Strange [email protected]

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	  00 [07/01 00:28:10]
	  01 [07/01 15:46:33] ┌─ー─┐
	  05 [07/01 17:19:14] i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
	  01 [07/01 16:46:17] >Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?
	  00 [07/02 06:19:28] My sleeping patterns are pretty normal.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  07 [07/06 21:04:45] i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
	  00 [07/03 04:32:11] Why don't we just shoot missiles at the sun
	  01 [07/03 20:49:27] if we put enough water on the sun it'll extenguish eventually...
	  01 [07/03 20:50:33] Why isn't Mattari AA linked on the sidebar? Why am I still alive?
	  00 [07/03 21:11:33] ___                               _.-'   `-.
	  00 [07/03 23:44:28]
	  00 [07/04 01:09:21] > > this man is having a Fuwa Fuwa Time !
	  00 [07/04 12:50:05] > i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
	  00 [07/04 13:46:11] > i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
	  01 [07/04 14:04:19] seems we've recently passed 700K page views ヽ(´∇`)ノ
	  00 [07/04 14:38:38] > i found hentai when i was 14 googling "porn cartoons" and from that age up until i was like 18
	  00 [07/04 14:47:08] i guess i am a fag, but i also fap to straight pr0nz
	  01 [07/05 11:24:43] (´~`) music is up 2 max
	  00 [07/05 13:52:59] Stop posting all  yer damn musics!
	  01 [07/06 04:48:04] Run that shit back, my selecta! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
	  01 [07/05 16:42:37] What is the identity of the unique sound of Arab music?
	  00 [07/05 20:31:52]
	  00 [07/06 05:00:40] also, as a palette cleanser from all that HARSH music
	  02 [07/06 15:48:48] I wanted to paste this Shift-JIS piece I made onto here, but at least on
	  00 [07/07 03:42:24] Why do they even make white sleep masks?
	  00 [07/07 03:43:20] It's obvious that white mask lobbyists have bought out legislators to make laws against producing black sleep masks, to boost the white sleep mask profits
	  00 [07/07 07:32:21] It's black gamers, nyoo!!! They are trying to create a new market 
	  01 [07/07 12:51:21] sorry black people but sleeping is a WHITE activity
	  02 [07/08 00:24:48] life feels so much better with a knife in your hand...
	  01 [07/08 04:50:23] Robot Unicorn Attack featuring Rainbow Dash! Words can't describe how awesome this game is. At least 20% cooler than the original! Even Derpy Hooves approves this game!
	  00 [07/08 03:13:42]
	  00 [07/08 18:02:18] Quite a late night...(´-`)
	  02 [07/09 06:23:05] Speaking of movies...
	  00 [07/09 00:52:50] I'm listening to The Black Parade (the album) again and although it's
	  01 [07/09 03:44:52] The one by Chemical Romance? Yeah it's cool if yer emo
	  02 [07/09 06:36:33] It was emo, and you used to slit your wrists, and you wore clothes from hot-topic, and you still do all of this because you are emo
	  00 [07/09 11:24:14] So sad he's not an emo twink anymore (´Д`)
	  05 [07/10 15:29:34] Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP address being listed in our SpamDB.
	  03 [07/11 05:38:47] it's so fucking hot out...(;´Д`)
	  00 [07/10 10:35:34] Finding out about water outage as I reach for the bidet is the worst (;´Д`)
	  01 [07/10 19:50:39] I've been busy for a few days now. I already want to be bedridden in
	  03 [07/12 09:37:46]
	  02 [07/11 18:17:01] Can any mods tell me why I was banned for the fried pizza thing? I don't 

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