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Latest 30 posts 

12376. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/10(Wed) 15:29:34          
> Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
> Contact administration if you think this is a mistake.
you by any chance posted a blank post with fortune as the email?

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:29:26

12375.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/10(Wed) 10:35:34          
Finding out about water outage as I reach for the bidet is the worst (;´Д`)

12374. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/10(Wed) 04:21:46          
> > What did u post to get that? It happened to me recently but I'm not 
> > sure what word/phrase triggered it...
> it was this:

It went through for me, but then when I encountered the spamdb thing 
the same post went through the next time I tried as well  (;^Д^)

Reference: 2024/07/10(Wed) 03:32:49

12373. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/10(Wed) 03:32:49          
> > Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
> > Contact administration if you think this is a mistake.
> What did u post to get that? It happened to me recently but I'm not 
> sure what word/phrase triggered it...

it was this:

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:41:00

12372. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 21:50:05          
> > imagine, tomorrow's forecast: rori manko...
> that would be terrible! imagine all those roris falling from the sky and splattering themselves
> onto the concrete
> sure some may survive but the bloody sight would make sure to kill all bonerz... unless you're
> into thatヽ(´ー`)ノ

U could do that thing where u try to catch rain in ur mouth, but 
instead it's trying to catch rori manko on ur pen0r ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 21:22:17

12371. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 21:22:17          
> imagine, tomorrow's forecast: rori manko...

that would be terrible! imagine all those roris falling from the sky and splattering themselves
onto the concrete
sure some may survive but the bloody sight would make sure to kill all bonerz... unless you're
into thatヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 20:48:42

12370.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 20:48:42          
it's so fucking hot out...

if only it was hot fucking out ヽ(´∇`)ノ
imagine, tomorrow's forecast: rori manko...

instead of it being fucking 91F out at night and 99 in the day

12369. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 17:42:08          
> Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
> Contact administration if you think this is a mistake.

Can you post at all, or a single post didn't go through?

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:29:26

12368. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:41:00          
> Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
> Contact administration if you think this is a mistake.

What did u post to get that? It happened to me recently but I'm not 
sure what word/phrase triggered it...

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:29:26

12367.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 12:29:26          
Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
Contact administration if you think this is a mistake.

12366.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 11:24:14          
So sad he's not an emo twink anymore (´Д`)

12365. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 06:36:33          
> knew one guy in college, absolutely turbo-cool guy, like 10 years older than me
> and he had all these crazy scars because he was a wrist-slitter
> IIRC, he'd even carved messages into himself, but I can't remember what they said

also, to clarify -- he wasn't a wrist-slitter still when I knew him
all the scars were years old
he'd turned his shit around before he entered college ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 06:32:56

12364. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 06:32:56          
> It was emo, and you used to slit your wrists, and you wore clothes from hot-topic, and you still do all of this because you are emo
man, I remember the wrist-slitting fags
genuinely never got it

knew one guy in college, absolutely turbo-cool guy, like 10 years older than me
and he had all these crazy scars because he was a wrist-slitter
IIRC, he'd even carved messages into himself, but I can't remember what they said

also man, I forgot about Hot Topic
I had one buddy who was all over them -- he drifted apart from my main friend group.
it's life, I guess

it's super weird though since he didn't seem like he would be the emo type of guy
and when you spoke to him, he still didn't sound like that
but shortly before we drifted apart, he was in a screamo band and dressed in all black 
felt weird as fuck

my youthful edginess involved listening to merzbow and gabber and any kind of loud, heavy,
and generally mean-sounding music ヽ(´∇`)ノ
lots of system of a down, I fucking miss those cunts....

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 03:51:52

12363. >sewer-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 06:23:05          
> > Speaking of movies...
> >
> I fucking luv these idk why they're so retarded my fav is teh one with the retarded son

"He became autistic..."
"Er... Salmonella!"

And then later in the video she feeds him raw chicken which is probably
a salmonella risk (´∇`)σ

Reference: 2024/07/08(Mon) 23:01:32

12362.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 03:51:52          
It was emo, and you used to slit your wrists, and you wore clothes from hot-topic, and you still do all of this because you are emo

12361. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 03:44:52          
> The one by Chemical Romance? Yeah it's cool if yer emo
I'm not emo and never was, lul.

...but I was edgier back in 2007 by a lot (´ー`)
it's still a fun listen, but it's heavily carried by nostalgia

The title track and House of Wolves are the two best ones on this
re-listen with my modern ears.

It is really striking just how much worse the singer is than I remember 
though -- it's not that bad of a performance, but it's also not that 
good, and I remember thinking it was a fantastic one back then...

Reference: 2024/07/09(Tue) 03:08:35

12360.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 03:08:35          
The one by Chemical Romance? Yeah it's cool if yer emo

12359.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/09(Tue) 00:52:50          
I'm listening to The Black Parade (the album) again and although it's
not quite as good as I remember (I used to think the singer was way
better), it feels like I'm being taken right back to 2007 and I have
such a smile on my face...


...but seriously, I used to think this guy was a lot better at singing.
He's not that bad, but I remember him sounding MUCH better than he
does lmao.

I haven't heard some of these songs in a decade and I remember most of 
the lyrics.

12358. >Anonymous-san   User: sewer   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 23:01:32             
> Speaking of movies...

I fucking luv these idk why they're so retarded my fav is teh one with the retarded son

Reference: 2024/07/08(Mon) 18:10:25

12357.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 18:10:25          

12356.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 18:02:18          
Quite a late night...(´-`)

I feel like putting a movie in...

Doze Hard... Starring Snooze Willis...(´¬`)

12355. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 04:50:23          
> Robot Unicorn Attack featuring Rainbow Dash! Words can't describe how awesome this game is. At least 20% cooler than the original! Even Derpy Hooves approves this game!
> I liked my little pony:Friendship is magic already, but now this makes it 20% cooler. -Anonymous
Thanks for this cool reccomendation! -2nonymous

Reference: 2024/07/08(Mon) 01:45:11

12354.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 03:13:42          

12353.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 01:45:11          
Robot Unicorn Attack featuring Rainbow Dash! Words can't describe how awesome this game is. At least 20% cooler than the original! Even Derpy Hooves approves this game!

I liked my little pony:Friendship is magic already, but now this makes it 20% cooler. -Anonymous

12352. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/08(Mon) 00:24:48          
> Knife?...
> A man isn't complete until he carries a nihontou in his belt and learns 
> an ancient kenjutsu school! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

that is too modern for me
let me be a caveman ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/07(Sun) 19:39:39

12351. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 19:39:39          
> life feels so much better with a knife in your hand...
> that sounds savage and unhinged without context
> but maybe it's just human nature that causes it
> we have neither the powerful fangs nor the brutal claws of other beasts
> we can hardly crush other animals with our limbs
> our ancient primal instincts recognize our deficiencies and calls upon 
> us to wield a weapon!
> a man with a good rock is content! he knows he can fling it as he 
> wishes, or bash with it as he needs.
> a man with a big stick is content!! he can swing, bash, toss, stab, 
> whatever!
> a man with a sharp blade is content!!! he can prepare meat, skins, and 
> tools! he can cut branches and pierce his toes! he is as dangerous as 
> any other apex predator!
> a man with a knife in his hand understands that he is finally completed! 
> ヽ(*´∇`*)ノ
> kimochii..

A man isn't complete until he carries a nihontou in his belt and learns 
an ancient kenjutsu school! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/07(Sun) 19:19:04

12350.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 19:19:04          
life feels so much better with a knife in your hand...

that sounds savage and unhinged without context
but maybe it's just human nature that causes it
we have neither the powerful fangs nor the brutal claws of other beasts
we can hardly crush other animals with our limbs

our ancient primal instincts recognize our deficiencies and calls upon 
us to wield a weapon!

a man with a good rock is content! he knows he can fling it as he 
wishes, or bash with it as he needs.

a man with a big stick is content!! he can swing, bash, toss, stab, 

a man with a sharp blade is content!!! he can prepare meat, skins, and 
tools! he can cut branches and pierce his toes! he is as dangerous as 
any other apex predator!

a man with a knife in his hand understands that he is finally completed! 

12349. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 12:51:21          
> sorry black people but sleeping is a WHITE activity

Reference: 2024/07/07(Sun) 10:34:02

12348.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 10:34:02          
sorry black people but sleeping is a WHITE activity

12347.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/07(Sun) 07:32:21          
It's black gamers, nyoo!!! They are trying to create a new market 
with WHITE sleeping!

Shown above are posts 1 through 30, in order of newest to oldest.