Strange [email protected]

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	  00 [07/01 00:28:10]
	  01 [07/01 15:46:33] ┌─ー─┐
	  05 [07/01 17:19:14] i had nothing but 3 to 6 hour sleep for weeks, slept 10 hours last night 
	  01 [07/01 16:46:17] >Why the FUCK is it already July?!!!?!!?!!?
	  00 [07/02 06:19:28] My sleeping patterns are pretty normal.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
	  02 [07/02 17:16:25] i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
	  00 [07/03 04:32:11] Why don't we just shoot missiles at the sun
	  00 [07/03 15:59:21] if we put enough water on the sun it'll extenguish eventually...

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