[Date updated: 2023/05/01(Mon) 15:28:21]
 Why are chicks so hard to find in niche hobby spaces? Whenever I think
 I've found one it turns out to be a tranny...(;´Д`)
 Because a lot of those niche hobbies are things that mostly men are interested in. Video games, guns, camping, ect.
 │└it feels as it always more common for men to be interested in hobbies etc than it is for women. They are more people oriented.
 │ │
 │ └I thought women were more people-oriented (´ー`)
   oh - that was what i meant. 
    Men need an activity to do something together while women,
    can just sit and talk about air as it was the most magical thing in the world.
    They're not. They're shit-talking the neighbours and talking about whatever drama's been going on lately. "Gossiping", I think they call it.
     that was what i meant by aie tho. (゚ー゚)
 Real women can create a literal child. Men have to create imitations of children within their hobbies.
  Oh yeah, I think i read that somewhere. Apparently this is the whole
    reason men have been achieving more thru all of history. They've got 
    more drive to do stuff since they're not productive in any 'biological' 
