[Date updated: 2024/06/02(Sun) 01:36:49]
 I love the colors on the background of this page. It reminds me of a dream I had as a kid where all of humanity was living in bubble cities at the bottom of the ocean in the distant future.
 this place has a wonderful aesthetic
  it definitely does feel like something out of a dream
  if it's supposed to look strange on purpose (and I wouldn't be even a little
  surprised if it was), then good fucking job, seriously ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  there was that bit just mentioned where the original incarnation of ayashii
  was in fact supposed to be an underground sort of place, so again, it really
  would not be surprising
  I'm not sure if ur aware, but the board software we're using here is a 
   real Ayashii World software that can be traced back to the late 90s, 
   and has continued development into current times. It's not something 
   Heyuri made (besides translation and the kaomoji buttons), or some kind 
   of replica - it's teh real deal! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   Going back to 1996-1997, Ayashii World originally just used whatever 
   background color the free service they were using had. When they 
   switched to actually installing the board software themselves in Sept 
   1997, they mostly used #007f7f. This was in line with the general 
   aesthetics of Windows 95, Netscape, and many other things of the era
   In May 1998, Shiba changed the background color to #004040, which was 
   initially controversial but quickly mass-adopted. This is what we're 
   using now, and what the majority of Ayashii World-type sites have used 
   since (although there are other branches with different colors - 
   Honten, Nazo, etc.). It's often described in Ayashii texts as being 
   like a blackboard ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   there is also teh line breaker that's unique to us. Newbs, plz get used 
     to breaking your lines!
     also u can easily preview what it would look like with different colors 
     from User Settings buttan, here is #007f7f
     I think Shiba's ver is better, if for nothing else, mai eyes (;^Д^)
