[Date updated: 2024/07/06(Sat) 21:04:45]
 i feel terrible unless i get enough sleep, yesterday i went to sleep at 2am and
  the sun shone directly into my eyes today at 6am, sadly once i am awakened i struggle
 to go back to sleep (´ー`)
 teh sun is my enemy, i haev to put up curtains and cover my windows
  with thick paper to be able to sleep (`~´)
  buy an eye mask
  ││two even, put one on top of the other
  ││best decision I've made in some time, no more waking up pointlessly 
  ││early just because the sun is up ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  │└i fucking did that, and that thing was white and fucking useless!!
  │ │Who teh fuck maeks a WHITE sleeping mask, shit was useless!!! (╬⊙Д⊙)
  │ │
  │ └yeah, don't do that, buy a black one
    they only had white ones! (;`-´)
       dye it then
       or get some black cloth and put that under the mask
       my masks suck too (they aren't white though lmao) so I double up and I use the reverse side of one and 
       use the other one to hold it in place on my face lol  ┐(⌒∇⌒)┌
  we better start getting 1 trillion lions and bring the fight to the sun ヽ(`Д´)ノ
