[Date updated: 2022/12/13(Tue) 17:39:57]
 I'm looking at this demonstration of the Moog Synthesizer from 1970, and there's something I just can't wrap my head around. Is Wendy Carlos a girl or a dude?(;゚∀゚)
 Walter/Wendy Carlos is a dude who thinks he's a girl, but used to be a 
  dude who thinks he's a girl pretending to be dude ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  Weird. Anyway, the Moog demonstration is nice and simple (´人`). It's nice looking at electronic muzixs roots. Even though I can hardly listen to most of the pre-'80s stuff (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
   Here's another weird thing in '70s electronic musix (´ー`)
   Carlos is demonstrating the basics of subtractive synthesis, which 
     still applies today (if you're using a subtractive synth) ヽ(´ー`)ノ
     The 70s were a great time for electronic muzix - even if you're not 
     into the "classical/spacey"-kinda stuff liek Carlos, Jean-Michel Jarre, 
     Tomita, etc., there's always the lieks of Kraftwerk, YMO, Gary Numan, 
     Giorgio Moroder, and liek a bajillion synth-tastic disco records ヽ(´ー`)ノ
     Now 60s electronic music... that was sum weird shit (;゚∇゚)
