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Latest 30 posts 

12319. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/04(Thu) 01:09:21          
> > this man is having a Fuwa Fuwa Time !
> >
> I blindly clicked the link expecting the classic video of the muscular guitarist with K-On audio on top, but what I got was even better.
> A subversion of expectations by exceeding my already goofy expectations in a way which I did not think could happen. (*'ー')
it's especially funny looking at his old video thumbnails, seeing this 
fairly ordinary looking dude, then there's a gap of like 3 years and you 
just suddenly see him get progressively more jacked each upload (´∇`)

Reference: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:48:01

12318.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 23:44:28  
now THIS is music ヽ(´∇`)ノ

(otoge songs made to be hard are usually some of the most baffling shit lmao)

12317.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 21:11:33          
                               _.-'   `-.
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                       ' ヘ '.' ,== `-'-,= .ヘ   |, 
 I really should have    | ."./## .   . ## |` |  
 watched this show       ||| |' --     "-' /|||        イカ娘!! 
 earlier...              | A |             || |  
                         | H |>     ー'   ,'| | 
 It's a bunch of fun!    ||ヘ '/'-._____.-'| |  | 
                        | ||  '.',     . .[. ヘ | 
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                       (,' | |||' ヘ   / ' || | -`.
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12316. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 20:50:33          
> Why isn't Mattari AA linked on the sidebar? Why am I still alive?
mattari is linked on the ayashii main page and the CGI sidebar

Reference: 2024/07/03(Wed) 19:10:55

12315. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 20:49:27          
> if we put enough water on the sun it'll extenguish eventually...

the sun is too hot but literally, it will ionize the hydrogens off and fuse them
it will just make it stronger (;´Д`)

Reference: 2024/07/03(Wed) 15:59:21

12314.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 19:10:55          
Why isn't Mattari AA linked on the sidebar? Why am I still alive?

12313.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 15:59:21          
if we put enough water on the sun it'll extenguish eventually...

12312.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/03(Wed) 04:32:11          
Why don't we just shoot missiles at the sun

12311. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/02(Tue) 17:16:25          
> > i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
> >  the sun shone directly into my eyes today at 6am, sadly once i am awakened i struggle
> > to go back to sleep (´ー`)
> teh sun is my enemy, i haev to put up curtains and cover my windows
> with thick paper to be able to sleep (`~´)

we better start getting 1 trillion lions and bring the fight to the sun ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2024/07/02(Tue) 16:16:14

12310. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/02(Tue) 16:16:14          
> i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
>  the sun shone directly into my eyes today at 6am, sadly once i am awakened i struggle
> to go back to sleep (´ー`)
teh sun is my enemy, i haev to put up curtains and cover my windows
with thick paper to be able to sleep (`~´)

Reference: 2024/07/02(Tue) 12:00:31

12309.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/02(Tue) 12:00:31          
i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
 the sun shone directly into my eyes today at 6am, sadly once i am awakened i struggle
to go back to sleep (´ー`)

12308.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/02(Tue) 06:19:28          
My sleeping patterns are pretty normal.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

12307. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 17:19:14          
> > i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
> > been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
> > sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
> > (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later
> Is your sleep schedule regular
i wouldn't say its regular as i just stay up until i get tired then i fall asleep,
but it is regular that i wake up 4 hours later after falling asleep ┐(´∇`)┌
i dont really have the energy to care to change though
('ー'ゞ) probably because the lack of sleep

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:56:31

12306. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 17:07:28          
> > i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
> > been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
> > sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
> > (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later
> is your brain getting rekt from being tired all teh tiem
> or is it immune to sleep deprevation!? (゚∇゚)
i feel liek im ascending to a higher plane of existence
where all except only the most profound becomes blur ヽ(´∇`)ノ
i dont even remember what i ate this morning

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:15:35

12305. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:56:31          
> i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
> been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
> sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
> (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later

Is your sleep schedule regular or do you have to wake up at different 
hours (outside of naturally waking up)? If you can make it more regular, 
that helps an incredible amount. If you have to ride the tidew of time, 
keep reading.

one thing that helped me a fucking bunch was getting a pair of strong 
green tint glasses and putting a darkening filter over them; before I 
want to sleep, I wear those for 1-2 hours and let my body feel tired

in those 1-2h, I also disconnect from the Internet since that keeps me 
up more certainly than any other factor; if you're on your phone, 
disconnect from WiFi and data

but without the green tint filter, I don't feel tired enough either

earplugs and shit help too, get the strongest ones you can find, it 
needs to take multiple seconds for it to rebound when you squeeze them

and get an eye mask

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:05:54

12303. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:46:17          
> >Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?
> It literally feels like yesterday that I was posting right after the new years fuck up
time is speeding up... (;´Д`)

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:20:54

12302.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:20:54          
>Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?
It literally feels like yesterday that I was posting right after the new years fuck up

12301. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:46:33          
>                                ┌─ー─┐
>                                │JULY │
>                                ├─ー─┤
>                                │1st │
>                                └─ー─┘
>              \   \   \   ヘ   ヘ   |   |   /  /  /  /  /
>     ∧_∧    ┌─────────────────────┐
>   (;`∧´) < Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?│
>     ノ(_)ヽ   │Is my calendar wrong? What the fuck?!?????│
>      / ヘ     └─────────────────────┘
>     ノ   ヽ /    /    /  /   /   |   |   ヘ  ヘ  \  \  \

this year is going by way too quick...

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 05:36:28

12300. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:15:35          
> > i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
> > so i feel reguvinated ヽ(´∇`)ノ
> i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
> been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
> sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
> (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later
is your brain getting rekt from being tired all teh tiem or is it immune
to sleep deprevation!? (゚∇゚)

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:05:54

12299. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 15:05:54          
> i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
> so i feel reguvinated ヽ(´∇`)ノ
i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
(゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 08:28:58

12298.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 08:28:58          
i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
so i feel reguvinated ヽ(´∇`)ノ

12297.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 05:36:28          
                               │JULY │
                               │1st │

             \   \   \   ヘ   ヘ   |   |   /  /  /  /  /
    ∧_∧    ┌─────────────────────┐
  (;`∧´) < Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?│
    ノ(_)ヽ   │Is my calendar wrong? What the fuck?!?????│
     / ヘ     └─────────────────────┘
    ノ   ヽ /    /    /  /   /   |   |   ヘ  ヘ  \  \  \

12296.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 00:28:10  

...cute Japanese girl doing samba... ヽ(´∇`)ノ

12295. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 16:30:26          
> i wanted to fap, and i searched ad search for 1 hour for something to 
> make me horny, sadly i gave up. Am i old? (;`Д´)
Times like that, I'll open my sadpanda favorites and there's usually
•something• that will get it up. Some days, you just need an old
standby. Old cock ain't learning new tricks. ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

Reference: 2024/06/30(Sun) 16:15:08

12294.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 16:15:08          
i wanted to fap, and i searched ad search for 1 hour for something to 
make me horny, sadly i gave up. Am i old? (;`Д´)

12293.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 15:42:14          

12292.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 15:18:07          
just had a shit so big it made me super pissed. I feel so annoyed right
now. Like I want to kill someone or destroy something. I hope I don't
destroy my computer.

12291. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:48:01          
> this man is having a Fuwa Fuwa Time !

I blindly clicked the link expecting the classic video of the muscular guitarist with K-On audio on top, but what I got was even better.
A subversion of expectations by exceeding my already goofy expectations in a way which I did not think could happen. (*'ー')

Reference: 2024/06/29(Sat) 12:38:31

12290. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:44:05          
> > teh fuck? Does ps2 haev browser support?
> You can boot Linux on a PS2. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
> Wasn't too hard, although getting a nice, usable system vs using a
> shoddy pre-made system image is probably harder.
> I was using NetSurf to browse.
> I don't think there's any standalone browser software on PS2.
> Feels odd. (´人`)
> I could be wrong, and it really feels like there should be.

It is exciting to think that you might see this reply also on your PS2 ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Reference: 2024/06/30(Sun) 13:37:36

12289. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:34:23          
> > I think I'll let my balls take control, thank you. (`∇´) Say your prayers, those who do not conform
> Goodbye, human being who will be put into the REALM OF CUM
> forevermore...
> Hello there, semen being who has entered the world of Man!
> ヽ(´∇`)ノ
are these semen beings not tissue-based? pure being of semen!? (;゚∇゚)

Reference: 2024/06/30(Sun) 14:23:05

Shown above are posts 1 through 30, in order of newest to oldest.