[Date updated: 2023/08/13(Sun) 05:27:17]
 it always feels nice to post on heyuri again. talking in any other
 online community i'm always caring so much about how i come off as, and
 if i'm talking correctly or saying teh correct things. between the lack
 of identity and the community much more kind towards genuine expression,
 i feel much more liberated to act how i like here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 sometimes it can be hard to shake off those conscientious tendencies 
 though... sometimes i'll read over what i'm writing on heyuri and i'm 
 like "ah, i could rephrase that to be more clear", but then i catch 
 myself and i'm like "wait! no! that's not what i'm here for!". in cases 
 like those i wonder if having a timer to limit how long i spend writing 
 a post would help...
 It's the same for me - I feel very liberated here compared to pretty 
  much everywhere else I posted for the past 15 years or so (in stark 
  contrast to the years prior to that) ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  And if it's timers ur after, cum join us on @Party II (Heyuri has its 
  own browser game instances now!) - the antiquated chat auto-update 
  feature will baleet ur message if u take too long! (´∇`)
 That's thankfully not a problem for me because for the most part I just use imageboards.
   The last bastion of authenticity on the net...
