[Date updated: 2023/09/24(Sun) 18:03:06]
 What do you think the Simpsons will look like in 400 years?
 It wouldn't surprise me at all if it goes on that long. (;゚∇゚)
 It'll be somewhere between The Simpsons and Futurama ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 │└We're still in the era where curriculums can dismiss movies and TV as 
   non-educational but in the future people will probably be analyzing the 
   Simpsons as 20th and 21st Century satire.(´ー`)
 in 400 years humans would just be "fuel" to power AI need to exist.
 │└So the Simpsons will be about AI (゚ー`)
 │ │
 │ └No, simpson will be made by AI. 
    We will just be useless form that does nothing other than consume.
 Bart will kill himself
  English will have shifted so much that 'eat my shorts' will no longer be 
   a coherent catchphrase.(;゚∇゚)
   not that I am a native speaker - but never heard someone say that irl
