:05] Finally, I am no longer thinking about those scumfags.
	  00 [07/08 06:33:02] I forgot my mastodon account password oh no... (´Д`)
	  00 [07/08 06:59:14] Man... I miss going to the mall so much... (´¬`)
	  00 [07/08 07:21:14] It's getting hard to tell who is spammer-kun (;゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/08 09:15:12] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/08 14:38:36] abcdefgh
	  02 [07/09 12:55:14] My boyfriend said I'm not allowed to post here any more.
	  00 [07/09 00:06:40]           <  マ
	  01 [07/09 06:50:01] I forgot to take a piss (´Д`)
	  00 [07/09 06:09:56] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/09 06:47:13] abcdefgh
	  01 [07/09 12:06:01] Nobody stood for the camel.
	  00 [07/09 14:54:49] I just saw a nigger... kowai yo...
	  00 [07/09 21:00:32] 分かってねーなぁ!!!!男なんて1ミリも興味ねーんだよ!!
	  00 [07/09 21:53:33] ふぁっげと
	  00 [07/10 00:20:25] This has been the worst day on Strange World in a long time.
	  00 [07/10 01:25:41] Hey spam-kun, still working on drawing that space marine? (´∇`)σ
	  01 [07/10 03:34:10] Mods, please ban this retard already.
	  05 [07/10 03:59:27] I think spam-kun should commit SUICIDE (´ー`)
	  00 [07/10 03:02:53]   | _____  | |   
	  01 [07/10 03:42:03] where is kaguya when you need him (´人`)
	  00 [07/10 06:34:07] I guess I'm having a bad luck this week... (TДT)
	  00 [07/10 06:43:27] More specifically, it's crapflooding (´ー`)δ
	  00 [07/10 12:02:44] bonito ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  00 [07/10 16:16:03] Strange World is a graveyard except for the one bastard...(;゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/10 16:16:17] abcdefgh
	  01 [07/10 18:25:22] Strange World is a graveyard except for the one bastard...(;゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/10 18:10:18] Just had a hot shower and wrapped myself in a blanket all 
	  00 [07/10 18:12:19] セックスも オナニーも 安倍総理
	  00 [07/10 20:40:35] >where is kaguya when you need him (´人`)
	  00 [07/10 20:53:05] I liek teh first song.
	  00 [07/10 20:56:54] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/11 01:06:36] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/11 20:36:23]
	  00 [07/11 20:45:17] KILL IT WITH FIRE
	  03 [07/12 20:13:57] I am back from a forced "vacation" ヽ(´∇`)ノ
	  00 [] So say the mac fans, and the impossible missions.
	  00 [07/13 00:25:27] Lemme restoooo
	  00 [07/13 03:34:30] I loev hot drinksヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  01 [07/13 04:33:35] I saw a tiny orange cat few weeks ago.
	  00 [07/13 05:43:17] no gbc action rpg?
	  01 [07/13 09:12:25] WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING??? (゚血゚#)
	  00 [07/13 08:47:12]
	  00 [07/13 09:57:14] Crazy-kun, can you please go to another BBS? I would like to read
	  00 [07/13 10:10:16] (;゚∇゚)(;´Д`)(`ー´)(;゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/13 10:57:13] ε≡Ξヽ( ^Д^)ノ  ε≡Ξ('ー')
	  00 [07/13 14:45:35] I can do everything. Except eating vegetable.
	  01 [07/14 03:04:04] On a semi-related topic, how do I get a psychic boner? ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  01 [07/14 11:16:24] I was thinking about making sonic-like metroidvania game, but I don't have budget or computer, plus I have no experience on coding... (´Д`)
	  00 [07/14 07:51:43] I was asking someone for tips why there'sa lot of spammers here wtf (╬⊙Д⊙)
	  00 [07/14 08:07:19] Oh thank god its gone now... (´Д`)
	  00 [07/14 11:21:22] metroid a virgin-like sonic game
	  01 [07/14 16:07:33] i have a proper budget for a nice computer setup
	  00 [07/14 11:28:59] welcome to the japan italo-house mansion!
	  01 [07/14 11:37:44] well you proabbly know now
	  00 [07/14 20:13:57] c'mon, let's finish this game (´ー`)
	  00 [07/14 20:17:05] ah shit (;´Д`)  abcdefgh
	  01 [07/15 00:35:07] does strange world like minecraft?
	  00 [07/15 02:41:57] This is the most droning song I've ever listened to. I love it (´人`)
	  00 [07/15 03:48:53] I liked it when schizo-kun drew cool art... (;´Д`)
	  00 [07/15 05:04:02] So anyways, I have unlucky experience everytime I spent my money for savings or buying important stuff, all the time. (´-`)
	  00 [07/15 05:14:15] digital-trad-digital-trad-loop?
	  01 [07/15 07:08:57] Don't you hate it when your favorite snacks are just 90% air and the rest of it are just 10 pieces of 'em?
	  00 [07/15 08:33:15] Pardon your faults plessant seeeker.
	  00 [07/15 12:04:25] AI? For Al.
	  00 [07/15 12:04:47] >WRONG
	  00 [07/15 12:35:05] I LOL'd at crazy-kun rambling about religion, philosophy, technology, 
	  00 [07/15 15:42:04] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/15 18:02:19] Moderators are on Gikopoi, I can post ASCII dicks!
	  00 [07/15 19:06:49]         γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ 
	  00 [07/15 19:07:09]         γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ              γ⌒ヽ 
	  00 [07/15 22:21:02] THINGS ARE ONLY GETTING BETTER.
	  01 [07/15 23:26:02] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/15 22:23:36] (`Д´)(`ー´)(`~´)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)(゚ぺ)(`~´)(`Д´)(´-`)(´Д`)(ノД`、)Σ(;゚Д゚)Σ(;゚Д゚)DO YOU NEED SOLITUDE TO SURVIVE (`~´)
	  00 [07/16 01:14:45] Guess we know who s the boss.
	  00 [07/16 01:19:48] abcdefgh
	  02 [07/16 03:30:42] Learning the Alphabet:A B C D E F G....
	  00 [07/16 05:32:05] So, I had this dream from month ago.
	  01 [07/16 11:21:51] Don't you ever wonder what will people be fapping to in 500 years from now on?
	  00 [07/16 14:51:35] Pepsi or Coke? For me, it's loli hymen blood.
	  00 [07/16 15:26:14] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/16 15:40:17] abcdefgh
	  03 [07/19 12:44:54] THIS IS A SRS GAEM FFS (゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)
	  03 [07/17 02:05:32] whatz up with vote?
	  00 [07/17 03:54:51] japan looks, AMAZING
	  00 [07/17 05:54:31] Classic!
	  00 [07/18 06:27:18] Why the fuck autistic retarded really want a human with bean paws?
	  01 [07/18 07:11:55] Shark and Pitbull share things in common.
	  01 [07/18 14:04:26] How do I avoid the urge to go downstairs without any pants on? Our maid is probably down there. It would give her quite a shock...
	  00 [07/18 14:36:32] My sister turned thirty recently and I'm pretty sure she still hasn't
	  03 [07/19 06:29:01] Good news, I got my phone back (゚∇゚)
	  01 [07/18 17:48:14] ε≡三ヽ(´ー`)ノ ロリまんこ
	  00 [07/18 22:28:13] Hey, i'm a 22 years old brazilian unaployed guy, someone wanna chat? I was lurking for quite a while.
	  00 [07/19 00:46:26] What would you do if you found a baby lying in an alleyway somewhere,
	  02 [07/19 06:47:33] Chat-kun, i wanted to say good bye at least.
	  00 [07/19 10:33:44] Now that I've had to flush my diarrhea down with a bucket of my puke, I
	  02 [07/19 18:30:28] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/19 17:47:17] People these year are getting more out of touch from reality since pandemic era died out years ago, and it concerns me (;´Д`)
	  01 [07/19 21:17:36] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/19 22:18:20] abcdefgh
	  02 [07/20 01:30:57] California has so many girls with low cut tops and booty shorts in the summer
	  00 [07/19 22:57:52] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/19 23:19:43] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/20 00:08:47] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/20 03:20:19] dumbdumbs
	  04 [07/20 08:56:41] For some reason doing maths is giving me a boner... (´ー`)
	  04 [07/21 22:29:31] noodles
	  00 [07/21 10:47:11] Love is out there...(´ー`)
	  00 [07/21 13:40:46] Goddamn south east asia ddos hack
	  00 [07/21 15:55:50] Rape!
	  06 [07/22 19:59:42] It's hard being a non-westerner with weird fetishes. People around here
	  00 [07/21 23:24:09] My family is digsuting fuck.
	  00 [07/22 11:06:19] Time to suffer, joyseeker.
	  00 [07/22 11:06:32] Damn theyre dumber than rocks
	  00 [07/22 12:54:09] So the lordscreams like its people.
	  00 [07/22 12:54:39] Well i guess i m just gon try better in the next one
	  01 [07/22 14:04:35] abcdefgh
	  00 [07/22 16:27:15] You can delete your latest post with "Undo" next to "■ ◆ 木" icons fyi
	  00 [07/22 17:11:42] black pantsu or striped pantsu?
	  00 [07/22 22:58:55] Anaru sekkusu.
	  00 [07/23 09:38:02] cock does not go there (゚∇゚)
	  00 [07/23 09:57:06] ((┌――――――――┐┌――――――――┐
	  00 [07/23 10:15:47] Oh, I thought she was some kind of deity (;^Д^)
	  01 [07/23 12:34:55] ((┌――――――――┐┌――――――――┐
	  04 [07/24 02:20:39] Kuz has done his final Q&A on the R8 site a while ago.
	  02 [07/24 16:42:28] vietnam is best nation
	  00 [07/24 14:49:49] ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
	  00 [07/24 18:11:17] I luv weird 80s muzak (´人`)
	  03 [07/25 05:09:26] testing to make sure I deleted things properly
	  00 [07/25 21:51:10] I am super crazy! ヽ(´Д`;)ノΞ≡3
	  01 [07/26 12:23:17] ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
	  02 [07/26 06:53:56] Who and why the hell someone really want to fuck a dick hole?? Σ(;⊙Д⊙)
	  02 [07/26 14:25:42] Like gods dreaming of heaven.
	  00 [07/26 13:33:58] I just came back to complaint some shit and this is the first thing I see.
	  00 [07/26 16:03:48] Am I the only one who hates 'Internet Journalist' type writing, and how 
	  00 [07/26 22:01:29] Fuck chess. I resign (´ー`)
	  03 [07/28 06:42:47] Man I wish I could stop nutting over a lactating comically obese men ("´Д`)
	  01 [07/27 22:58:00] Made a breakthrough with the guitar. I can actually hold a tune 
	  00 [07/27 09:03:30] musixz
	  00 [07/27 09:34:21] agooga ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  01 [07/28 01:35:18] Jealousy is the most powerful motivator, but unfortunately, most people who get overwhelmed by jealousy simply give up on ever having what they're jealous of. Sad!
	  00 [07/27 19:45:49] ORARU SEKKUSU (;´Д`)
	  00 [07/27 23:39:22] Kachigger
	  00 [07/28 01:56:50] What do kuz, and a walmart have in common?
	  00 [07/28 03:18:54] test
	  01 [07/28 18:00:10] looks like Key/Visual Arts was sold to Tencent... (;´Д`)
	  00 [07/28 16:57:40] All I want ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  00 [07/28 20:06:36] NYANPASU~
	  05 [07/29 05:31:53] can some1 convince me 2 take a bath.
	  01 [07/29 08:54:36] The E in Kitsune are audible.
	  00 [07/29 12:04:21] Does anyone here live in Japan as a foreigner?
	  01 [07/29 13:17:59] Why this mf keep spamming- (╬⊙Д⊙)
	  00 [07/30 02:13:38] stfu stupid spammer (;`Д´)
	  01 [07/30 07:38:37] >He makes dozens of these nonsensical brain-b0rked posts in a row 
	  00 [07/30 13:42:05] Man I wish I didn't get morning wood so frequently. It takes forever to go down. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
	  02 [07/30 21:12:11] This sounds so lame. Is it even hardcore? (;´Д`)
	  00 [07/30 21:55:57] シニタイよ
	  00 [07/30 22:02:38] what's up my heyuriggas (;´Д`)
	  02 [07/31 18:26:25] i HATE insecure people (゚血゚#). Anything, literally anything happens,
	  00 [07/31 02:11:30] I just found this channel on youtube dedicated solely to massage videos.
	  01 [07/31 08:37:44] maboroshi looks like lame show
	  01 [07/31 14:43:46] This was supposed to be my 'stay in bed' week, since all we've got

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