[Date updated: 2023/08/19(Sat) 09:07:10]
 The rule8 website has shut down for good a few days ago.
 I think that it will never come back as strong as it was before the
 Nobody wants to own this website, but someone has to, because now the
 community around it exists, and it's not that easy to just get rid of.
 It's like a fucked up autistic rabid stray dog with 3 legs that nobody 
 wants to adopt, but eventually someone has to. Yet only trouble come 
 with adopting it and barely any joy.
 It was so easy to predict that this would happen eventually.
 It's been Balkanized liek 8chan was (only on a much smaller scale) -
  small offshoots will continue to exist in ever-decreasing numbers, but 
  what little semblance of unity they had is gone forevar
  Hooray! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  The end of a dark era (´∇`)σ
  That site had liek 12K PPD, all offshots together can't come near it (・∀・)
