9423. >Analyst-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/08/17(Thu) 14:19:25          
> OG ayashii world was essentially a guest book (no threads, no trees,
> just long twitter-esque post chain). I think Ayashii.net adds a lot of
> nice, handy, human features to the basic concept and I enjoy the chat 
> here. What do you think are services that are essentially cousins of
> Ayashii.net? 
> I found https://postzone.app/ today and think that's another creative
> imagining of the "chain of comments without registration" concept, 
> easy enough to clone too. (there's a quasi-CSV file that logs comments,
> the JS can post/read/delete entries from that in nearly real time). 
> The feature of being able to delete any comment you want is also pretty
> sweet. 
> Something like forced-anonymous IRC software, like what's available
> at irc.sageru.org (eg ircs://irc.sageru.org/jp ) seems to also come
> close: type anything you want, and as time goes on, old messages drop 
> into the void.

Before Ayashii World adopted MiniBBS in late 1997 (which as you say, is 
little more than a glorified guestbook - identical to what we're using 
now except missing a few QoL features. Practically everyone online in 
Japan had their own instance at one point), they used free web chat / 
single-line bulletin board services - if you've used our Dating or 
@Party II, they were basically that but even simpler ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Then in Ayashii World's heyday, there were other communities that were 
similar and/or shared users:

- Namikare (Namida Kareru made Naku Hou ga Ii kamo), who used a 
  modified single-line-reply Q&A board script. I actually have their 
  script translated and ready to roll out if anyone's interested, 
  though I'm not sure it offers much

- YugaUn (Yuganda Unmei), who used a PO box script - it basically lets 
  users create their own MiniBBS-like boards that could be private, 
  public, or read-only. I also have this translated - it's very similar 
  to the current Polls@Heyuri in appearance and operation since it 
  derives from the same author and era

- LNB (Licentious Notice Board), who used modified versions of MiniBBS 
  that displayed hotlinked images before later moving to the first true 
  imageboard script, imgboard (which believe it or not, is still being 
  updated as of 2022 (;゚∇゚)
  http://www.big.or.jp/~talk/t-club/soft/room01/imgboard_ftp.cgi )

- Amezou, a link-site-turned-BBS that started with a free teacup board 
  before moving to an early thread-float BBS script resBBS around the 
  time original Ayashii World founder Shiba quit (causing many users to 
  take refuge in Amezou), and then combined the concept with MiniBBS-
  based threads to create the proto-2ch Amezou-type board

- Zian (Jidou Enquete Sakusei), who used a poll script - the same one 
  currently used on https://cgi.heyuri.net/vote2/ in fact - I took it 
  from them! (;^Д^)

Reference: 2023/08/17(Thu) 14:32:45

9421. The spirit of Ayashii   User: Analyst   Post date: 2023/08/17(Thu) 12:32:45             
OG ayashii world was essentially a guest book (no threads, no trees,
just long twitter-esque post chain). I think Ayashii.net adds a lot of
nice, handy, human features to the basic concept and I enjoy the chat 
here. What do you think are services that are essentially cousins of

I found https://postzone.app/ today and think that's another creative
imagining of the "chain of comments without registration" concept, 
easy enough to clone too. (there's a quasi-CSV file that logs comments,
the JS can post/read/delete entries from that in nearly real time). 
The feature of being able to delete any comment you want is also pretty

Something like forced-anonymous IRC software, like what's available
at irc.sageru.org (eg ircs://irc.sageru.org/jp ) seems to also come
close: type anything you want, and as time goes on, old messages drop 
into the void.

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