[Date updated: 2023/11/24(Fri) 21:56:09]
 (`ー´) How come when you piss, not all of it comes out and you end up 
 with piss in your trousers?
 What we think of leftover piss leaking out of our dicks is actually your 
 ││penis shedding a tear over parting ways with the piss in your bladder.
 ││Is science! (゚∇゚)
 │└Cheer up emo penis!
 I always squeeze my penis to get every last drop out
  ヽ(´ー`)ノ You can also press slightly on your ``taint" to help
    squeeze out the last few drops. This was encouraged by the prophet
    Mohamed (PBUH)
   I don't know where my taint is (`~´)
   │└are you cute? i can help you look for it
   I tried it just now and got horny, is there a fix for this?
    stop being so gay ┐(゚~゚)┌
     I will once boys stop being hot
