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Latest 30 posts 

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 18:07:23]

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 16:18:09]
 imagine this: you spending a lot of time in your room makes your parents mad,
 furthermore the door to your room is always open and closing it or locking it
 is taboo, what would you do to get a little bit of privacy?ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Spend a lot of time in my room and close my door ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 │├Sunlight hurts my eyes when I go outside.(╬⊙Д⊙)
 │└kuso.... i tried that and it only got me unending days of being asked why i did that
 │ │
 │ └That's a small price to pay for true freedom ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Loudly masturbate. If someone walks in, look straight at their eyes 
   while continuing your fap, speaking nothing. They should close your door 
   and never dare to speak about it again ヽ(´ー`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 16:08:33]
 When I was a child, my grandmother told me, "Don't look down on me, don't give up on me.
  Even now, as an adult, these words have made an impression on me.
  To look down on others is to become dependent on them and self-centred without being able to overcome this.
  To give up on myself, on the other hand, is to look at things bigger and longer without looking back.(´-`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 16:02:42]
 a celebration of eroi things in classic arcade games! ヽ(´∇`)ノ <3
 may the eroticism of the ancients guide us to the future!!!
 you can feel through the video editing that the dude who made this is a 
   real pervert! ( ´ω`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 14:08:35]

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 13:42:52]
 goddamn, my body hurts
  I feel like I was run over by a bus
  I just emitted a gigantic semen-load of snot (similar consistency too)
  being sick is bullshit (TДT)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/20(Sat) 00:58:35]
  lady yuyuko is so skilled...

 [Date updated: 2024/07/19(Fri) 22:30:32]
 It is a temporary noticeboard.(;´Д`)
 i liek i like i like it a lot!!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 was a bit too temporary (;´Д`)
  gone in a flash... (;,´Д`,)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/19(Fri) 16:58:44]
 The group is tight, expressive and interesting in artistic dance.(*'ー')
 so cute! I want to take em home

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 23:12:58]
 Bill Gates-backed startup successfully makes butter using only carbon dioxide and water.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 What about calories?(´-`)
 Energy isn't free, so calories would be created using the input energy 
  used in the process. You're basically synthesizing the fats directly 
  from base components. You would technically be turning electricity into food.
  ...unless you're worried about your shape, in which case, round is a 
  shape ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 Synthetic proteins also need nitrogen and sulphur.
  You can't make them from materials that only have hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, no matter what you do.(´ー`)
  nitrogen is immediately available from the air (and as far as I can tell 
    is not required for fats?)
    and I'm pretty sure sulfur isn't a hard requirement for either fats or 
    proteins -- whether or not it's a health requirement is a different 

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 20:13:40]
  enable subs+auto translate, or use yt-dlp with --write-auto-subs 
  --sub-lang "en.*" --embed subs if you don't want to interact with 
  youtube's site itself
  or just understand Korean (⌒∇⌒ゞ
  (edited this post, it got munged slightly because I'm baka lol)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 20:08:48]
 you guys were right...
 there's nowhere near enough time to do anything after 8 hours of work (ρ_;)
 Neither time nor energy nor will. It sucks your soul away (´-`)
  the first few days were actually miserable, i hope this experience will allow me to
    get the fabled "i only 'work' 4 hours from home and get loads of cash" job ;_;

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 19:40:37]
 Interesting 'acknowledgements' in the paper.(;´Д`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 18:10:13]
 exit trance! (`∇´)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 15:47:31]
 User: usagi
 I was thinking of opening drawing commissions for a skin in a game i play but im unsure where i would even find that or if anyone would want my work (TДT)
 Any tips would be appreciated though
 Tip 1: finish ur fairy forest SWF and put it as reference! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
   Tip 2: make line breaks b4 posting!

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 13:25:42]
 I am losing so hard at mahjong
 I lost like 10 games in a row
 I hate myself so much I don't care anymore I am not even playing this shit anymore
 I am gonna play again but fuck everything
 I wish I knew how to play mahjong (specifically Riichi)...
  I have two buddies who play and I'd like to join but I genuinely just 
  don't get it. ,(´~`),
 I haven't played in months, but I think I was doing pretty well the last 
   time I played (like getting 4th place very rarely).
   Hopefully when I play again the momentum won't be gone.

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 11:40:53]
 feels liek i haven't slept at all... and i didn't have sex in my dream 
 either i feel scammed!
  same here... we should go find the manager of sleep
  AND FUCK HER! ヽ(*`∇´*)ノ
  im sorry to be the bear-er of bad news but the manager of sleep is a dude named karim (゚ー゚)
   we'll get an animegao girl kig suit then and seal that bitch inside
    and then we'll fuck ┐(゚~゚)┌
    That's a wonderful idea (・∀・)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 09:18:39]
 Mahjong Soul is fun ( ´ω`)
  It's too hard to master, but very easy to lern enough to have fun
  playing. I played against bots before getting comfortable enough to play
  against others

 [Date updated: 2024/07/18(Thu) 01:09:50]
 hi Kaguya.(´ー`)
 How about changing your SSL certificate to Tlsv1.3?
 User: kaguya
 ││I don't know what's the difference between different certs, but it
 ││probably doesn't matter. I only know to create & renew whatever is the 
 ││current one anyways (;´Д`)
 │└that might be of interest to you(´ー`)
   Why use TLS 1.3?
 It looks TLS 1.3 to me (;゚∇゚)
 Correspondence according to the search results below.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  I assume this is just so it can do TLS with old browsers. ┐(゚~゚)┌
    It supports 1.3, but it can do 1.1/1.2, even though it could be argued 
    that it would just be better if it didn't and used a normal HTTP 
    connection instead.

 [Date updated: 2024/07/17(Wed) 21:35:22]
 User: pez
 hi kaguya
 - love pez
 User: kaguya
 User: yakuruto
   hi pez
   - love yakuruto (゚ー`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/17(Wed) 20:22:55]
 dream sex is so good! so realistic!
  but i wonder how my body knows how it feels like Σ(;゚Д゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/17(Wed) 20:14:11]
 when should one use bomb in touhou?
 I always die with all bombs unused.
 Should i use them when I feel "out of controll?
 I have the same problem, I just got used to bombing all the time and kinda not care.
 yes, but itz a skill you gain over time ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   most of the series also lets you bomb for a few frames after getting 
   hit, generally about 8 frames -- not outright reactable, but you have a 
   pretty decent buffer where you can bomb right when you think you're 
   going to get hit and it'll still come out
   So even if you think you can't do anything, press bomb anyway!
   specific details:
   didn't know that PCB Reimu had such a wide window lol
   I'm an old man so 15f is not particularly reactable for me... (;´ω`)
   My reactions are closer to 300ms than 250ms... age is a bitch.

 [Date updated: 2024/07/17(Wed) 19:55:59]
 i luv that SW has gotten faster since Overboard was added!
 seeing last post was made maeks a difference
 As a result of the Noriload.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  Page generation time: 0.015135 seconds ▲
 I agree ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/17(Wed) 19:15:15]
 We have been together for two years and we always get into similar arguments.
  My boyfriend is the type of person who cannot say what he is unhappy about.
  He says he always holds back and agrees with the other person's opinion, and he says he can't change it because it's his personality.(;´Д`)
  However, there are some harmful effects of being in a relationship.
  For example.
  If I try to refuse his promises to me and I don't agree with them, he will even try to get me to go out with him (e.g. he gets grumpy).
  If I try to refuse her, she will jump at me if I don't agree with her (e.g. she gets grumpy). 
  When I say "If you don't like it, you can say you don't like it", he says he doesn't mind, but his attitude is clearly different from usual and he drags it out.
  In such cases the reason is not known because of the ambiguous attitude of not saying no without hiding or saying the reason.
  When I try to ask him about it, he insists that he doesn't dislike it, and when I ask him again and again, he gets more and more grumpy, so I can't even ask him about it.
  I think because my ability to accept different things is limited, and
   I pretend to accept everything, my attitude has built up to the point where I'm unhappy.
  Does anyone else have a similar boyfriend or husband?(ノД`、)
  I would like to fix it if possible.
  I would like to know if there is any way we can get along and live together well.

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 19:37:01]
 Young people are evasive.
 Avoidance manifests itself not only as avoidance of deep and intimate connections with others, but also as a tendency to avoid taking responsibility and being hurt(´ー`)
 I am not "young", but why choose to be hurt when you can absorb cute 
  girls doing cute things? (゚∇゚)
  In seeking truly life-affirming experiences you will be hurt on
   occasion. That's just the risk one must take.
   That may be teh case, but honestly - i just wanna live a simple life.(゚ー゚)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 17:43:39]
 Can't access lounge from here anymore?┐(゚~゚)┌
 User: kaguya
  I didn't want to add all new boards to the link area so removed sum of 
  them & added overboard instead without asking. Would you prefer having 
  them all listed instead? (;^Д^)
  Not him, but I'm fine with just Overboard being listed in lieu of the
   other boards. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Though, I have to ask why Nihongo is still up there. Is it because
   Ayashii is liek 99% in the Japanese speaking part of the web, therefore
   our Ayashii instance may attract more nihonjin? Maeks sense 2 me if
   that's the case.
   User: kaguya
     That was my logic ヽ(´ー`)ノ
     I liek thinking Strange World simply as an English version instance of 
     the vast あやしいわーるど lineage, and plan to link up with more Japanese
     language instances even if it would be just vanity. Maybe there is a slight
     chance of Japanese users finding their way to our Nihongo board from there,
     so I left it up (´ー`)

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 15:51:02]
 Rin! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 15:31:18]
 kaguya is a 26 year old Female.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 i want to take ecchi panchira picture of kaguya then.... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 01:32:15]
 This is a really fun read for anyone who wants more Doremi stuff in their life. 
  it's about her granddaughter from Naisho 13
  it's right to left despite being originally in French but that's alright
  it absolutely feels like a proper Doremi continuation
  ...also, is this the same Passage that made those ero Zelda comics?
  god bless the French ヽ(´∇`)ノ ヽ(´∇`)ノ ヽ(´∇`)ノ

 [Date updated: 2024/07/16(Tue) 00:52:07]
 i buy new figures when i keep telling myself i've too many,
 but... hunting and searching all over teh japanese internet is too much 
 fun! And finding rare figz maeks it hard to resist! (;゚∇゚)
 if only I had money and room for figs, I'd have a stupid amount...
  I basically only have two Nendoroids and some gunpla... (´π`)
  You can always find space, heck, place them on teh floor as i do! ( ´ω`)
   money... yeah, last two was expensive (;゚∇゚)
   My floor is covered in arcade controller parts and tools and shit. :P
     I really need to find a place for the MDF I bought (or like, actually 
     finish the controllers I was making -- I kind of want to play Sound 
     Voltex at home but I am increasingly certain I should just not do a 
     homebuild and buy a Faucetwo lul, and I kind of want to build an IIDX 
     controller for my girlfriend but it needs to be smaller and less shitty 
     than the one I built for myself so she'll actually use it instead of 
     lugging it out only once in a while).
     I bought a big-ass shipment of shit so I wouldn't need to deal with 
     shipping from Korea again (spending $35 on shipping against $25 in parts 
     was pure AIDS, so I bought like $150 in parts against $40 in shipping). 
     My gunpla and nendos are on top of my PC. Maybe not the best spot.
     The nendos are at least on the desktop I don't use much.
     My desk is covered in hard drives and the two desktops I have (one 
     modern, one from like 17 years ago) and my TV and everything. I should 
     get rid of the TV since it's so big and takes up so much room, could 
     replace it with like two $20 office surplus monitors and it would save a 
     bunch of space still... (;^Д^)
     All my other desk space is covered in other random shit too.
     My place isn't terribly big. 
              .─.            .─.
          / │  │ ____ │  │  \
     ─┐│   '─'  \    /  '─'  ; │┌─
       │ \          \/           / │
     ...unlike this kaomoji!
     I probably could build shelving. I need a fucking bookcase super badly.

Shown above are threads 1 through 30, displayed in order of most recently updated to least recently updated.