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Latest 30 posts 

13122. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/06(Fri) 01:31:44          
> I want to suck child nipples(;^Д^)
budding rori breasts would taste delicious with cream and a strawberry
on top

Reference: 2024/09/06(Fri) 00:50:39

13121.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/06(Fri) 00:50:39          
I want to suck child nipples(;^Д^)

13120.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 23:37:01          

13119.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 20:04:43          
 (゚ー゚)ノ    ( '-')ノ     ヾ(´ー`)
 ノ( ∧)   <(   )へ   (     )ヽ
 <    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄>   >
 |  cat /etc/passwd | mail  |
<(´ー`)ノ ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ ヽ(`Д´)ゝ
  (   )    (    )   (    )
   <  ヽ   <  >    ノ   >

13117. >Anonymous-san   User: Right Fonter Research Team   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 18:41:03             
> > the CSS here needs fixing (゚∇゚)
> > the <body> style should be edited to have the MS Gothic font first in the list
> >   body {
> >     max-height: 100%;
> >     -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
> >     background: #004040;
> >     color: #efefef;
> >     font-family: "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "BIZ UDゴシック", "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP",
> >                  "Noto Sans Mono", "IPAゴシック", "HGゴシックM", monospace;
> >     font-size: 14px;
> >   }
> > and the <pre> style needs to let the font not be overridden by the browser
> > (since it gets changed to "monospace" for me on this machine if I only do the edit to the CSS for <body>)
> >   pre {
> >     font-family: inherit;
> >   }
> > without these edits, this place looks like this on my machine, even though I do have MS Gothic since I'm on Windows:
> >
> > we should probably also embed MS Gothic here so it doesn't matter if it's locally installed
> > but I don't know how to do that ┐(゚~゚)┌
> You can't legally host MS Gothic since it's owned by Bill Gates-san 
> (and I don't think it would work anyway) - IPAMona is in more of a 
> legal greyarea, which is why I'm hosting a WOFF-converted version on 
> the Heyuri★CGI site (;^Д^)
> There's more research that needs to be done regarding how Ayashii 
> boards would have looked back when AA became commonplace (around 1999, 
> although heavily formatted posts were common in 1998). You can't simply 
> look at surviving instances today since OSes and web browsers have 
> changed a lot over the past 20-25 years, and things don't look how they 
> used to given the same HTML source
> I have the original script used on Shiba's final instance before he 
> quit in September 98, as well as others from 1999-200X - then it's just 
> a matter of setting up Japanese versions of Win95 and 98 and seeing how 
> it looks on Netscape 4/IE4/IE5
> THEN I can make a modified version of this script that does away with 
> all the silly half-assed modernizations that the maintainer added to it 
> and have a proper font family

So far I have Windows 98 SE (Japanese edition, dated roughly May 1999) 
installed with IE5 (comes with the OS) and Netscape Navigator 4.04 
(Japanese edition), and I tested them with the original unmodified 
Shiba script ヽ(´ー`)ノ

IE5's default Japanese fonts are MS PGothic for regular text, and 
MS Gothic for monospace text. MS PGothic in IE5 appears basically 
identical to modern Firefox (at least, Firefox when an HTML5-style 
DOCTYPE declaration is not included in the page - adding that will 
increase MS PGothic's line height from 1 to 1.2)

Interestingly, the default IE5 browser text size causes MS Gothic to 
have a font size of 12px (9pt), with a letter spacing of 1, and line 
height of something like 1.16. Modern Firefox on the other hand seems 
to use a size of 16px, letter spacing of 0, and line height of 1.2

Netscape 4.04 is a different matter - first of all, it wouldn't even 
display the characters properly until I added "charset=Shift_JIS" into 
the HTML of the script. Secondly, both the Japanese standard text font 
and monospace font defeaulted to MS PGothic. I found an old guide 
online that seemed to instruct users on what they should set the fonts 
to, so it was possibly just up to the user to set the fonts correctly 

The default font sizes were "10" for both standard and monospace fonts, 
and both MS PGothic and MS Gothic in Netscape 4 appear to be at 12px 
(9pt). For MS PGothic, that's much smaller than IE5 and modern Firefox. 
MS Gothic on the other hand appears identical to how it appears in IE5

Worth noting is that the input boxes on Netscape 4 appear much wider 
than on IE5, and in general the margins/paddings of various elements 
varies wildly compared each other and modern browsers. Netscape has 
nice-looking "derived from the background color" 3D borders on <hr>, 
table, and input elements, while IE5 uses simpler shades of grey/black/
white instead. Buttons also have a lot more horizontal padding

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:35:30

13116. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 08:29:04          
> > Whoever decided that two step verification is necessary whenever I sign
> > into my bank account for something as simple as looking at my balance
> > should be taken out and shot
> > They probably do this kind of shit to make you want to download their
> > app or something ghey liek thatヽ(`Д´)ノ
> It's much safer though, I'd rather be slightly annoyed every time
> I log in than be devastated when I lose all my money (・∀・)

Upon remembering that my bank account is not as disposable as a user
account and that there is actual money at stake, I feel at least 20%
moar grateful that my hard earned dough is secure under the watchful eye
of online security (´-`)

I must strive to work out my frustrations in much more productive
ways... liek fapping! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/09/05(Thu) 06:30:31

13115. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 06:30:31          
> Whoever decided that two step verification is necessary whenever I sign
> into my bank account for something as simple as looking at my balance
> should be taken out and shot
> They probably do this kind of shit to make you want to download their
> app or something ghey liek thatヽ(`Д´)ノ
It's much safer though, I'd rather be slightly annoyed every time
I log in than be devastated when I lose all my money (・∀・)

Reference: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:20:57

13114. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 05:07:00          
> > don't trust in the guy below he's lying
> it sounds like bullshit but it's actually true (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
> although the use of the word "font" in the post isn't really correct from a legal perspective
> see:

i know pre-digital fonts were "typefaces", is it the same here?

Reference: 2024/09/05(Thu) 04:45:42

13113. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 04:45:42          
> don't trust in the guy below he's lying

it sounds like bullshit but it's actually true (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
although the use of the word "font" in the post isn't really correct from a legal perspective


Reference: 2024/09/05(Thu) 03:58:09

13112.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 03:58:09          
don't trust in the guy below he's lying

13111.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 03:09:24          
you know, looking into it, you could technically legally could verbatim 
copy the MS Gothic bitmap fonts

this isn't true everywhere (in fact, I'm pretty sure it would be 
copyright infringement in quite a large portion of Europe), but in the 
US, bitmap fonts lack copyright protection (since fonts are not 

as for how anyone can sell fonts in the US: legally, vector fonts are 
not actually considered fonts, they are considered software lol (and 
thus do get copyright protection)

13110.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:25:21          
Meiryo is the only font that is unacceptable.(╬⊙Д⊙)

13109. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:22:18          
> Whoever decided that two step verification is necessary whenever I sign
> into my bank account for something as simple as looking at my balance
> should be taken out and shot
> They probably do this kind of shit to make you want to download their
> app or something ghey liek thatヽ(`Д´)ノ

Forgot to mention, I can't even turn this dumb bullshit off
That's the part that pisses me off the most (゚血゚#)

Reference: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:20:57

13108.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:20:57          
Whoever decided that two step verification is necessary whenever I sign
into my bank account for something as simple as looking at my balance
should be taken out and shot
They probably do this kind of shit to make you want to download their
app or something ghey liek thatヽ(`Д´)ノ

13107.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 01:03:20          
I am a Linux user and have my setup set up to appear on my desktop like this(;´Д`)
There appears to be a Konatu font.
"Meiryo UI"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Meiryo"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"MS Gothic"="Ume Gothic"
"MS Mincho"="Ume Mincho"
"MS PGothic"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS PMincho"="Ume P Mincho"
"MS Sans Serif"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS Shell Dlg"="Ume UI Gothic"
"MS UI Gothic"="Ume UI Gothic"
"MS Pゴシック"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS P明朝"="Ume P Mincho"
"MS ゴシック"="Ume Gothic"
"MS 明朝"="Ume Mincho"
"Tahoma"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Gothic UI Light"="Noto Sans CJK JP Light"
"Yu Gothic UI Semibold"="Noto Sans CJK JP Medium"
"Yu Gothic UI Semilight"="Noto Sans CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Gothic UI"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Gothic Light"="Noto Sans CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Gothic Medium"="Noto Sans CJK JP Medium"
"Yu Gothic"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Mincho Demibold"="Noto Serif CJK JP SemiBold"
"Yu Mincho Light"="Noto Serif CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Mincho"="Noto Serif CJK JP"
"メイリオ"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"游ゴシック"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"游明朝"="Noto Serif CJK JP"

13106. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/05(Thu) 00:00:12          
> You can't legally host MS Gothic since it's owned by Bill Gates-san 
> (and I don't think it would work anyway) - IPAMona is in more of a 
> legal greyarea, which is why I'm hosting a WOFF-converted version on 
> the Heyuri★CGI site (;^Д^)
> There's more research that needs to be done regarding how Ayashii 
> boards would have looked back when AA became commonplace (around 1999, 
> although heavily formatted posts were common in 1998). You can't simply 
> look at surviving instances today since OSes and web browsers have 
> changed a lot over the past 20-25 years, and things don't look how they 
> used to given the same HTML source
> I have the original script used on Shiba's final instance before he 
> quit in September 98, as well as others from 1999-200X - then it's just 
> a matter of setting up Japanese versions of Win95 and 98 and seeing how 
> it looks on Netscape 4/IE4/IE5
> THEN I can make a modified version of this script that does away with 
> all the silly half-assed modernizations that the maintainer added to it 
> and have a proper font family
not distributing is fair enough I guess
oh yeah, if you're going to install old Japanese Windows 9x/2000,
install a corresponding Japanese version of MS Office since the default
font list in Windows is small and it would have been a very common
also, at the absolute least, having Noto Sans be above MS Gothic in the 
list will definitely cause some wonkiness

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:35:30

13105. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:35:30          
> the CSS here needs fixing (゚∇゚)
> the <body> style should be edited to have the MS Gothic font first in the list
>   body {
>     max-height: 100%;
>     -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
>     background: #004040;
>     color: #efefef;
>     font-family: "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "BIZ UDゴシック", "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP",
>                  "Noto Sans Mono", "IPAゴシック", "HGゴシックM", monospace;
>     font-size: 14px;
>   }
> and the <pre> style needs to let the font not be overridden by the browser
> (since it gets changed to "monospace" for me on this machine if I only do the edit to the CSS for <body>)
>   pre {
>     font-family: inherit;
>   }
> without these edits, this place looks like this on my machine, even though I do have MS Gothic since I'm on Windows:
> we should probably also embed MS Gothic here so it doesn't matter if it's locally installed
> but I don't know how to do that ┐(゚~゚)┌

You can't legally host MS Gothic since it's owned by Bill Gates-san 
(and I don't think it would work anyway) - IPAMona is in more of a 
legal greyarea, which is why I'm hosting a WOFF-converted version on 
the Heyuri★CGI site (;^Д^)

There's more research that needs to be done regarding how Ayashii 
boards would have looked back when AA became commonplace (around 1999, 
although heavily formatted posts were common in 1998). You can't simply 
look at surviving instances today since OSes and web browsers have 
changed a lot over the past 20-25 years, and things don't look how they 
used to given the same HTML source

I have the original script used on Shiba's final instance before he 
quit in September 98, as well as others from 1999-200X - then it's just 
a matter of setting up Japanese versions of Win95 and 98 and seeing how 
it looks on Netscape 4/IE4/IE5

THEN I can make a modified version of this script that does away with 
all the silly half-assed modernizations that the maintainer added to it 
and have a proper font family

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:02:40

13104. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:11:56          
> without these edits, this place looks like this on my machine, even though I do have MS Gothic since I'm on Windows:
> we should probably also embed MS Gothic here so it doesn't matter if it's locally installed
> but I don't know how to do that ┐(゚~゚)┌

continuing, I'm amazed it looks right on any machine

it looks perfect on my desktop as-is somehow
and I genuinely do not know how 

installing any of the other listed fonts will b0rk it, and I'm kinda 
surprised that the <pre> font isn't overriding things on my desktop

    /                                        \
  /    / ̄\                    / ̄\        \
 │    │    │                  │    │        │
 │     \_/  ________  \_/   ゚     │
 │             \            /                 │
 │               \        /                   │
  \                \    /               |    /
    \                \/                丿  /

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:02:40

13103.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 22:02:40          
the CSS here needs fixing (゚∇゚)
the <body> style should be edited to have the MS Gothic font first in the list

  body {
    max-height: 100%;
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
    background: #004040;
    color: #efefef;
    font-family: "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", "BIZ UDゴシック", "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP",
                 "Noto Sans Mono", "IPAゴシック", "HGゴシックM", monospace;
    font-size: 14px;

and the <pre> style needs to let the font not be overridden by the browser
(since it gets changed to "monospace" for me on this machine if I only do the edit to the CSS for <body>)

  pre {
    font-family: inherit;

without these edits, this place looks like this on my machine, even though I do have MS Gothic since I'm on Windows:

we should probably also embed MS Gothic here so it doesn't matter if it's locally installed
but I don't know how to do that ┐(゚~゚)┌

13102.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 20:12:32          
written in romaji, onnanoko looks like omanko

13101.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 12:29:53          
postan on school! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

13100.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 08:12:12          
I don't get erection unless I physically stimulate my pen0r (´-`)

13099. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:49:19          
> > I've heard the trick is to tense your thigh muscles, which redirects 
> > the blood away from your penis. Now share the GIF! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> Actually I think I found it:

It was actually this one:

But thanks for sharing that, fukken SAVED ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:46:30

13098. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:46:30          
> > I was at work today scrolling /vr/ on break and someone posted this gif
> > of a brown Hatsune Miku wobbling her ass and it was so goddamn sexy, but
> > the problem was I got hard within seconds and it would have been very
> > obvious if I stood up like that with my uniform. I was in the main dining
> > area because there's no employee break room or whatever and there were kids
> > around and shit, so I tried to very stealthily fold my penis up on my belt
> > line and cover the rest with my shirt, thought it worked only for me to stand
> > up and you can very clearly see my hard dick sitting up because my shirt was
> > tight on me. So I'm like, fuck, and I try to make it to the bathroom and wait
> > a bit for it to go down, using my phone to block my slightly visible cock,
> > and I got there and that shit was still not going down. I had to go out and
> > fill my cup with a lot of water so I could try and pee out my boner, and after
> > like five minutes of chugging water in the bathroom and peeing it finally went
> > down. At the end of it all I realized I pretty much blew my entire break on
> > trying to make my dick limp and it would have been way easier to just jerk off
> > into my hand, clean up and still have time left.
> > It truly is a strange world. (´ー`)
> I've heard the trick is to tense your thigh muscles, which redirects 
> the blood away from your penis. Now share the GIF! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Actually I think I found it:

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:43:50

13097. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:43:50          
> I was at work today scrolling /vr/ on break and someone posted this gif
> of a brown Hatsune Miku wobbling her ass and it was so goddamn sexy, but
> the problem was I got hard within seconds and it would have been very
> obvious if I stood up like that with my uniform. I was in the main dining
> area because there's no employee break room or whatever and there were kids
> around and shit, so I tried to very stealthily fold my penis up on my belt
> line and cover the rest with my shirt, thought it worked only for me to stand
> up and you can very clearly see my hard dick sitting up because my shirt was
> tight on me. So I'm like, fuck, and I try to make it to the bathroom and wait
> a bit for it to go down, using my phone to block my slightly visible cock,
> and I got there and that shit was still not going down. I had to go out and
> fill my cup with a lot of water so I could try and pee out my boner, and after
> like five minutes of chugging water in the bathroom and peeing it finally went
> down. At the end of it all I realized I pretty much blew my entire break on
> trying to make my dick limp and it would have been way easier to just jerk off
> into my hand, clean up and still have time left.
> It truly is a strange world. (´ー`)

I've heard the trick is to tense your thigh muscles, which redirects 
the blood away from your penis. Now share the GIF! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:33:47

13096.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/04(Wed) 00:33:47          
I was at work today scrolling /vr/ on break and someone posted this gif
of a brown Hatsune Miku wobbling her ass and it was so goddamn sexy, but
the problem was I got hard within seconds and it would have been very
obvious if I stood up like that with my uniform. I was in the main dining
area because there's no employee break room or whatever and there were kids
around and shit, so I tried to very stealthily fold my penis up on my belt
line and cover the rest with my shirt, thought it worked only for me to stand
up and you can very clearly see my hard dick sitting up because my shirt was
tight on me. So I'm like, fuck, and I try to make it to the bathroom and wait
a bit for it to go down, using my phone to block my slightly visible cock,
and I got there and that shit was still not going down. I had to go out and
fill my cup with a lot of water so I could try and pee out my boner, and after
like five minutes of chugging water in the bathroom and peeing it finally went
down. At the end of it all I realized I pretty much blew my entire break on
trying to make my dick limp and it would have been way easier to just jerk off
into my hand, clean up and still have time left.

It truly is a strange world. (´ー`)

13095. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/03(Tue) 19:10:11          
> This drawing is good and the story is interesting.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

It's hard to fap when I'm not home alone, it can take me long to cum(;´Д`)

Reference: 2024/09/03(Tue) 16:21:00

13094. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/03(Tue) 17:04:15          
> This drawing is good and the story is interesting.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

I enjoyed it ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/09/03(Tue) 16:21:00

13093.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/09/03(Tue) 16:21:00 

This drawing is good and the story is interesting.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Shown above are posts 1 through 30, in order of newest to oldest.