12249.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/26(Wed) 19:50:16          
I was going to post an AA picture of Tomoko but I think she canonically
doesn't actually smell despite giving off the appearance of a GREASY,
the contrast is kind of エロい though (´∇`)

maybe I'll still do the picture anyway but if I want it to not suck it
takes a bit of time

12250. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/26(Wed) 20:04:37          
> I was going to post an AA picture of Tomoko but I think she canonically
> doesn't actually smell despite giving off the appearance of a GREASY,
> the contrast is kind of エロい though (´∇`)
> maybe I'll still do the picture anyway but if I want it to not suck it
> takes a bit of time

Do it! Tomoko absolutely smells, there's a whole chapter dedicated to
it! https://files.catbox.moe/qu9oss.png
https://files.catbox.moe/r745dt.png ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Now if only there was a page dedicated to Nemo sniffing her musk...

Reference: 2024/06/26(Wed) 19:50:16

12252. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/26(Wed) 21:13:39          
I was going to do a different picture, but after trying a few that I 
thought would fit better, this was the one that came out the best.
I'm also a すく水 addict, so it's a win/win for me.

You could probably crop the head off to use it for whatever stuff if
you don't need her in a school swimsuit. (^Д^)

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Editing these to be nice looking takes too long but we depend on HIGH
QUALITY results here. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
I could just post the raw JavE converted output but that's hyper lame.
( ´ω`)

Reference: 2024/06/26(Wed) 20:04:37

12253. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/26(Wed) 21:39:12          
Cute! Now I'm imagining a scenario of Tomoko getting dressed for 
swimming with her friends and getting anxious of whether she should take 
a shower first because of her body odor... (´π`)

Reference: 2024/06/26(Wed) 21:13:39

12255. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2024/06/26(Wed) 22:43:51          
> Cute! Now I'm imagining a scenario of Tomoko getting dressed for 
> swimming with her friends and getting anxious of whether she should take 
> a shower first because of her body odor... (´π`)

Remember to always take a shower before entering the pool and to attack 
all who don't!!!
Literally just rinsing off helps so much, let alone a proper soapy 

You don't need to be clean, you just need to not be dirty in the pool.

Reference: 2024/06/26(Wed) 21:39:12

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