[Date updated: 2024/06/30(Sun) 03:31:21]
 work sucks
 become NEET
 clearly, whenever I'm not at work, no one else actually does anything
 so now, I have to clean up after grown-ass motherfuckers and it sucks
 horsedick, holy shit; PAID motherfuckers too ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 the sheer amount of shit that needed to be shipped out already... and 
 NEET is love and life, FUCK work
 (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙) (╬⊙Д⊙)
 god i feel this. my coworkers are fucking slobs who like to slack off 
  all the time and leave all the fucking work for me and try and get me to 
  party with them outside of work. fuck that, fuck them. i'm not a party 
  guy, i don't give a shit about money bitches and drugs and social media 
  and what's trendy. i wish i could get these fuckers to leave me alone 
  and stop trying to be my friend and get to know me, but my job requires 
  me to work with them and being an ass to them and refusing to talk to 
  them would cause more problems than it's worth. i don't go to work to 
  make friends or get to know anyone, i go there because if i don't have 
  money then i couldn't survive. even if i did give up all my worldly 
  desires and lived off the land with only the bare necessities, i don't 
  know how to do that. the only way to even have a chance of survival is 
  by researching (which involves money) and talking to people who have 
  done it (which involves money, as i would have to travel to find people 
  like that). plus i'd probably end up getting caught and taken in unless 
  i went to finland or some place that lets people live off the land (with 
  some exceptions). i wish i could live off social security maybe doing 
  some creative stuff on the side when i feel like it, but where i'm at 
  getting it is a bitch and a half and even if you do they don't pay you 
  shit. some states might be better than others about it, but i think the 
  united states in general it would be an issue to get good social 
  security. next job i get, i'm finding something with the minimal amount 
  of people possible (preferably no people at all whenever i'm at the job 
  itself, or if there are then not involved with me whatsoever and i can 
  have the choice to get away from or ignore someone if they come up to me 
  and i don't want to talk to them).
 it does, working all week for no freetime.
  money is just a mean for survival and food, other than that, its rather 
  my parents tell me "get a job, you'll have plenty of time to draw after your shift ends"
   but i have my doubts, after 8 hours of work i have like 5 hours of freetime before having to
   get ready for bed, not to mention i might be dead tired when i get back home
   it really feels like a hellish existence, but we'll see after i get a job ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   you won't have time for shit lol
    but money opens other doors
    it's a Faustian tradeoff
    your soul for the Almighty Dollar (TДT)
    that's really depressing to read (´ー`)
