11956. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/02(Sun) 01:36:49          
> > this place has a wonderful aesthetic
> > it definitely does feel like something out of a dream
> > if it's supposed to look strange on purpose (and I wouldn't be even a little
> > surprised if it was), then good fucking job, seriously ヽ(´∇`)ノ
> > there was that bit just mentioned where the original incarnation of ayashii
> > was in fact supposed to be an underground sort of place, so again, it really
> > would not be surprising
> I'm not sure if ur aware, but the board software we're using here is a 
> real Ayashii World software that can be traced back to the late 90s, 
> and has continued development into current times. It's not something 
> Heyuri made (besides translation and the kaomoji buttons), or some kind 
> of replica - it's teh real deal! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> Going back to 1996-1997, Ayashii World originally just used whatever 
> background color the free service they were using had. When they 
> switched to actually installing the board software themselves in Sept 
> 1997, they mostly used #007f7f. This was in line with the general 
> aesthetics of Windows 95, Netscape, and many other things of the era
> In May 1998, Shiba changed the background color to #004040, which was 
> initially controversial but quickly mass-adopted. This is what we're 
> using now, and what the majority of Ayashii World-type sites have used 
> since (although there are other branches with different colors - 
> Honten, Nazo, etc.). It's often described in Ayashii texts as being 
> like a blackboard ヽ(´ー`)ノ

there is also teh line breaker that's unique to us. Newbs, plz get used 
to breaking your lines!
also u can easily preview what it would look like with different colors 
from User Settings buttan, here is #007f7f
I think Shiba's ver is better, if for nothing else, mai eyes (;^Д^)

Reference: 2024/06/02(Sun) 01:52:53

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