[Date updated: 2023/04/24(Mon) 07:43:38]
 The only thing that cannot out from my head; people keep claim the words like femboy/tomboy, trap, futanari, etc. are transphobic slurs, even liking loli or shota will makes you trans.
 I keep losing my braincells because of this sissy assholes.
 Fap to what u want, it's nobody else's business. Taking opinions from 
  random crazy internet people seriously is teh st00pid ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  I don't need fap material I want my braincell back
   Ignoring what trannies say will help with that too ┐(゚~゚)┌
    How can I ignore them- those fucker also claimed Bridget and the protag from Onimai are Transgender good god-
     I claim Bridget and the protag from Onimai are actually made of banana
      and hairballs, but since I'm just a random internet person from your
      perspective, it shouldn't be something you take seriously or think too
      much about ヽ(´ー`)ノ
      I will take you seriously and think too much about eating their bananas (´¬`)
