12307. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/07/01(Mon) 17:19:14          
> > i only get 4 hours of sleep a day
> > been this way for 3 years now ┐(゚~゚)┌
> > sometimes im up for around 36 hours and think tonight im going to sleep good
> > (゚ぺ) wake up 5 hours later
> Is your sleep schedule regular
i wouldn't say its regular as i just stay up until i get tired then i fall asleep,
but it is regular that i wake up 4 hours later after falling asleep ┐(´∇`)┌
i dont really have the energy to care to change though
('ー'ゞ) probably because the lack of sleep

Reference: 2024/07/01(Mon) 16:56:31

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