[Date updated: 2024/06/26(Wed) 19:28:20]
 I'm so greasy right now. I should take a shower, but I'm so lazy right 
 to live in a strange world as a creature of flesh and blood and bone and 
 GREASE... (´π`)
 what a life
 ...maybe I should take a shower though. (;゚∇゚)
 Can I lick the grease off your shiny bald head? (´∇`)
 │└it's actually a VERY hairy head! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 I have escaped from the land of「GREASE」and have taken refuge in the land 
 ││of Running Waters.
 ││I am no longer a prisoner to the muck, to the yuck, to the stick, to the 
 ││I am a human being once more! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 ││...but the power of the GREASE will always follow me...
 ││I must keep running, I must not give in...!
 │├The temptations of GREASE beckon you to come forward... Ah, can you see
 │││it? The dreams of GREASE dancing before you... the musky odor of a girl
 │││who hath not taketh a shower in long time... her armpits and tummy salty
 │││with oils... dried sweat glued to her skin... Why must you forsake
 │││GREASE so? We only wish to show you the GREASY light... (´¬`)
 ││├I want to fill my mouth and nostrils with a nasty girls unkept, moisty armpit
 │││ hair and suck all musky dirt away (´-`)
 ││└I... I must resist... but it's so alluring...
 ││  Just imagine though... bringing said GREASY girl into the shower with you...
 ││  watching the filth be washed away, smelling the change in her scent...
 ││  ヽ(*´¬`*)ノ
 │└So you took a SHOWER!?!? Traitor!!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 │ │
 │ └Even if I must run... even if I must fight... even if my battle is without limit
    or end...
    I will not be a prisoner of GREASE!
    ...and yes, I did. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    It feels great! May the blessings of Running Water and pleasant Soap be upon ye
    who are greasy!
 After a while, you get used to it and teh grease stops bothering you ヽ(´ー`)ノ
